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Everything posted by DimeTower

  1. Since this source should go on the top-10 of "songs with incredible remix potential" - and I'd place it pretty high up this list, behind maybe only Schala's Theme - I have to give the remixer props on the spot-on handling of the sfx by placing it in the context of the song. I never felt like I was just being hit with sfx for the sake of sfx, if that makes sense - the handling of 2:05, particularly with the finish at 2:25, is a great example of this and left me very impressed. There's a lot going on here, and a distinct take on the theme, which should be all the more significant for the source. Well done!
  2. This isn't even my style and I still bow to the gorgeous handling of this tune. The first minute is actually my favorite, but the whole song is just one smooth walk through a serene forest. Really enjoyed it!!
  3. Come for the emotion. Stay for the developing musical arc, the interweaving piano/string sections (like at 1:47), and the beautiful transitions (like 2:50-3:05). Anyone who can't get over what are totally sufficient drums missed the entire point and need to remain outside.
  4. For all that is good, at least make it to 1:30. Fantastic ability to stay up on top of the melody and deliver the power that your guitar sections want. Guitar for Scars of Time was also excellent! I feel like there was even more interweaving between these themes possible, but that shouldn't detract from the good stuff here - it's great!
  5. It may be years late, but to the remixer: you should know that you created something that has given people joy for years, and continues to do so. Pristine.
  6. Gorgeous. Evocative. If you put this on in the background, you'll be amazed at how often you find yourself swaying along with the feel; sections like 4:45-5:19 are just masterfully constructed and deliver with all the feel of someone who obviously loves and cherishes the source. An easy and beautiful ride!
  7. This may not be my favorite source, but I must pay homage to the quality of the handling of this mix. It comes across as crisp and superbly delivered; 1:50-2:15 are emblematic of how on top of the delivery the remixer is. Everything is purposely executed and delivered, with creativity (through multiple subsections) to boot. Style differences need not hamper a nod to the impressive skillset shown here.
  8. Tremendous. Almost like the song, this remix is a quiet, peaceful success that will leave you feeling happy and rejuvenated. Serious points for the amazing translation into a constructed language - it comes across so naturally that I (unfamiliar with the source language) easily assimilated it into the feel of a remix. You absolutely nailed all the goals you set out to meet in this piece, and the result is fantastic - well done!!
  9. I'm going to back Crulex here - I think the overarching element that I find I really like is how the remixer is able to interweave a quieter, darker dnb in with the melodic elements - 2:20-2:40 really stand out for me as a great example. I iimagine that, for some people who like dark ambience, dnb/dubstep is not what they want, and for some who like a harder dubstep, melodic overlay is just distracting. But I want the remixer to know that this works - it's a really good, unique interpretation of the tune, and I found myself hitting repeat a couple of times on it just to hear its interesting interweaving of the styles. Give this a spin - it's a unique take with great execution!
  10. Congratulations - I love hearing stories about remixes being a labor of love, and then listening to the remix and having it live up to everything and then some. All the respect and passion for the source come through perfectly, and the mix is downright beautiful to listen to. The mix is so well-balanced that I wasn't even ready for the ending; I thought I had at least another couple minutes to enjoy! Beautiful! As a side note, you've inspired me to go check out this game. Just another side benefit... Again, congratulations!
  11. Get your hands on this one - this remix is oozing with vision and effort in equal parts. When you can take a song this well-known and this defined and turn it into something that is both brand new and instantly familiar, you've done something truly special. And good heavens, the quality. It is SO good, particularly the section at 3:30 that reminds me of a light wind blowing through a field of chimes, and the gorgeous harmonies flowing into 4:22 and into the ending. That section will transport you. My heavens, what a song. All the props in the world on this one. My favorite take I've ever heard on the theme.
  12. You don't get a better argument for the leniency of live performance than this mix. There's the occasional interpretation or meld that doesn't work for a few moments, but the delivery and immediacy of the overall piece delivers moments that you just won't hear anywhere else. The flute in particular really flows in this piece, and the minimalist sections (such as 2:00) are only topped by some of the better harmonies around 3:45+. You simply are not going to get a mix like this without impressive live collaboration from all parts. A gorgeous, raw, emotional take on a song that already had emotion to spare! I will be checking this group out!
  13. YES. YES. 1000x YES. I love Doom and I love LotR, and let me tell you, I was skeptical heading into this piece - I couldn't imagine doing justice to either, much less coming up with something that built on both and created a single sound. I stated being swayed in the first minute; by the time we hit 1:30, I was fully on board. I hear the varied range but think it's directly in line with the source material and style; in this case, I count it as a plus, not a minus. REALLY impressive, right down from the initial vision (how in the world did the remixer even conceive of this as an idea?!) to the execution right into the finish (4:55+ is epic in its own right!!). Unique? Check. Sweeping? Check. Grand? Check. Memorable? Check. Congratulations; you've done both sources proud.
