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Everything posted by Zerothemaster

  1. I personally was filled with feelings of "d'awww" but that is just me.
  2. Yeah mate, what arcade game was he in lol
  3. I use fl studio and I make something similar to the sound of an arse. But also stuff ranging from sampled hiphop to chippy crap to dnb to horror soundscapes. and a novice plzzzzzz
  4. I would say that we need more SH remixes, it's just that Akira Yamaoka's score is less musical notes and more taking a hammer to a banjo or edited dentist's tools. Still, we need more remixes of Laura's theme. PS this is really nice, reminds me of those nursery rhymes in the Dead Space games.
  5. I know that Killian is involved somehow (either in dev or in pr or somthin), and also pro gamer Clockwerk is helping balance as well. I just always thought the fighting system looked dumb, but I think a friend was going to get the beta so I'm gonna see if I can play it with him sometime. But hey at least Parappa's in it durrr
  6. as much as it is some kind of monster, that kitty in the pic is SO CUTE X3
  7. Sadly I also don't have the funds to run for president and then sentence stevo to death either, so just paying seems like a better option atm. and Nathan might not have lectured him on being an arsehole if David just payed Uriah for Bathsheba
  8. dat laptop is like bathsheba on the rooftop and im king david i just don't know if i have 180 bucks to spare
  9. Baaaaaaaaaaastion. VVVVVV. Jaaaaaamestown. Suuuuuuuperbrothers. basically.
  10. apparantly i said this out of my arse derp
  11. ^this. The comics of Sonic have NOTHING to do with the games (thus why a lot of really cool characters have never appeared in the games, like Julie-Su or Sally Acorn, or all the amazing echidnas from the non-canon comics... like Lien-Da... ...perhaps i should actually read the comics before going all nerdtastic about it *facepalm
  12. Hey Nutz,

    Do you still have that collection of VSTs for Synth1 that you made? I'd really like to get my hands on it. :D

  13. where is the like button. that was in all caps once, but apparently I have to use my inside voice *shhhh*
  14. I listened to Ecstasy Curb and was like "Well, that's a pretty obvious sample lol" srsly this is frikin amazin
  15. It just doesn't seem weird in a cartoony way, it just makes me say "how does that make sense?" I guess I just am too picky
  16. Hm. For some reason, when I think about great F1 designs, I don't think of the Tyrrell P34. I dunno, maybe I'm just weird It seems to have finished well, though.
  17. Why the hell does her car have six wheels that makes no sense :/
  18. I'm just waiting for you to win the final via dropout and all the other matches too
  19. i refuse to wish you a happy birthday. happy birthday
  20. i do not believe it is possible to engage in sexual relations with a piece of music
  21. Some ones from specific games, since we have a Melee section: Hyper - Variant of Super exclusive to the Marvel vs. Capcom series. DHC - Delayed Hyper Combo. Exclusive to the Marvel vs. Capcom series, a DHC is done when one character's Hyper attack is interrupted by another character on their team switching in and doing his or her own hyper combo. Switch In/Out - In fighting games that use tag teams, switching a character in or out is when one character moves onto the field to replace the character who is currently fighting, who moves off the field. Tag Team - In fighting games, a team of two or more fighters who switch in and out during the battle.
  22. Broken - Overpowered. OP - Abbreviation of overpowered. Sidescroller - A game that occurs on a 2d plane and gradually scrolls to the side to show more of the level. See Super Mario Bros. or Mega Man. Platformer - A game that is designed around (or has elements of) leaping from platform the platform skillfully. See Portal or Super Mario Bros. RPG - Role Playing Game, a game where the player steps into the shoes of a protagonist, dictating their movements and guiding the story. See Final Fantasy or Pokemon. FPS - First Person Shooter, a game where the action is shown from a first person point of view, "through the eyes" of the player-character. See Battlefield, Call of Duty, Halo or Half-Life Player-character - The character in the story that the player controls. NPC - Non-Player character, any character in the story that the player does not control. Random Encounter - A battle that occurs randomly when traversing a game area. A common aspect of RPGs. Experience - A common aspect of MMORPGs and RPGs, experience is usually gained through fighting enemies and other things and is the main way to level up a character. Level up - To raise your player's abilities through training. MMORPG - Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, a variant of the RPG that makes use of online play and playing with other players, forming guilds and parties to fight larger enemies. Also called "MMOs" or "MMORPGers" (pronounced "mm-or-puh-gurz"). See World of Warcraft. Guild - A group of players (usually in MMORPGs) who have banded together to help make each other stronger and help each other out. Scrub - In fighting games, a player who uses a high-tier or spammable character, and overuses certain cheap attacks. Is not usually an effective strategy. Tier - In fighting games, tiers are a way for the players to define which characters are the best to use and which are the worst. They usually involve in-depth study of advanced concepts like frames per attack, dash speed, the amount of hits before they become stunned, and attack speed. Point-and-click - a genre of games, generally in the style of adventure games, that were popular in the late 80s-early 90s. Generally exclusive to computers (such as the Commodore 64), these games involve point at and clicking on objects in the game to find out about them, pick them up, and use them to progress through the game. Some would include combat, but it was usually either turn-based or very clunky. Adventure games - A genre of games, usually point-and-click, but not exclusively, that involve searching for clues to progress through a game. Good examples include Tales of Monkey Island and the Sherlock Holmes series of games. Turn-based combat - A convention brought over from the world of dice-based fantasy games, turn-based combat involves two or more fighters in an arena (either physical or metaphorical) taking turns to attack each other, heal each other (and themselves), and buff each other's stats. See Final Fantasy Series. GOTTA TAKE A BREAK D:
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