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Everything posted by Cash

  1. I'm going to have to drop out of the project, I've got too much other stuff to do. I got a little overly ambitious when joining both the BK project and this one, my skills are not enough to handle multiple projects. Choco Mountain is now open.
  2. Where can I hear the show live? I only see links to past episodes on the site.
  3. My mom has (or had, can't remember) family down there. My sister's best friend lives in Hartford. You definitely should, it's a lot of fun. Even if you only go for one day, it's worth it.
  4. Song 2, Chrono Cross - Home Guldove
  5. Likewise. I want to go to MAG Fest at some point.
  6. Hey everyone, After going to PAX East and seeing the OC Remix panel, I was reminded of question I've been thinking about. How many people on this site live in the Greater Boston area? I've also been wondering who lives elsewhere in New England, if not near Boston. I live in southern New Hampshire, I can get to Boston in about an hour, depending on traffic. By the way, the panel was awesome. The live playing of Aquatic Ambiance was great, nice job Level 99, DragonAvenger, and OA! Also got to meet some of the panelists, really nice people. Definitely going again next year.
  7. Nice! I like the style, sort of like a jazz band! My main complaint is the electric guitar that comes in at 0:15 and plays until 1:03. It doesn't fit with the rest of the mix, it's too distorted. I really enjoyed the breakdown that comes after the first section, nice interpretation. I'm not sure if you plan on submitting this at some point, but if you decide to, I'd say it needs a bit more interpretation. Overall, I think this is well done.
  8. You'll want to post this in the Post Your Originals forum. A moderator might move this. Also, a link to the source music might be helpful.
  9. Wow, more awesome work dude! I'm a big fan of that bass, I like the other instrument choices as well. I enjoyed what you've done with the theme. It's a little repetitive, but that doesn't take away from my enjoyment!
  10. Happy birthday, hope it's a good one!
  11. Cash

    Happy birthday dude!

  12. I actually think the whistling sounds good as is, I think it would start to sound odd if you increased the volume too much.
  13. Great work, a big improvement if you ask me! The Gold Saucer part is really nice. The guitar is really well done.
  14. Not really, NPR is balanced fairly well, in most discussions they include liberal and conservative viewpoints. Not sure what a liberal bias has to do with their coverage of music though. I'm glad they covered MAGfest, that's some great news.
  15. It was an interesting mix, but I also didn't really like it all that much. Coming from a newbie like me and someone who dislikes pure chiptune songs, it probably doesn't mean much to say that. Not to take anything away from Espergirl, as great as it may be, surely people can do better than a 6 year old remix?
  16. I see what Neblix is saying, it seems a lot of people are thinking there is some sort of chiptune bias because Espergirl was denied. Some judges and others said a chiptune remix that is good enough would pass. Then others say that's not true because Espergirl would have been accepted. A lot of this seems to be a disagreement over the decision of the one song. Maybe I'm wrong.
  17. The fuck is a "retarded nerd scene"?
  18. I'm just going based off what Liontamer said. Who says you have to harass your friends? Wouldn't a simple question do? If you choose to ask aggressively, that's hardly the fault of this campaign. The fact that the album will be released free of charge tells me that it is about the music. Maybe you feel differently. EDIT: Just saw this, whoops. EDIT2: I guess I'm already in the thread.
  19. I don't get it, how is requesting 27k likes on the OCR Facebook page aggressive or unclear? It seems people are taking an idea that was meant to be fun way too seriously. And as Liontamer the album is not ready to be released yet, so this campaign isn't even affecting the release of the album. By the way, who is forcing people to go on Facebook and like the page?
  20. I really don't understand what the big deal is here. This is no doubt an amazing album being released for FREE, what's to complain about? So you have to wait a little bit longer, is that really such a problem? Certainly people have better things to do than being upset over a simple Facebook campaign, right?
  21. No point in sticking around if music no longer interests you. Its got nothing to do with growing up, sometimes people's interests just change. Good luck with whatever is next!
  22. Congrats on getting another remix accepted Guifrog! The trance lead sounds a little cheesy, but fits the style. It's great to hear another Diddy Kong Racing remix. A really fun track that immediately makes me think Brazil and Carnaval, as was intended. Nice!
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