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Everything posted by DimeTower

  1. I don't care what you think about the autotune (I think it's fine, don't love it, don't hate it), but the lyrics, damn, anyone who has played FF7 should recognize the amazing depth to these! Man, "no matter what I'll always hold your hand" is tremendous for the Barret/Dyne backstory. Really great lyrics here. For a song this vocal, that's a huge win! Well done!
  2. I don't even particularly like jazz and I found this to be a great mix! Seriously, beautiful handling of the theme - I got swept into this despite my best intentions. Felt like I was at an easy bar with a nice cocktail. Jazzy enough to call it Jazz-ass, indeed!
  3. One of my favorite original tracks, which might make you think I'm predisposed to a positive review, but I came in slightly worried and doubtful about how the description would bear out in the sound. I needn't have worried; damn, this song is well done! The interplay of the bass and melody is really impressive if you take the time to listen to it, and this is obviously done by someone with an appreciation for Secret of Mana in general, as the tune is handled reverently but also brought to fun new places. Serious kudos to the artist, particularly since it's the first(?!) time with a new instrument (you would never know it if you weren't told it). I will be checking your website and other work!
  4. Man, this is so unique! I feel like I'm wandering through a fun house mirror version of both themes at night, and I mean that as a compliment. Really original and fun - this is definitely worth a full listen! Great effort here.
  5. Transcendental. Wavy and airy at times, rocking at others. It's like you took a really good version of this theme, and THEN said, "Hey, give me the coolest solo guitar work you can imagine over the top of this and never let that solo stop, but also you're never allowed to just play random notes, you need to have a purpose." And the result is this. Wonderful. Made the mix feel like it was 1 minute long, and that's a compliment to it's transportive nature.
  6. Wow is this a fun track!! I really, really enjoy the beat and progression here - it's unique, it's fun and I never knew what was coming next. But even better, this isn't just a bunch of haphazard sections; the whole song flows wonderfully as a cohesive unit, and the feel and musical choices are infectious. Bonus props for making a wind-down ending fit perfectly into the larger song. A great, unique listen and way more enjoyable than I could have guessed!! Please, more like this!!
  7. Interesting! This reminds me of a more battle-oriented version of something that, thematically, could fit right into Okami and not sound out of place. Props for making the battle cries integrate smoothly into the context. While the ending threw me off just a little, that may be a lack of source knowledge from myself. Regardless, enjoyable and cohesive.
  8. WOW. All the drum parts were live?!? The main theme is simultaneously easily recognizable and completely different from what I'm expecting?? Something originally cheery and airy can do metal??? I really can't believe how quality this remix is. The sliding from hard metal to quick, light pullbacks that ultimately all meet up in the last minute is nothing short of invigorating. What an exciting, unique accomplishment. I loved it. Don't know how I missed the original post of this. So happy I went back and checked up on it. MAJOR props.
  9. Very nice!! Props to the artist for both picking a piece that lends itself nicely to this style, and then executing it beyond just a "hey, I did this song" front. Smooth transitions and overall feel, it really does seem like a cohesive vision and the whole thing goes down easy like a nice drink. Impressed!
  10. When I think of a first song, I often weigh the ups more than the downs, because what I'm really looking for is talent. And man, you've got it. I can't speak to the quality of the samples - others can do that with more authority/experience/desire - but you've got sections here that really piqued my interest from a design and overall sound standpoint. The 2:30 section on really shows this in my opinion, and does a fun job working with and around the expected mainline. Excited to see more in the future!
  11. I like this! An original take on a familiar source, and I have to admit some admiration for how you found an instrument selection that seems to enhance the feel of what was already there. At parts it really reminds me of Okami, which is a very good thing. The mix starts pretty close to the vest, but 2:15-3:15 really shows some flair and some nice overlaying of melody and harmonies. No idea what Tuberz was going on about, unless they're trolling - this is a really good piece and even more impressive as a debut! Well done!
  12. I am now in "Run, Do Not Walk" territory for everything from RoeTaka, a status gained not by nailing one song but consistently providing mixes that truly move the listener. The ability for this song to surge forward and fall back, the beautiful use of background melody and quiet harmonies is truly amazing. 2:22-3:05 are a gorgeous example of how a song can 'lessen' in sound but actually intensify in feel and delivery, allowing the back half to build more strongly than before. This series and this remixer are well matched like few I have seen. Great stuff here.
  13. Good work here! I like the effort and feel of the piece. It has a 'rough' sound which comes across as 100% purposeful and gives the mix some character. I enjoyed it!
