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Everything posted by Cash

  1. I'm having trouble adjusting the volume of Kontakt instruments in FL Studio. When I bring up the volume of a given instrument in the Kontakt wrapper window, the volume goes back down when I try to record into the MIDI out channel. I brought the channel volume up all the way, but the instrument is still too quiet. Does anyone have any solutions?
  2. Awesome deal! I just bought it, now in the process of downloading. EDIT: Is Shreddage meant to be played with a guitar? Or will a midi keyboard work just fine?
  3. You made this with the FL Studio default samples? Impressive. I enjoyed this mix. My only gripe is that it sounds a little bit crowded.
  4. I'm not actually going to buy anything right now, I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions. Something that would be considered a must have, for later down the road when I want to spend more money. I'm definitely learning the ones I currently have.
  5. I just finished installing Kontakt 5, what are some recommendations for good samples?
  6. I was thinking it was something like that, but wasn't sure. Thanks for clearing that up! And thanks for the guide Neblix!
  7. In the plugins folder for Kontakt, there is Kontakt 5.dll, Kontakt 5 8out.dll, and Kontakt 5 16out.dll Does it matter which one I use? I currently have Kontakt 5.dll in my FL Studio plugins folder.
  8. Great track list so far! I'm really excited to hear Gruntilda and Seymour!
  9. I generally only review remixes that have been in my library for a while and have had lots of listens. Unless the song is especially good, then I'll review after a few listens. I analyze the songs to the best of my ability, but since I lack enough experience to pick out much musically, my reviews are usually on the short side. I definitely agree though, if you've only heard something once, it's better not to review at all.
  10. Marvelous, this is a spectacular piece. It sends shivers down my spine every time, and the thought of playing FF7 with this music is intense. It sounds like I'm sitting in the audience of an orchestra, delightful.
  11. Personally, I check out every new remix and review it if I enjoyed it, whether in an album or not. Even during flood periods. It seems I might be in the minority, but I can't say for sure. I think an icon on the home page would be nice, if it can fit without being too cluttered.
  12. Haunting, mysterious, bewitching, beautiful. I get lost in this track every time. Despite the age issues of the electric guitar, a solid mix.
  13. Superb, everything fits together so well. The way all the themes are combined is outstanding. A must download.
  14. An enchanting track, a great way to relieve stress.
  15. Slow intro, which I actually thought was nice and fit well. I've always savored the sound of guitars in general, so this remix is a treat for me. Top-notch music from Fishy!
  16. My December reviews so far: Dec 2 'Chemical Blip' Dec 3 'Aire Tam Break' 'Rosetta Refrain' 'Mario's Tropical Paradise' Dec 4 'Enchanted Esper' 'Philharmonic Suite: Part I' Dec 16 'Permutation' Total: 7
  17. Super nice! I love his take on this theme. I'm a big fan of his past work as well. Keep doing what you do, Anti-Syne!
  18. I didn't know what UTAU was, now I know why the lyrics sound fake...because they are. I think you should definitely spice up those lyrics, which I'm sure you plan to.
  19. First off, I don't like the lead synth, it's too distracting and becomes very grating rather quickly. Especially since it repeats over and over again throughout the song without much variety. The lyrics leave much to be desired, they are much too loud and are not interesting at all. They sound too mechanical maybe, sort of fake. This needs a lot of work. I know the original piece is special to you, so I hope my comments don't strike a nerve. I'm new to remixing, so maybe other people can give more specific suggestions.
  20. Amazing trailer! Another freakin' awesome album to look forward to!
  21. Crash Bandicoot for PS1 is a great game for anybody young or old.
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