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Everything posted by Nostalvania

  1. Here's my newest remix i'm working on: https://soundcloud.com/karmus24/seven-pipes-to-heaven It's a jazzy/Gospel 7/8 with piano and bass. This time i used two sources, Birabuto: http://youtu.be/I1X9blkjFdo?list=PL67291BDCD76884B2 and Muda Kingdom: http://youtu.be/cZUeLOAqRgE?list=PL67291BDCD76884B2 Feedback welcome
  2. A short remix i made some time ago. I actually made this to practice my mixing skills. Originally composed by Solomon Linda. https://soundcloud.com/karmus24/the-lion-sleeps-tonight-remix
  3. Not familiar with the source but this is actually pretty cool. One thing i noticed is that the timing of the drums is a bit off. Also there seems to be a clashing note in the piano at 0:28 and 0:44.
  4. Thanks for the feedback guys! Here's a new version: (Box) https://app.box.com/s/luokhejqarmvsornc9lj (Soundcloud) https://soundcloud.com/karmus24/red-soil-solo-piano-v2-1 I worked on the sloppy sections and added a bit more variation here and there. Also i agree with timaeus, 3:02 sounds fine to me.
  5. Aight, here is another solo piano arrangement by me. This time it's the famous Red Soil theme from Super Metroid. Source: http://youtu.be/Ai2dhNW0-sc Remix: https://app.box.com/s/0boqcetbc8wl4i3j0rj1 I'd say the arrangement is pretty much finished but there is some sloppy playing and a few timing issues that i want to eliminate. Thanks for listening and you are welcome to leave some feedback!
  6. I'm playing Rayman Legends at the moment and the soundtrack is awesome! Here are some happy tunes from the ost: http://youtu.be/uodR6gZvL7w http://youtu.be/_07Qsi9yDus http://youtu.be/Sn3i5inIMXQ
  7. Cool piece. I think the pitch bending of the trumpet and sax sounds a bit unnatural in some places. Not really diggin the sax solo at 1:26 tbh, it just sounds a bit awkward rhythmically, the“phrasing“ is a bit stiff.
  8. Thanks for the reply dude! I made some final tweaks and submitted it. Wish me luck
  9. Yeah this! The bass and drums should be one unity. IMO, the rhythmic aspect of the bass is as important if not more important than harmony and lines, because all the right notes are pretty much meaningless if the bass doesn't groove.
  10. Here's a new version https://soundcloud.com/karmus24/wicked-child-solo-piano-v2 I didn't change too much actually, just added a bit more variation.
  11. Thanks timaeus! I think I'll try to add a bit more personalization.
  12. And here's yet another piano remix https://soundcloud.com/karmus24/wicked-child-piano-remix It's a solo piano remix of the wicked child theme from the NES Castlevania. The arrangement is pretty straight forward and a bit conservative, but i think it has got a good amount of personalization. Source: http://youtu.be/E7PFm7mrdVY Comments n' feedback welcome.
  13. Yeah, the left panning is awkward. I agree with jnWake on the homogeneousness, i also think the arrangement could use a bigger dynamic range. Of course the performance needs some work, there are actually quite a lot of mistakes. However, i think this version is an improvement compared to the first one, so keep it up!
  14. Here's a slightly improved version https://app.box.com/s/kilhwf1tq5b4e8v6e923 I edited some little timing issues and it's also a bit louder.
  15. Thanks for the nice comments everyone! @VideoGameManiac: Ok, i give you the permission.
  16. Just a little solo-piano piece. https://app.box.com/s/kilhwf1tq5b4e8v6e923 Hope you enjoy it.
  17. Sounds pretty enjoyable so far IMO. I think the ride cymbal could use some velocity editing, it sounds a bit mechanical. I'm not so sure about the last part at 2:20, it sounds like the beginning of a new part but instead it just fades out, hmm..... The piano chords from 2:36 - 3:21 sound very dissonant.
  18. Yikes! Dude, your guitar is badly out of tune. Everything else sounds good, though.
  19. Just a nice jazz progression which starts on C major, modulates to F major and back to C again. Cmaj7(9) Eb7sus4(9) - Abmaj7(9) Dbmaj7(9) - Gbmaj7(9) Bmaj7(9) - Cmin7b5 F7(b9) Bbmin7(9) A7(9,#11) - Abmin7(9) Db7(9,13) - Gmin7b5 C7(#9,b13) - Fmaj7(9) Fmin7 Bb7(13) B7(9) You can listen to it here: http://tindeck.com/listen/dgvo I looped it 4 times, 2x two feel and 2x walking bass.
  20. Cool, i'm glad you like it Like i said this is the newest version and it's finished (arrangement-wise at least). There's no other version.
  21. Here is the newest version: https://app.box.com/s/uiopw2npdvgqocu09ds2 I added solos, woodwind (1:42) and piano (2:25).
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