  14. This take on the original version is actually very mild; I find the basic melody and lines underwhelming for what is a pretty fun source, but I understand the goal, which is to let the original play the background to some solo work. And goodness, it's great solo work. If you want to appreciate some great play over a well-known background, you've come back to the right place - each solo is better than the last and fits remarkably well with the overall theme. Nice work.
  15. Major props to this artist! I found this mix instantly engaging and interesting despite my lack of knowledge of the source, and the narrative provided just heightened my enjoyment. Really great work here - like mentioned above, the piece plays longer than it actually is, which is usually a knock on a big mix but deserves all kinds of accolades here. Unique - engaging - impressive!!
  16. I might not know the source, but I know a fun, upbeat mix when I hear it! This is easy and fun, and by the gods, this DOES remind me of Sonic. A happier Chemical Plant, perhaps?
  17. Man, RoeTaKa has turned into one of those remixers that when a new remix drops, I hit 'Play' before I check out the game, song, or description. He is just crushing these emotive, powerful mixes over his last five or so submissions. For this one in particular, extra props for the feeling of the song on a long, slow, meaningful crescendo right to the end. Fantastic!!
  18. If this is the remixer's first work, than extra props are called for. I love that the piece both evokes and continues the mood of the original - a lot of people can do pumped up aggression or a lilting melody, but a dark, atmospheric tune like this has real power in the right hands. I particularly enjoyed the layered background entrances of 2:45-3:45, where it just got better and more powerful into 3:49's crescendo. I loved the piece and the touch. Please do more.
  19. An impressive effort here and interesting debut! Yes, this might not be for everyone - the pace strikes me as surprisingly quick for an ambient track - but I applaud some of the ideas and variance (2:30+ really perked up my ears and 6:05+ is supremely enjoyable) throughout the piece. Ever since CotMM's ancient-but-still-gorgeous Ruined World (Eternal Derelict) ambient take on A Desolate World, I've had a special appreciation for CT ambient soundscapes, and this has some really interesting and enjoyable touches in here. I second the quality of sound and ideas, and I actually think it is praiseworthy that this track seems to go by much faster than its actual runtime, if that makes any sense! Well done Zisotto!
  20. This isn't necessarily my style, but it doesn't need to be to comment that the artist feels in control of his off-beat, swinging version of this song. Sometimes I feel like I can't decide if its too close to the source or too far away, and I'm not a huge fan of the vocal samples, but there are sections (particularly the variations laid out 2:22-3:07) where I think this mix shines. Nice!
  21. What just happened? I can't decide if I'm impressed, confused, or just hungry! Props for a unique take!!
  22. This thing gets stronger and more rocking as it goes along. By 4 minutes in, I understand that some people might not like the length, but man, if you ever want to set aside 10 minutes to just say to hell with the world and want to ROCK IT ALL OUT, though I should note some of my favorite parts of this are some of the slower adjustments (including the ending!!). It's wonderful!! Major props to Fishy, who I had no idea could pull this kind of project together. WELL DONE SIR... you, and your efforts, have made many, many people who might never comment so happy. Many, many, many thanks.
  23. Man, and I thought nothing would ever rise towards The Rose General. Not that the songs are comparable, but an amazing voice, Latin, and some gorgeous harmonies??? A song that was never my favorite in the game just became one of my favorites on the album. So, so good. And while I know this is a musical site - that is one of the most fun and sweet videos for a song I've ever seen. The ending!!! She did all this herself?!?!? This artist never ceases to amaze.
  24. Okay, as soon as I heard that bonus high chord above the normal melody at 0:15 I knew I was in for something special. Ladies and gentlemen, give this song some time to develop and it will reward you. It's like being pulled slowly and inexorably into the dark night sky. Holy CRAP, 2:03 and beyond!!!! Absolutely wonderful. Can this be epic when it's so quiet and non-blowing-your-ears-out? The answer is yes.... yes it can.
  25. What a song!!! It's a crime that no one has replied on this remix - although I imagine most of the feedback is at the album level - but I still feel obligated to step up and mention this song by itself. This truly does an amazing job of putting your ear behind the melody, by which I mean the song's melody is right up in front of you but everything happening around it is astonishing and draws your attention. It's like being in a simple cart rolling down a simple track but the scenery and the surroundings keep changing and whirling and tilting and fading in and out. There are so many sections I love that it would be pointless to identify them because I'd just be doing the whole song!! What a unique, intriguing sound you've done here. Man, this kind of remix just adds such range and quality to an album! Congratulations to the author - huge success here!!
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