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Everything posted by Zerothemaster

  1. the drink of freaking champions
  2. I just voted for the mix I thought was better. My mix was poorly mastered, and yours was better. Unless you really think mine was better (lol that's a funneh thought) you can vote for yourself :P

  3. well if you ever need assistance in the compo I sure don't have to worry about a conflict of interest.

  4. stop whining. At least you have votes plural. why yes this has been a depressing round for me... how did you guess
  5. Well I used a non-battle track and no one is voting against me because of it. They're voting against me because I decided to make a track that's crap.
  6. there i fixed my first post
  7. I wish I didn't have to use the arp bend every note, but that's what the instrument did and I'm not proficient enough to figure out how to get it to go away. I didn't think that transition was too rough, but who am i but a inconsistent derpstick And it could be really bad popwise, I really need someone to show me how to master/final mix stuff because I always end up with either to quiet or too poppy stuff. I can't hear pops, which is really fraking annoying, and I don't want to just turn the mix down cuz then it's really quiet compared to everything else also that dubstep part is a secret guest theme that I just stuck in there for the jollies of it. I wonder if anyone recognizes it o hey i won yay for me
  8. There is a limit, but it's not too bad. I have a 5 min song and it got in there fine. I wanna say the limit is 200megs. Don't quote me.
  9. We've gone over this a lot. The general consensus is that they ARE very close, but a lot of people are leaning to Briggzy (I think that production value has been a factor.)
  10. O.o WELL IM GONNA WRING THE LIFE OUTTA YOU haha. I did it In other news I sent darke my mix.
  11. arright WAKE IMMA GONNA SMASH YOU LIKE A BUG wait i'm the bug crap
  12. TIME FOR ME TO CORNER THE MARKET ON MEGAMAN TRAX trolololo Freeze Man - Mega Man 7 Everything about this remix just screams winter at me, from the chill arpeggios to the lead instrument that just sounds like freaking christmas. Frost Man - Mega Man 8 I love Frost Man, from his big icy body to his stupid looking feet. And with the verbed clangs and the chill trumpets and DAT BASS, there's nothing in this song that's not winter. I love the lead. It just sounds like ice. And DAT BASS v2.0. I don't know why this sounds so much like winter to me, honestly. I think it's the arpeggios that wander from one side of the phones to the other, and that bent chord that everything's built around... Oh, it makes me feel so happy. THIS IS THE BEST SONG IN THE BATTLE NETWORK SERIES. I CANNOT SAY ENOUGH HOW *cough cough haaack* ow... sorry, but I really like this song, with the cold leads, the chords, the bass... everything just makes me feel cold. X3 ...why do I have to explain them all? They're all wintery for the same reason! ;_; Chill leads and arps that make me shiver and DAT BASS v3.0. I mean, it's freaking Chill Penguin! Imma gonna stop there for now
  13. Glacial Age is a good track, but it wasn't great and was kinda meandery. But even then, he took advantage of the crits and came out the next round with "Northern Lights", which is freakin amazing, and the commenters said that he (along with me ) was the most improved artist from our first round to the second round (my track was too long, too much, and too idiotic ) the moral of the story is NEVER GIVE UP TRISM NEVER NEVER BEAVER
  14. If I let a little thing like better opponents stop me, I'd still be sucking on the bottom of a pool somewhere in flagstaff. Don't ask. Dont give up
  15. Totally, dude.

    btw, if you ever want to collab on somthin, just poke me. :)

  16. my short, ineffectual, and frankly uninteresting to anyone reasons why I voted since I can't say in the thing: InferiorG's track was good, and I enjoyed it, but Pathetic Villain hit that vein in me that loves sexy glitch tracks, so I couldn't vote any other way. Potatoes Macintosh's track has such a funky flow it makes me happy. JackLzrd71's wasn't bad, but didn't really make me feel any emotions while listening... The vocals on BLT's track kinda ruined it for me, which sucks cuz I really like Flame Stag. Mrs. M's(or should I call you Momma Luigi?) feels short, but hits that chord I love in so much of his stuff... that cold, wintery ambiance. I really loved your mix gentlemanTameWater, it really satisfied by love of melancholy electronica. But... but... but... Bangy-man Blarghs's mix, man. I'm drowning in all the freaking funk. Anywho, I can't wait till next week's competition that everyone is waiting for: imAsleep vs. Derpthestupididiot! PS holy crap Divination I want more! D:
  17. I think I might variate my drums some more, but I'm basically done.
  18. I dunno about Darke, but here's my spots... for sprites, I usually go to Sprites Inc, they usually have whatever I need. Also, The Mega Man Network has a huge gallery of basically every official (actually official ) piece of art from the MM series. http://www.themmnetwork.com/gallery/ http://www.sprites-inc.co.uk/
  19. More than likely Because yours will sound good and mine will sound like ass
  20. I'm finished with the writing... just need to polish it up. CHIPTUNE DRUMNBASS CHOIRS VIOLINS BLAHHHHHHHHHHH
  21. Well then blame MMKB for not saying it was fanart. I wouldn't have known if you didn't say. Also I'm only assuming he got it from MMKB. But it seems likely since he didn't know it was fanart.
  22. Well, it's the pic that is shown on the Nana article in the Knowledge Base. http://megaman.wikia.com/wiki/Nana I think he just stylized it and saturated it.
  23. I can't tell if my 5 minutes of music is full of badassery... or just assery. Um... Can I ask people to give it a listen to tell how crap it is and perhaps how to make it less crap? Or is that against the rules?
  24. I have made about a minute of stuff already and I have no clue what I'm doing Actually structuring a breakbeat? screw that, I'm just gonna randomly place stuff in fl
  25. Hm. I'm up against the one person in the bracket I've never heard of. And he has the theme of a sponge. Hm.
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