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Everything posted by Cash

  1. Voted for everything in the Sonic Bracket, really great tracks everyone! Looking forward to the Robotnik Bracket!
  2. Happy b-day RexAsaurous! Nice cake choice, Mirby. Are you actually making these cakes or do you find pictures of them?
  3. Well, you can't compete if you don't enter! It's all about the experience for me, whether I win or lose, I'll still grow as a musician.
  4. I could have, but I honestly didn't have much of an issue moving patterns manually, not enough to ask. Thanks for the tip.
  5. Thanks Kristina! So that's why my method only worked at seemingly random times, my cursor just happened to be in the correct spot. Plus, using the mouse wheel is much easier than pushing control, shift, up/down. I never would have thought to put my cursor in that specific area.
  6. I've been wondering the same thing. The keyboard shortcut shown in the F6 menu control+shift+up only selects a different pattern. I tried it in the browser, F8, and I got it to move the pattern, but not always. It only seems to work occasionally. Maybe you'll have better luck. I also looked in the help files, and searched on Google, but couldn't find another way. You might get better results asking on the Image-Line forums.
  7. I'm still a beginner. My biggest issue right now is writing transitions. I make some interesting arrangements, but I have a hard time connecting the parts together.
  8. Yeah, sorry I wasn't clear. I'm working on my EQ skills, you seem to be doing a better job than I. Good work so far.
  9. Those points aren't contradicting. EQ isn't really about volume, but more about getting everything to fit in it's place. I said more power, not volume. Making it louder won't necessarily do that, if the parts are clashing. EQ will make the mix feel more powerful, since the parts won't be conflicting and making things muddy.
  10. Very nice work, keep it up! My main issue is that it doesn't seem as powerful as it could be, especially for dubstep. I feel like your drums could be stronger, more punch, the volume seems okay. I think this track could benefit from a bass with more wobble, and also more power. I feel like the whole song doesn't have enough presence.
  11. Yeah, not real sounding at all. Vibrato is wacky, sounds really odd. Might sound better in a song, as SnappleMan said.
  12. Awesome news, Emu! It'll be worth the wait!
  13. Yeah, I had heard there was a free one, but I was never able to find it.
  14. This site has acquired the copyright for the ns7 kit, linked from Natural Studio.
  15. The guy asked for good drum samples/vst, some with rock, but not exclusively rock. And I agree drum machines are not good for rock, as I said before.
  16. Oh yeah, whoops. As for the samples, nothing left to say.
  17. Well maybe someone set aside only a certain amount of money for samples, and not everybody has Kontakt. The point is you don't know someone else's situation. Whether or not Studio Drummer is better (never used it, so I wouldn't know), I stand by my recommendation, someone reading this can either buy them or not. Nothing more needs to be said, I'm done talking about this.
  18. Good point, I haven't really thought about the percentage thing. I can see that being a problem. I didn't hear them say this is only a gamer issue. Yes, racism and sexism and such exist everywhere. However, I think such an attitude just glosses over these issues in gaming. We should focus on gaming, because, after all, we are gamers. One thing at a time. Addressing issues from a standpoint of society as a whole doesn't ever produce meaningful solutions, it's just too broad. I honestly think hate speech, misogyny, and racism is more prevalent in the online gaming community because of the anonymity and competitive nature of the activity. Maybe I'm wrong, but I've heard a lot of shit said on Xbox Live that I would never hear in mainstream society, at least in my experience. Or maybe I've lived a sheltered life, I don't know.
  19. I agree with the EC team about this issue. I like the sound of the auto mute idea, but I'm not sure how effective it would be, better than the current system maybe. For Xbox Live, you can report offending players and "review" them, I would imagine PSN has similar features. The only potential problem I can see with auto mute is that some players mute everyone because they don't want to hear anybody, which is what I find myself doing when I play online. Sure, you can go into account settings and switch off voice chat, but I find it much easier to mute players in game. As for trying to prosecute online harassment, it's hard to do, given the anonymity. Police are focusing their online crime fighting on things like sexual predators. Also, when does it cross the line from competitive outbursts to harassment? I'm not sure where that line is to be drawn.
  20. Oh, I couldn't find a bio anywhere, so maybe it is one guy. On the myspace page I saw the word 'we'. Did you see a bio somewhere?
  21. I recently discovered, thanks to my brother, a group called . Similar in style to Daft Punk and Deadmau5, with a bit of dubstep influence.
  22. There are TONS of metal remixes, these are some of my favorite. Sixto Sounds: The Accursed Seal Metamorphic Rock The Shredder Game Over: Transylvanian Temptation Cataclysmic Clash Light's Out The Dual Dragons: Mortal Konfrontation Routine of War SeeD Mission Knight of the Round: Heavy Mako Fishy (a judge): Omnislash Battle for the Badge Nekofrog: Monkeys Disarm Their Kremlings Wily's Requiem goat: The Raven Purple Heart Prince of Darkness: This Chase Is Haunted Prancing Dad As you can see by the lists Rozo posted, I missed a lot.
  23. Awesome album dude! Great work as usual, I love your style.
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