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Everything posted by Cash

  1. Why must one conclude that sexism is involved? Is your viewpoint based on actually asking women why they don't play games? Darangen's answer is a valid one, maybe it's because there aren't many games that appeal to women.
  2. I totally agree with that, they aren't equivalent at all. Nor do they cancel each other out. Murder is more serious than theft, but theft is still an issue. Maybe a bad example, but you get the idea.
  3. Just like male stereotypes in video games, they may not be as widespread, but they are still an issue. Certainly we can address issues of men and women at the same time.
  4. Good deal, but someone might not have an extra $25. Anyway, it's not like I'm in love with Goldbaby or anything. I linked them because I didn't realize drums for rock are acoustic, shows how much of a newb I am. I'm sure Studio Drummer is better, especially for acoustic drums.
  5. This isn't about excusing how women are portrayed, and I don't think anyone here is trying to claim sexual equality in video games. Men are objectified, that is a fact. It may not be as prominent as objectification of women, and it certainly doesn't balance anything out, but it is a fact that men are objectified. It may not be a big deal, but it's there. That's all I'm saying, I'm not trying to discredit that women are clearly objectified. One question though, why are men expected to ignore male stereotypes, yet when it's against women, we shouldn't ignore it? Certainly women are capable of ignoring such things, they're not weaklings who need protection. I'm not advocating that we ignore how much women are objectified, just a question.
  6. I suppose it's true when you put it that. In that case, I don't really see a problem with this sort of power fantasy. Wanting to perform the actions of these heroes isn't necessarily sexist or degrading towards women. I guess if "male power fantasy" includes scantily clad women it could be considered sexist. Yeah, agreed. My 26-year-old sister plays all sorts video games, I would even say she's a hardcore gamer. She's currently playing Skyrim, and occasionally plays Minecraft with my brother and I. There was a fair number of women in the video game club at my school. I've also noticed more women in the Game Design major at my school. Although I graduated from the program, I've sat in on a few classes. The number of female gamers is not as small as people think, and it's on the rise. This is a question for the women here: are you offended by how women are portrayed in video games or do you generally ignore it? Or is it more a case by case sort of thing? I should ask my sister at some point.
  7. I'm not saying male stereotypes are as prominent as female objectification. I'm just saying it exists. Really though, how many men think of these characters as "male power fantasy"? It's not just me personally, but can people really say most men have this "male power fantasy"? Have any studies been done on how many men ascribe to or agree with this power fantasy? Obviously men are represented in greater variety than women, but does that make stereotypes about men invalid? It seems like some people are saying men should just suck it up. Sexism isn't just about women, there are two sexes.
  8. I don't agree, why should those type of men be viewed as powerful? Isn't that sexist to say it's "male empowerment fantasy"? So all men view emotionless hard asses as powerful, and some sort of fantasy? I know plenty of men, myself included, who think that that stereotype is bullshit, and who wouldn't view macho badasses or grizzly dudes with no feelings as something to look up to, or even as a fantasy. Of course I've been reading the thread, it's about sexism. Men can be treated differently for their sex as well, not just women. I'm equally pissed by the treatment of women, they are objectified far too much, and it annoys me. However, I focus on equality for both sexes, not just one. Commercials often show men drinking beer and trying to get with the hot girl. I'm not someone who drinks, and I'm not only interested in women for their looks. In video games, just look at Nathan Drake, a macho hero who always falls for the girl and goes off on crazy adventures. Why do so many men fall into that category? I often find myself offended by how my sex is shown in gaming. I'm talking about men because so many other people have already talked about the issues towards women. I am not denying the ridiculous way that women are depicted in video games. Why is it when a man brings up male stereotypes, they are suddenly sexist? I'm not saying that anyone called me sexist, but still a valid question.
  9. I'm not sure if this has been brought up, but there is also sexism towards men. Take your standard fps hero, such as Marcus Fenix. A grizzly, massive dude with a gravely voice. Your standard hard ass who shows no feelings. Certainly not every soldier behaves like this. I can't think of a game off the top of my head in which a man shows real emotion, actual feelings. Actually, some of the older Final Fantasy's, such as 9 and 6 have male characters with complex emotions. Most men, at least in action games or shooters, are either macho badasses (Nathan Drake), emotionless dudes with refrigerator armor (Master Chief), or the strong, silent type (Gordan Freeman). I think the emotional state of males is more complex than that. Men can have emotions to, and I'd like to see this more often. I do of course acknowledge that many games objectify women, probably more than men. Let's not forget that men are often not presented in a realistic way either. Darangen made a good point. It seems to me that whenever people discuss sexism in video games, or anywhere, they seem to neglect mentioning sexism towards men, which does exist.
