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Everything posted by KM*

  1. Opening Theme - Silent Hill The song it's self is not really that scary, but is part of a scary game and quite the powerful song. One of my all time favourites. That and at 2:24-2:25 you can hear a girl gasping which I find is a nice touch though most people don't hear it. Great song in one of the freakiest games ever.
  2. If the Pillows did video game remixes, this would sound pretty close to what they'd do. I have a huge migraine right now (unrelated) so I'll save any critiques for later.
  3. That is some expensive software I may add. Sounds like it's worth it though.
  4. I think it takes too much from the original source in regards to the piano part basically sounding like the main theme played by the piano is straight from the game. Besides that, it's probably one of the better Phendrana remixes that we've been seeing the last week or so.
  5. I like it. Maybe add a little more sheen to it, but not much more. I really have no complaints for this remix. You should submit it.
  6. Ah, I meant mixing them like 'mixing them up so they're more variant".
  7. Sorry, not enough Killer Studio Chops. I suggest you spend more time killing with chops dressed as a studio. If you don't have the money or the college degree, you can always dress as a home studio or a portable pocket studio. Please let us know when you get your formal degree in KSC and buttrock before resubmitting. In all seriousness, it's pretty good. The keytar solo in the middle seems to be little on the ear piercing side for me, but the majority is pretty good. It's got that high quality sound in a silly song, like Weird Al.
  8. It's a pretty decent start to a remix, but a few things I noticed were: That disc scratching-like sound can get a little irritating with how it sounds and how loud it sits in the mix. Of course, dance music usually has repetitive drums and bass, but you probably should mix up the drums a little bit more. I think more focus on the lead melody is in order, it sounds more or less like little variants of each measure of it's self and it sits farther back in the mix than I would like. Bring it more to the for front a bit and spend more time on the arrangement might be the more ideal situation, especially if the song is made before even the first chorus hits. 1:40 seems like a little long before bringing in the first chorus anyway, but I guess it is dance music. Sounds pretty good so far, looking forward to what it sounds like when you get farther along.
  9. Okay, here's the scoop. The remix is essentially not very good, and I'll do my best to list out the most important reasons. The arrangement is clashing with it's self. Everything is either out of tune or mistimed with it's self. I couldn't tell it was a remix of the Waveman theme there was so much different with it. The choices for instrument sounds are poor at best. The drums are not done well. In the end it more or less sounds like you tosses a midi through GM instruments and did your own tweaking. I'd forget about EQ, panning or any other sound quality improvements until you can get the actual music down. I can imagine your just starting, so keep practicing, learning and keep going. Just about everyone's first songs on a DAW sounded like this, I know mine did.
  10. How is the source song too short? I've heard remixes of songs with much shorter sources.
  11. Send a tweet to Brent Kennedy (@BKennedy90) and see if he'll do it. He did the Super Meat Boy Choice Piano Cuts album. http://dbsoundworks.bandcamp.com/album/super-meat-boy-choice-piano-cuts
  12. I gotta say, the source tune wasn't very good IMO. I think you've actually taken it and made it into a better song. While it is better, it still need work. The drums can be a little on the repetitive side. A think there needs to be a little more going on in the song as it doesn't seem to be as full as it feels it should be. It doesn't quite feel like the song knows where it's going in that it kind of starts, keeps the pace and then just ends at the end. A little tweaking on the sounds of the instruments used could help as they don't seem to mesh completely well with each other. But over all, it's pretty good for what you had to work with. Keep it up.
  13. First thing, the song clips badly in places, which is a big no-no. That would have to be fixed before the judges would even consider the song. The guitar doesn't sit well in the mix, it sounds tinny and low-quality as if it was recorded poorly. The song doesn't seem to keep the emotional quality of the original, which means it probably needs more adjusting on the midi side of things to make it more human-like. Also, I think I like it better with the voice samples. It's pretty fitting.
