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Everything posted by Cash

  1. No wonder my drums suck. I don't really know anything about layering, this tutorial is a big help. Thanks zircon! I'm looking forward to any future videos!
  2. You hit the nail on the head. The loading times could potentially be awful. I really don't see the point of embedding You Tube vids, a link is just fine. What does it matter where you see the video?
  3. I've been working on my remix of Choco Mountain the past few days. My remix is in the "piano" style.
  4. Happy birthday dude I don't know! I just felt like being nice. And I also wanted to say that the Minecraft cake is awesome!
  5. Good question, I haven't really thought about the mood. Probably why the style is inconsistent, I need to think about it. I wasn't really going for hilarious though.
  6. Thanks for the feedback! I agree with everything you said. But I'm not sure what you mean by "the last section's choice of sounds is hilarious." Is that bad or good?
  7. New version is up, link in first post. Fixed the timing issues and drums. Still a lot more work to be done. I want to give a shout out to my friend chimpazilla for helping me out with my timing problems!
  8. Great trailer! I haven't played or heard of most of these games, but the music is awesome! Looking forward to this album.
  9. Nice work Gario! I've heard some of your stuff from the Wiley Castle Remix Gauntlet 2011 and your remix for Hurry!, so it's nice to see you get a remix accepted. On to the song, I never get tired of hearing Corridor of Time. The bass here is really great. Killer synth choices as well. Overall very impressive.
  10. Thanks, that helps a lot! I was planning on redoing the timing.
  11. I didn't hear your earlier version, but this is awesome. I wish I had something more constructive to add, but I wanted to show my support anyway.
  12. That helps, thanks. Anybody have feedback as far as arrangement and use of the source?
  13. Thanks, I think I went overboard with drum variety because I was afraid of the drums sounding boring. I definitely agree. I'm planning on adding more instruments and pads as well. Thanks for the feedback.
  14. Here is my first attempt at a remix, Requiem of Spirit from Ocarina of Time. It took me about a month to get this far, using FL Studio. I haven't added a conclusion yet, and I'm not sure if I'm going to keep the lead synth. All feedback is welcome! Links: v1 http://soundcloud.com/cash-and-change/oot-requim-of-spirit-wip-v1 v2 http://soundcloud.com/cash-and-change/oot-requim-of-spirit-wip-v2 v3 http://soundcloud.com/cash-and-change/oot-requim-of-spirit-wip-v3
  15. Ah! My anticipation is much higher after reading this! That's a good thing though.
  16. I really want to do Choco Mountain, the song is just awesome.
  17. Nice work, I like it! I enjoyed your synth choices. I'm not really a fan of those kick drums. I can't quite say what it is about them that bother me, but they sort of just rub me the wrong way. They sort of sound too hard, or maybe they sound too dry? Other than that, I've got nothing else negative. I look forward to hearing more.
  18. My laptop is getting old, so I've experienced popping while playing back my song in FL. It usually happens when I'm running multiple things while using FL. I don't run other things when I'm using FL anymore. That usually solves the problem.
  19. Cash

    Hey, congrats on getting another remix accepted! Great work!

  20. I was thinking I'd do both. I don't know what I'd do with it yet, I'm PM you when I do.
  21. Cool, that being the case, I'd like to claim Hail Fire Peaks. Do you want me to send you a PM?
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