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Everything posted by DimeTower

  1. Years late, a re-link to this gem allows me the chance to write what I should have written years ago - that I've been listening to this mix for all that time. Wonderful, elegant interpretation of a really underused theme. A tremendous piece. Truly, thanks for all the enjoyment over that time.
  2. Chill. Easy. Fun. Man, just a click-and-enjoy here. Love it.
  3. By the musical gods, this is suave!! Have loved it on Balance and Ruin as an easy-listening piece with some flair for fun, PARTICULARLY the sweet flute starting at 2:15. This sounded like it was fun to play, which is a great compliment to the quality of the arrangement. Well done!
  4. Lovely. Obviously someone who cared a great deal about the game and the original soundtrack took care of this one - the touch is delicate, the spacing intimate. Well played.
  5. My ears are melting with awesomeness!! Man, I love the choice of track and its treatment - it really does a great job holding onto the main concept while also making it so much more metal. Bonus points for the almost Doom-esque 2:30-3:02 section, which increased my interest, and let me really start thrashing at 3:02+. 3:30-3:48 is probably section of the whole piece - how hardcore is that section!?! Well done team!
  6. So I came back to this after your most recent remix and the fact that I have "I Had A Name" as one of my top remixes of the year. And here, I find a different style that is somehow just as awesome as some of your other work. Wow, man. Color me impressed.
  7. I don't know what was going on with all the sample discussion - all I know is how this piece makes me feel, and this mix is transportive and resonant.Major props for the depth here; I really felt like I was on a journey during the piece. Well done!!
  8. This is really going to reward the careful listener. While it may not immediately grab the attention of the casual drop-in, focus on the way this piece is constructed rewards in all kinds of neat ways. It's like a Zelda treasure box that has way more in it than you guessed. I enjoy this piece!
  9. I can barely believe what I'm listening to. Talk about having a difficult concept to pull off, and then CRUSHING that. Wow. Just wow. A must listen.
  10. So first and foremost: MAJOR props for the arranging. I love the fact that the arrangment doesn't try to fight the instruments of your group, but rather, works with them to bring your unique sound to the forefront. Unique and a fantastic accomplishment to handle these songs sans guitar and yet still imbibe them with the feeling and urgency that runs throughout! The unique structure of the bass underlying the violin, such as 2:20-2:40, really stands out. I went and checked out this group after I was so impressed by their effort - they've done some other impressive ones too. I recommend it.
  11. After listening to this for years and years, I'm listening again tonight, and realize I never posted my appreciation - so I went and re-found this posting. No one may ever read it now, more than a decade later, but know that you took many to a special place with this: a ruined, abandoned future of wind and cold rain, of hunger and loss. Truly, truly, truly special. Thank you.
  12. I have to say, I'm surprised at how catchy this is given how disparate the sources are - NEVER did I consider 'Sorrow and Loss' to be capable of this kind of translation. Impressive and well done.
  13. A rare time where I feel the judges were too harsh; the (admittedly minor) critiques I put at the 'picking nits' level, and more importantly, had little to do with the goal of the song, which comes through spectacularly and vibrantly. My goodness, I thought there were multicolored lights shining through all my nighttime windows! I even appreciated the explanation on the uplifting nature of the song. A joy to listen to this joyous tune!!
  14. Good heavens. I dare anyone to listen to this and not be immediately taken in by the attention to detail, the unique feel, and the vibrancy that suffuses the entire piece. I feel like I wandered into a jazz club where everyone was wearing Mega Man outfits. Some of my favorite sections (like 2:45-3:02) and the offbeat bluffs (~3:23) are so fun with their purposefully staccato and in-between-breaths nature. Really, really unique and refreshing. A major piece here.
  15. A beautiful mix. At 1:15 I realized I was in for something truly moving and evocative... and I don't even know the source material. At times powerful and at times a sort of distant lament, I give this song full marks. 3:45 to the finish is goose-bump inducing and finishes in one of the saddest trails I've ever heard. Wow. Beautiful work by RoeTaka. Get this mix.
  16. I was very impressed at how well this song adapted to trance! I don't care if it's 7 years later, it's the first time I've heard the song... and it brought me a smile. Well done!
  17. I don't even know the source material, and now I'm so happy I checked this out. I love the feel and the mixing of the cellos - what a fantastic sound. I was fascinated by the video too - the mix of being able to watch the actual performances and source notes was astounding!! I am checking out the rest of this album!!
  18. A beautiful mix. I love Sonic The Hedgehog, but the Labyrinth Zone is one of my least-favorite themes, so to take that and turn it into... into.... this is an even more impressive accomplishment. I turned my head and was surprised not to find a drink in my hand! Man, you can feel the tension drain out of you if you kick back and close your eyes during this mix... how many songs can say that?? A quality entry here. You have done honor to the passed with the dedication.
  19. I don't know the original source material, but I just keep coming back to this arrangement. Gorgerously haunting. A must-listen.
  20. Well, this thing starts off reminding you where it's coming from, then starts building on pieces, adding new textures, and in little time things start coming at you from odd angles and . Breaks (like around 2:55) that end up not being breaks at all before taking a sharp left turn (like 3:30) are the pounding, half-cyborg heart of this really odd mix. I'll echo Chimpazilla's thoughts in that the speed up parts (like 4:10-4:25) actually detracted from the mix; the sections before and after them often either A) rocked, captured my ear with unique and interesting takes, or C) smoothed things out only to get even zanier from there on that I feel the speed-up sections could easily be cut with only increased enjoyment on my part... but that's just one Tower's opinion! Indeed, the strength of this mix is its uniqueness. Props for the ideas and newness of this effort!
  21. A lot of people might not have this kind of mix as their cup of tea, but credit where credit's due - an elegant, beautiful take on the source themes. Edward's theme dominates, which is really fine - it's a theme begging for this kind of treatment, and this was handled with touch and panache, as well as a really neat combo with FF XII. Truly a song worthy of Edward playing a lonely harp over a moonlit lake!
  22. If you don't know the source tunes, this might be unlistenable (depending on taste). If you DO know the source tunes, buckle up and hang on - what a unique, bending, totally on the edge arrangement. Truly felt like it was telling a story of battling to survive, barely surviving, getting healthy, getting hurt again, NOT surviving, and then moving onto a mellow afterlife. Excellent, unique, intriguing - a great piece.
  23. Ok, so I admit that my expectations for this remix (an odd take on a source tune I didn't particularly love?) did not necessarily give me the warm fuzzies. I hit play and decided to give it a minute... which was good enough to try a second minute... which I loved and wanted to hear more... and by the end I was just floored. The description that goes with the music really is perfect - a must read - and the unique and singular nature of the dance of instruments and fun, not-too-serious vibe was a SMASHING success. Really unique and special - give this mix a listen!!!
  24. Nice and soft, with just a bit of Chirstmas inkling to a pretty straightfoward take on the tune. Nice touch at 2:22. The kind of song that's meant to be on in the background while you sit with your loved one looking at a warm fire.
  25. Boy, what a unique take. The staccato section really does catch your ear, but I actually enjoyed getting lost in the flowing (yet distinct hits) of the vibraphone. I feel that working within one instrument really allows some writing/playing talent to come to the forefront, and this mix has it in spades - what a joy to listen to the purity of this track, considering it takes the well-known source and gives it all kinds of character and interesting direction. Impressive!!
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