  14. Wait wait wait. A dubstep version that doesn't drown out the original melody from a melodic piece?! Fantastic! A well-executed vision by the remixer; I never lost the Legend of Zelda feel, but simultaneously enjoyed some of the work that you put over (under?) it. Enjoyable and thoughtful. A very nice debut!
  15. There's no way this is a debut mix - not one with such an emphasis on touch and feel! I can't believe it! First off, it's immediately obvious of the knowledge and respect for the source the remixer has - this take has care and touch woven all through it. I'll argue with djpretzel (and on the side of Enumerator) and say that this is absolutely metal; you don't need to melt the listener's ears off to be metal, and indeed, the beautiful handling of the back half of the remix is a resonant, nearly spiritual arrangement, one that I envision fits with a truly special ceremony performed once a year atop the mountain. Deeply powerful and evocative, but in a unique style and handled with a grace beyond the stated experience. Major props!
  16. God Bless America, if you wanted SFX you are going to get it right in the face. Truly, and I know this sounds odd, I'm glad the Remixer went the whole way. Any less would have been an annoying amount of SFX; by going whole hog, it truly transforms to an arrangement that knows what it is and delivers in its own kooky way. Also props for the pacing and adjustments as it continues. Bonus props for the ending, which made me laugh. Well-delivered!
  17. This is a first timer's effort?? There's a rock bluegrass band I love called the "Rusty Guns" and this sounds like something that they would strive for. Man, the whole song comes across as someone easing back and relaxing with their favorite banjo, a tapping foot, and a swig of smooth whiskey. Incredible work by the remixer on this one!!
  18. Oh man, I was listening to this as I was reading the writeup and I was like "Damn, I've nailed my thoughts on this one already!" only for Joel to ruin it by calling it out. But it must be mentioned: it's literally like you invited a bunch of 1960's era musicians and whoever showed up were the ones who got to go ahead with the mix, and it comes together on sheer feel and movement in a glorious harmony of happiness. It's a roving band walking through the grasses on a sunlit day and all the monsters are many levels below you. Great, unique feel!
  19. Girls grow and the world changes, but this mix hints that the lightly swaying branches over the Pure Land remain eternal.
  20. There is no way you should be able to take a piece like this and make it sound this svelte. Gods, even the rocking parts at the end are smooth. Damn, guys.
  21. By the gods, what a piece. 1:30-2:45 is just a beautiful example of how a piece can be moving and ominous without needing a lot of heavy, dark percussion thumping out all over the place - the thoughtful flow and delicate, precise handling of the melodies just shine in that section. But, if you want to get to some epic, cinematic evilness (that still has the flair and elegance befitting Kuja), stay tuned - the last minute will fulfill all your needs. Bonus points for the quiet, alarming ending, bringing this back full circle. An absolute A+ entry that I thought really helped define the album. MAJOR PROPS to the remixer on this one!!!
  22. Really enjoy this take on Hunter's Chance. More range, more intrigue than a "normal" heavy metal take on the source. This mix keeps you on your toes, and I found myself really appreciating the stylistic choices by the remixer. Interesting handling of 2:43-3:33, as it starts very true-source and around 3:03 things start really going off the rails, in the best way. Lots of little sections to love in a piece like this. Great stuff!!!
  23. OCRemix continues to delight. Would never have found this type of music, or this artist, without it. With a piece like this - which sounds like it belongs in the climactic end of a major movie production - I felt like I was exploring a dark castle with a flickering lantern whose light failed to penetrate the unnatural darkness all around me. Gorgeous. I'll be checking out the original work of the artist immediately. I don't know anyone else who provides ambience like this. Tremendous.
  24. ANY Final Fantasy mix is going to, for me, already set the bar pretty high. FF IV is going to set that bar even higher. When I hear that the remixer is intimately familiar with the source, now I'm expecting some real care and love in this remix. Whatever doubts I had were wiped out in the first 1:19. What a wonderful, wonderful opening, where there was nowhere to hide in over-layered instrumentation; there is only the quality of the handling of a quiet, powerful take on the very core theme of the game. And the mood of the remix is really, for me, what makes this such an enjoyable listen; it's evocative, moving, and laden with emotion. Special props for 2:45+, where the percussion drops out and it's just a beautiful walk into a gorgeous sunset. Good heavens, this made 3 minutes just fly by, since I spent it transported to another world in another time. Thanks so much to the remixer for the journey. You've done FF IV proud.
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