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Everything posted by Zerothemaster

  1. I have made a Fantasy baseball league on cbssports. WE NEED TEN TEAMS, SO EVERYONE SHOULD JOIN. It's a simple 5x5 rotisserie league, so weekly points are defined by 10 different areas of stats, and it's both AL and NL players. You'll need to create a cbssports account then you can search the list of leagues for OCR. The league that pops up should be the one. The password is "allhaildjpretzel". I have it set to an automated draft the day before the season starts (3/30). Here's a link, i hope: http://freemeeting.1.baseball.cbssports.com/meeting/byname?name=OCR There is a rank list of players that you'll be able to edit but... I haven't located it yet. When you do edit it, that'll be your preference list that the draft will go off of. I'll find it eventually, but my internet's buggering on me right now. This should be the link to join cbssports: http://www.cbssports.com/fantasy Hope to see you all there! EDIT: Found the link to edit ranked lists. http://freemeeting.1.baseball.cbssports.com/rank
  2. Nothing's stopping you from starting now! I didn't even know they had this lol but they do Good old Brandon, I can never tell when you're being serious, facetious or both Even if I just have four teams I'd start a fantasy Baseball league. We're at two or three right now And I'd be happy to do football when the season kicks back up lol And you don't have to be very serious As I said, nothing in-depth, just something basic
  3. Just a thought that popped into my head today. Are there any sporty types on OCR that would want to play in a simple fantasy sports league? Like, say, Fantasy Baseball? Not like, super sabermetrics-WAR-Bill James stuff, just a casual league of OCR guys. I seem to think it'd be fun I'd be happy to set it up as well People Interested: Flexstyle (Football, perhaps Baseball) Xarnax42 (Football, perhaps other things) Zerothemaster (Baseball, willing to try anything) ectogemia (MMA)
  4. I am now [ocr]zeroishtar bow before your master
  5. I'm now ZeroIshtar. And on Chanel No. 2 And if you make a team Theory I'll join it I'll even bring my own rattata I wish I had a hat ;_;
  6. you do know that that was made by Suda 51, right? Their relationship is like the relationship of a grizzly bear and a shower stall. There is none.
  7. y iz you antagonising me mirby i turned in my track a month ago :(

  8. work on what? you had told me it was good, that's why. has something come up since then?

  9. if you tell me to, i guess

  10. your sig is the best sig... ever

  11. #burn #teammateswag i actually like pikmin
  12. yeah man screw that starcraft crap, i'm running AoE II: Age of Kings all the freakin way the soundtrack to my frikin childhood
  13. I'm pretty sure everyone will be remixing Starcraft this round.
  14. oh, just read the .txt in the folder, and my source was Green Hill Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog, not On to Grasstown from Cave Story.
  15. I just like being able to down whiskey and other alcohols without too much of a negative effect. And battling possessed cans of tomatoes. that too.
  16. Boobass is teh BEST it's got that FUNK that DRIVE it's got dat BOOM BOOM POW, ya hear what I'm sayin? seriously I love boobass I really do
  17. you have to use ZE MAGICKS. like boobass
  18. this. You make music cuz you want to make music. I'm too timid to even submit anything to OCR, but I keep making stuff and, sure, I get people who say it's bad, and I feel like crap for a while, but I keep trying. If YOU want to make music, do it. What WE want doesn't matter in the least.
  19. I prefer to breed as many damn animals as I can. WARTHOGS. THEY'RE WORSE THAN RABBITS. I think I had some 50+ at one point in a tiny little cage.
  20. im not sure if i should be offended by this or not ...probably not
  21. That is not nearly enough said, I really want to hear your reasoning. Jamestown is a bullet-hell, and while I found such games an interesting little sidenote, I never really thought of them as something I'd be good at (since I'm bad at really simple games ) But I played it and thought it was a hoot. Then I played it with a friend and it was even hootier. Shank turned me off a little with the blood and gore, but I fell in love with the smooth as silk controls and combos. There's nothing quite like slicing a bastard into the air then shooting him so much that he falls off the train.
  22. Wait, what did I use? I'm pretty sure I checked the list for everything I used... EDIT: awww crap soundgoodizer... grahhh im sorry I didn't check that one fuuuuuu
  23. I'm sure there's a programmed override for something like that. I'm by no means an expert
  24. But at least some of those demos will either delete themselves when opened on a demo version or randomly drop out sound because they hate puppies and the smiles on children's faces.
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