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Everything posted by Nostalvania

  1. Intentional, it's a bass pedal note. yeah, good point. I think another solution would be when the piano takes over to play the theme. Hmm, i'll see what i can do. Gonna try adding more variation/fills etc. Will try to vary the melody some more, and maybe one more solo chorus. Thanks for the feedback, also thanks to T-Ape for the kind words!
  2. Ok, here's an update: https://app.box.com/s/f2wfwuduknmzond2oj6czgayszzxe2wh - Narrowed the piano a bit - Slightly reduced the reverb of the piano - Less reverb on the bass - Snare should be louder now - Moved some of the bass notes upwards (2:13) Didn't change the kick yet.
  3. Bach goes with everything! To be honest, Gerudo Valley isn't my favourite OoT tune, but i like that you tried to do something different here. I'm glad you didn't use acoustic guitar and castanets Nice concept, and i liked how you mixed the Gerudo parts with the Bach parts. Agreeing with T-Ape, the organ is a bit loud and pretty piercing in the high register. I'm not sure if the use of non VGM is a problem here, but there seems to be more Gerudo than Bach, so i think it's good (but again, i'm not sure). Mixing-wise, everything sounds a bit dry to me, especially at 0:49, i'd say you might add some reverb. Yeah, definitely needs an ending.
  4. Thanks a lot timaeus! The snare only plays at 1:55 - 2:08 and 2:26 - 2:53, for the rest of the track i used the side stick. I'll try to bring it up more. Btw, how do you get more "air" on it? The kick drum? I threw it out of the window No seriously, well yeah it's actually there but i agree, it's too low in the mix. Ok, i think i can narrow the piano a bit. Will check the reverb too. Hm, i think i get what you mean with the bass smearing the intonation, will try to move some of notes to higher registers and see how it sounds. Yes there is a bit reverb on the bass, but i can reduce it, no problem. I actually like the stops/kicks there, and IMO it gives the following swing part a bigger impact. But thanks for the suggestion, maybe i'll try it out, nonetheless.
  5. Ok, so this is my remix for the Double Dragon Callout. I'd say the arrangement is decent, not so sure about the mixing though. Remix: https://app.box.com/s/9is8gsaxtwveus6g3oq70mag7qrqfsko Source: https://youtu.be/iF91Xulzwdc?list=PL67291BDCD76884B2 Any feedback is welcome!
  6. Sorry for the late response. Hm, i dunno if it's my ears fault, but i compared the two versions (i suppose the one in the first post is still the old one) and i didn't really hear a difference tbh Maybe someone else can hear one?
  7. Wow, this is so good! Pretty nice concept with the chiptunes + piano, and the playing was simply fantastic! Sam really is an amazing musician.
  8. Ok, I think I'll remix Stage 3 part 1 from DD3, I've got some nice ideas. Already started with arranging
  9. Hmm, tempting. DD3 seems to have some interesting tunes. Maybe i can contribute something.
  10. Fun arrangement with some neat ideas, like the use of the train samples. My only little nitpick is the sluggish piano at 3:09 - 3:11. Otherwise, great instrumental performances, especially on the clarinet. That ending with the long sustained note was the icing on the cake
  11. Hey! The song is actually from OverLooked ReMIX: http://olremix.org/remixes/49# It's called The Mega Man Song by an unknown artist.
  12. Ah,one of my favorite songs from OoT I find the groove needs getting used to, seems to change between triplets and straight eights (like timaeus already pointed out), but overall i really like the writing. A cool and unique little ReMix.
  13. I dunno maybe it's just me, but i wasn't a big fan of the hard panning of the piano and guitar, it sounded a bit strange to me. Anyway, this is sweet! Very authentic jazz take on this classic source. Expertly played, with great solos, nice horn riffs/backgrounds and drum fills. Definitely one of the best early jazz mixes i heard on the site.
  14. Thanks! I agree, the bass is a bit monotonous, i added a bit more variation in the second half though. Yeah, maybe a melody would be nice too.
  15. https://app.box.com/s/mkepvu033ia2lys8g9dqaxa1ic9kjq1m This is something i started working on some time ago, as some sort of experiment. I just recently discovered it again and decided to expand it a bit and also improve the mixing/mastering. There is no melody, it's just some kind of electronic soundscape. Feel free to leave a comment/critique
  16. Really liking the mood and the arrangement, it gradually progresses and builds up, with a short piano solo in between to calm things down before it continues with more intense playing and instrumentation. Nice work!
  17. Great! Only 400 to go. Come on Black_Doom, you can do it!
  18. Ha, this is cool! It's like boogie woogie/rock'n roll mixed with electronic music. The piano sequencing is maybe a bit unrealistic, but the writing is great. It sounds so simple, but when you listen closely, you can here that there is actually some creative and detailed writing going on. Fun ReMix with a lot of charm.
  19. Hi, I like the upbeat and driving character of your version. The arrangement is relatively conservative, but like you said, there are some nice original ideas, like that rhytmic stuff at 1:34, that was pretty cool. IMO, the mixing could use some work though, everything sounds pretty muffled. Maybe too much low frequencies? Sorry, i'm not a mixing expert, so i can't really give more precise feedback. Otherwise, neat work.
  20. Sounds pretty good for a first remix, production sounds good too i think. Yeah, it is pretty repetitive and i think adding some rapping/lyrics would probably make it more interesting. Maybe you can find a rapper here on OCR? The synth strings sound nice but i feel at 2:24 they are a bit too slow for the faster chord changes, it sounds like they are always a bit behind the beat. The piano at 3:23 sounds a bit too mechanical for my tastes, like all notes have the same velocity. My preferred method is always to play in the piano parts live, you can still edit/quantize it afterwards. But of course you can also change the velocities and note lenghts manually in the piano roll of your DAW. Hope this was a little bit useful and take my feedback with a grain of salt since electronic music is not really my speciality
  21. Another ReMix from my early OCR days. Love the gritty drums and the beat, i can clearly hear the Chemical Brothers influence here. My favorite part is at 1:10 when the drums kick in along with the main guitar riff, yes! Ten years old but still gold (or something like that )
  22. Oh yeah, drums! I used them in most of my newer remixes. So your suggestion has already been implemented Merci for the review!
  23. And humanity will witness a flood of reviews that the world has never seen before....
  24. For some reason this reminds me of You are the sunshine of my life by Stevie Wonder Very chill, very calm. Pretty minimalist instrumentation, but it works well. Overall i like the piano harmonies, but sometimes i think they are clashing a bit with the melody like at 1:03 -1:04. Yeah, that hiss is pretty distracting I could imagine this going into a slow bossa groove at the second half of the track, with bass and some soft drums. All in all, a nice relaxing tune.
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