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Everything posted by Cash

  1. Yeah, the timing was basically changing the lengths of the notes to fit the groove, if that's the right word. Also, the bpm in my mix is 130, and I think the source is less, I could be wrong though. I'll definitely work on syncing up the melody with the drums. Thanks for the feedback Monobrow! It's a big help!
  2. Thanks! I'm still working out my drums, your feedback helps a lot. I plan on adding in a counter melody for the next version as well.
  3. I remember renting this game when I was young, can't really remember the music though. I'm not sure if you have any particular track in mind, so I'll just post this example,
  4. My second WIP remix, the Wind Scene or 600AD from Chrono Trigger. I made the synths from scratch, though I did have help from a tutorial making the lead. I used FL Studio 10, the synths were made in Sytrus. I spent the day working on the drums, so hopefully they fit. As always, all feedback is appreciated, especially critiques. I hope you enjoy it! EDIT: Popular source, I know. I stumbled across it while playing around with my new synths, so I stuck with it. Link: v1 http://soundcloud.com/cash-and-change/chrono-trigger-wind-scene Source:
  5. And the world is flat, what's all this globe talk?!
  6. I just found out about this right now, another album to look forward to! Nice!
  7. You're a smart dude, and stay respectful even when you get fired up about something. I respect that, so I sent you a friend request. :)

  8. First off, the lead synth used is really annoying. I don't like the way it sounds, it's too loud and pingy, if that makes sense. The remix as a whole is muddy, especially when the fake guitar comes in. Everything is crowded together, the bass needs to be much lower, it gets drowned out quickly. The drums are in the background too much and lack strength, the timing also seems off. The fake guitar just doesn't sound good, it needs some eq, or maybe even a different sample. This is a good start, but it's in a early stage. This needs a lot more work. By the way, I hope my critique doesn't bum you out. Just keep at it, and don't give up.
  9. Awesome, well done. This is one of my favorite songs from FF9, I like where this is going. The flute is a little loud, until the electric guitars come in near the end, but the flute is a placeholder, so I guess it doesn't really matter. Vocals would be great, but Native American flute would be cool too. Looking forward to the next version!
  10. Based on the previews and hype, this will be an amazing album! The wait is irrelevant. I look forward to my surprise when the album is released!
  11. Plus I think people on OCR are a bit better than elsewhere on the internet.
  12. Just bought Sunday passes tonight, I'm excited to see all the panelists in person!
  13. This is true, but that number represents a possibility that another person will listen to your music and maybe even give feedback. The possibility justifies taking a few seconds to hit the follow button. That's me anyway.
  14. This is really nice! The whistling is way too quiet though, the whole mix could benefit from being louder.
  15. Just followed everyone in this thread! With the exception of couple links which didn't work, but if you follow me, I'll follow you! Who else has SoundCloud? Don't be shy.
  16. March is possible for me, though it probably won't be much progress. Good idea, I like it.
  17. Love the song title! Really smooth jazz, excellent work! Repetitive, as you said and plan on changing, which doesn't bother because it's nice to listen to over and over again. It sounds a little on the quite side though. The bass is great, and I'm liking the arrangement. Good job dude!
  18. Nicely done, I really enjoyed it. You did well merging the sources, the arrangement is great, it has a lot of personality. It feels a bit mechanical to me, which I think is why RexAsaurous says there is a lack in musical emotion. It also seems overall slightly too loud. Can't wait to hear your next version! I'm doing a piano mix for the Mario Kart project, I hope mine ends up sounding as good as yours.
  19. Definitely a Sonic meets Mega Man style going here, I like it. Well done. I agree with TheRexAsaurous, it does seem to lack energy, especially towards the end. The drums seem weak, I'd say they need some more punch. Good work so far.
  20. http://soundcloud.com/cash-and-change I'll upload more as its made. I'm not happy with my stuff yet, but I'm getting there!
  21. All true. I guess what I'm trying to say is that some sexualized women would fit in the MK world, but you're right, it is counter productive to make every single female fighter in that way. I did say every woman, I should have said some. The way the creators of MK designed the women is silly, they should have put in much more variety.
  22. I think that having (correction: some) women dressing like that fits the style of the game. The whole point of Mortal Kombat is that everything is over the top, from the crazy amount of blood to the costumes of the fighters. The impact would greater if pretty much every other modern fighting game didn't feel the need to give the women huge boobs and skimpy clothing. Every single fighter should not be going the Mortal Kombat route when it comes to how they show women, or in any other aspect for that matter. If any game should have scantily clad, large-breasted women (edit: not every female fighter though), it's Mortal Kombat. I completely agree. Maybe one could say it's not as safe to have sex with lots of people, but not bad.
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