  10. Right now I'm taking presets and playing around with them to see what sounds I can get. My next step is to start making synths from scratch. Thanks for the feedback.
  11. I like the synth that comes in at 0.31, and the synth at 2.38 is really neat. This track has a nice atmosphere. I noticed a couple issues. First, the high synth at the beginning seems a bit distracting and loud to me. I'd turn it down a little. The other thing that sticks out to me is the drums. I feel like they're too weak. Especially the kick, which doesn't enough punch or 'umph' to it. I usually expect a deep, strong kick with trance. I'm not sure about the snare, it sounds like it has too much of a 'pssh' sound, if that makes sense. The dub section sounds fine as far as dubstep goes. I'm a little bias though because I've never liked dubstep. I'm enjoying what you have here, keep up the good work!
  12. Bumping this up. Does anybody have any more feedback before I continue working?
  13. Don't be ashamed or discouraged, dude. Bass should be low, cut out the unnecessary high frequencies in the bass. And cut the lows from the rhythm guitar (keep in mind I haven't work with guitar). Even if it doesn't sound good, keep experimenting until you find something you like. Maybe try some other tones if you have access to them. Dust your self off and keep going. The more you work, the better it will sound, and easier it will get. The bottom line: even if you don't like your music, push yourself anyway. Good music has a steep learning curve, especially on OCR. My music is only descent at best, just hang in there. Even the best remixers on this site started somewhere, and had to work their way up.
  14. Right off the bat, for a drum-n-bass track the drums are too weak. They lack the necessary "uumph." Although the drums do get stronger towards the end. The bass seems grating to me, especially at the beginning and end. The bass also isn't all that interesting. The track seems pretty sparse, I don't hear much panning or much in the way of pads. Despite those issues, I think the track has a nice feel and atmosphere. Before you submit this, my suggestion would be to make those drums more powerful and stand out more, especially the kick. Also fill out the track a bit more. Of course this being drum-n-bass, I wouldn't expect much high frequencies. Good work.
  15. Good luck with the judges! I like what you have going on throughout. The lead synth has me hooked. I know you submitted already, but I feel like the bass doesn't stand out enough. At a few parts, I'm not sure if it's even there, which may have been intentional. The fake guitar that comes in at 0:37 and goes until 0:49 isn't doing too much for me, just a matter of personal taste I suppose. Also, the high pitched hat that plays through the song is distracting.
  16. Nice, love the style. Really interesting arrangement, cool take on Corridors of Time.
  17. I agree with the other's feedback, so I won't bother repeating it. I want to say that I'm really enjoying what you have so far. The bass is interesting throughout and the lead synth has a nice sound. I look forward to your next version!
  18. It's not garbage, but does need work. If there is a bass, I can't hear it. The drums sound a little weak as well. I think the arrangement is alright. The ending from 1:45 on is jarring, and the song just stops, without any kind of fade out or winding down. I like what you have so far, keep it up.
  19. Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, I hear the repetition, I'll work on that. I did mean for the claps to be on the right, but I guess the hi hat wasn't enough balance on the left.
  20. Hey everyone, a new version is up. I changed up the instruments, filled out the song a bit more, and layered my drums. I also tried to choose a consistent style, I guess it's sort of 80's synth pop. I'm still not happy with my lead synth, but I think it's an improvement. I'm not really satisfied with my drum patterns yet either, and I haven't gotten around to learning how to side chain. All feedback is welcome.
  21. Maybe, but they're better than FL default, and the stuff I have. I've been satisfied with them. Plus, if you don't have much of a budget, it's a good buy.
  22. Check out MPC60 Vol. 1 and 2 by Goldbaby. Only $30 for each. Cheap, but good. Link: http://www.goldbaby.co.nz/products.html
  23. Hey, same age as me. Happy birthday!
  24. Both are amazing, but I like idea 2 slightly more.
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