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Everything posted by JoeFu

  1. This is pretty weird... Oh well, sometimes change is for the better.
  2. I think it was worth the purchase. The game is really fun and the music is awesome. There is so much to do in the game. I just found out that there were extra items that you can find and always have on if you find them after a certain point. I just found radar always on. If you get 25 S ranks, you can get vacuum always on... That's so awesome. I really want to get eternal mode for some of the really fun levels too.
  3. FFIII please add me!!! I want to get the extra stuff! 5068 9032 6027
  4. Loser, who uses guides???
  5. That happens once in a while. Most likely a bluetooth problem because I've read stuff about the PS3 controller messing up too. Just turn off the console (hold power until red) Take out batteries and then try it again. That's what I do when it does that.
  6. NEW CODE! I don't like using the lite to play this game so I'm using my fat one to play it. New code is 0258 5769 4933
  7. OKAY! I WANT SOME SIDEQUESTS!!! ADD ME!!! I think I have mine posted here... LOOK DOWN TWO POSTS...
  8. Why is tag fun? I hate running around, but tag was fun when I was a kid. But still, if you don't think about it, it's fun. I suck at basketball, but playing it is fun. I like videogames, playing it is fun.
  9. Car rides and my bed is where I play my handhelds. I lose so much sleep because of my handheld.
  10. *Insert Battery life Joke* Anyways, I kinda want one just for a few games. I really want to try MGS:PO though.
  11. Still not anywhere near it though. I wouldn't take Nextgenwars worth a grain of salt. Not that I care that much about it, but fake numbers being thrown about are kinda dumb.
  12. I tried motorstorm today. It looked really pretty, but the framerate was slow... That's just the demo one right? I heard the one that came out in Japan ran at a nice frame rate. The demo had really bad framerate issues.
  13. Just FYI, NextGenwars or whatever that place is called is wrong. It uses some algorithm or something to "calculate" sales. Wii should be way over 2 million now. In Japan is has about 1 million, USA is at least 1.5.
  14. Is it just me, or do I smell ReMix in the air? Elebits is awesome and I found the soundtrack a while back. I'm almost done with the game. After I beat it I want to unlock eternal mode for my favorite levels. I think the ones in the town are awesome. A few later on are really fun too.
  15. Yes, use your mod powers Bahamut!!
  16. Not that I know of. It seems that you just get a different ball with bowling and that's it. I'm bored with the Wii atm, but I do only have 2 games(not counting Wii sports). Get Elebits! It's a really fun game.
  17. Yeah... you can do that, I'm pretty sure it's a "feature". Because there is a limited space for the channels they let you do that. Also, people thought they "cracked the VC", but it turns out each game was encoded with stuff that is specific to each wii. I thought this was old news?
  18. Well, Japan cares. That game has almost sold over 4 million in Japan already. That may be why they don't want people importing it. Maybe they need the game in Japan where it is actually on sale. EDIT: It seems YouTube works agian. I was just watching some Angry Video Game Nerd (or nintendo nerd) on it.
  19. Well, as long as daily motion works I'm alright with that. I just watched like 4 episodes of Robot Chicken with my brother, man it's awesome.
  20. I'm surprised at how fast this is. I hope they add a lot more stuff in the final version.
  21. You might wanna play FFXII for the PS2 first as Revenant Wings is a semi-sequel. I'll probably get around to it. I never beat a final fantasy game. I always get near the end and I just stop playing for some reason. On FF6 I got to the last part in the last game. Team split up and everything, just never beat it. If I do get into FFXII, I'll most likely stop somewhere for no apparent reason.
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