  14. Sorry to break this to you Mickomoo, but from the sounds of it, you've got a long way to go for this mix. One of the obvious problems is that it sounds like you made/grabbed a midi file of the song and basically just added instruments to it. Instrument choices aren't what I'd consider great. All of the mixing would have to be redone. I'm not sure what you mean by 'out of time' but you should use most of the song for the mix. Not to sound harsh, but it sounds like you need to start composing and working on your craft before attempting to submit a remix for OCR. There's plenty of books out there for learning, in fact someone mentioned a good book to me on twitter (see link for the book below.) Keep working on songs, posting various WIP and learning. Also, it shouldn't matter if a song is obscure or not. http://www.amazon.ca/Audio-Programming-Book-Max-Mathews/dp/0262014467/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1326227860&sr=8-1
  15. Twin avatars for the win, what up!
  16. Pretty good for a first attempt, but there are some thing si noticed. The bells/chimes and strings in the beginning sections aren't really to my liking. They just kind of sound out of place or fake or something to that extent. The clap also sounds very robotic and not very fitting. I would put in some change-ups for the bells/chimes as they just basically repeat the same melody over and over again with no change, so that's probably not a good thing. Also some of the parts of the arrangement doesn't seem to be fitting together note-wise so I'd take a look into how you've constructed changes from the melodies and counter-melodies of the original. One thing I like is how you programmed the hand drums. Maybe adding a little skin or some snare drum like qualities may add that little extra for them to really push them. I dunno, give it a try, see if it works. But the mix does need a lot of work. Keep on keeping on.
  17. The song sounds pretty good, but there's a few things off the bat that probably need changing. It sounds like the drums are a little dead sounding. Also, I have to agree with Toberz about the harshish synth. At 0:54 the two synths mixing just doesn't sound good, either it's the arrangement or the two tones together, but it just doesn't work. Also the drums need to be changed up every once in a while as they are super repetitive, even for a Trance song. The same fake hi-hat/shaker noise plays the same through nearly the entire song. It starts at 0:41 and does the exact same thing until 2:30. Also that leslie-style warbling pad that starts at 0:27 doesn't really fit into the song in my opinion. Despite it being a pad, it really stands out. The pad that starts out at 1:08 isn't as bad, but it's still standing out in a wrong way. It does need a lot of work, but keep at it.
  18. Nope, on V2 it starts at 0:20 and doesn't end until the song is over. It's not a rendering problem is it? because I've render songs before and the last note of an instrument VST would stick and play the note continuously and I had to re-render it.
  19. I'm gonna have to ditto on DarkSim here, that background drone has got to go. I know you're using it as a pad, but it's just distracting from the rest of the song. And it also feels to me that the song pretty much stays the same after 1:00, which I'm sure the drone doesn't help as it melds the track from beginning to end with it as you're reminded of the drone at the begrudging to end. Not to be a stick in the mud about it, but that's the number one thing that's gotta go.
  20. It's decent enough. The whole sound doesn't quite have that sparkle/high freq sound that professional masters have, and the lead electric guitar at the sounds a bit weak. I'm also thinking the bass might be getting lost behind the drums. Pulling back on the bass EQ for the rhythm guitar should free up so more room in the bass freqs to let more 'bassy' instruments breathe. But besides that it's not too bad sounding. A little more practice and you'll be pretty good at this.
  21. Judging from what you've got so far, it's sounding to be better than the original. I'll save my comments though for when you get closer to finishing the remix.
  22. The song just stops dead for me, I'm assuming that it hasn't got to the point where the whole arrangement isn't fleshed out, right? I mean, it's only 42 seconds long.
  23. Yeah, it kind of has that Jam band sound when everyone wants to jam, but aren't quite sure what they should jam. Like the others said, start fixing up the notes and you'll have something decent to work with. When I used to write tracks that would do that I found after I spent time reading books on melodies, counter-melodies and chord progressions they really helped me out. Might be something to look into, doesn't hurt to learn more.
  24. Well, I think for the majority of the song that the instruments aren't occupying as much space as they could be in the mix, making it sound a little empty instead of expansive. That's what I think the sound you're going for is, right?
  25. Of course. I'll keep my yeses to a minimum.
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