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Everything posted by BrothaDom

  1. Hey everyone, just checking in to see who's all still in for the idea... We can take what we have going forward and go with it. Better to have a small project than an unfinished long one
  2. I'm really interested in helping and contributing a track...but, would I be able to collaborate with someone on it? I think I can make a decent remix, but not necessarily up to OC standard on my own.
  3. I need practice with original scoring. Think you can PM me with more info?
  4. Yeah, man no problem. If things get better, we can always change it around.
  5. Fair enough. I've been trying to write something for it...I'll let you know when something more solid comes up. But yeah, life has been keeping me busy as well
  6. Well, it doesn't bother me. I like it a lot.
  7. I looked for it a bit and I'm still not 100% sure
  8. I really like it! Does it count for OC Remix standards, though? If not, I'd enjoy it for something else if we can't use it for this
  9. Sounds like a beautiful idea! When do you want to start? Yes, I think people have started to put down ideas and are making WIPs. I'm not sure if there are any qualifications to make it an official OC album, or just a project for fun. But my idea was just to get some more hip-hop int the site As far as zyko, I haven't been in contact with. Would a pm suffice? As far as Jose, I messaged him, but he said he was busy at the time. Do you think a follow up would be an annoyance?
  10. I want to do more rapping, so I plan to...I guess that was half of the reason I wanted to start the project. I'll try my hand at it, and if they don't work we just won't use them
  11. That could be cool. Just a rough idea of it and a subject would be enough to know if I'd be helpful!
  12. G-Mixer, I'd try to stay away from doing too much heavy sampling...at least as far as the OCRemix submission standards would go...but if you feel inspired to, I'd rather hear an awesome track that something half-stepped, you know? HoboKa, do you have a sample that we could base some vocals on? Calum, much appreciated! Also, does anyone have any interest in the Stardust Speedway I posted?
  13. Amphibious, that sounds good to me. I'll put you down for that. G-Mixer, that song is pretty nifty. I'll mark you down for Carnival Night. I think Salluz is doing Meteor Herd. Calum, are you doing something? Looking forward to what you guys come up with!
  14. Well, a lot of people are started working on beats/lyrics...but I don't think anything is 100% set in stone. What would you like to contribute?
  15. HoboKa, please send it! King Tiger, great news! Amphibious, Wina A. Kamlongera, I seemed to have made a clerical error with the track list and wrote you both down for Lava Reef...it wouldn't be bad if you both did it, but I wanted to bring attention to it. My mistake
  16. HoboKa, um, I suppose just say what track you want to do, and I'll put it on the list. Then just get to making a great beat! Also, you can pick someone to be your lyricist, or you can do it. Amphibious, great, so I can put you down for Lava Reef then?
  17. King Tiger, that's great! When can you get started? Amphibious, I love your work. You're definitely good for the project. Do you want to use those beats, or do you want to create something new?
  18. Oh, thank you then! It still needs some work in my opinion, but I'm not sure what.
  19. How do you mean? @KingTiger I like it! What do you want to contribute?
  20. Glad I could help! But if they're from the original, that leaves a lot of room for cool new stuff. I'm not the best arranger/remixer, so I'm not the guy to help. But! Once you figure out how to do it, I'm sure great stuff can follow. If you know what the key "GOOD" thing is, just gotta keep that, but be creative around it. (If the goal is to be a familiar, yet flashy remix)
  21. My weirdest concern with Modern remixes and Colors is this: Colors was the most recent game, so it's technically the most modern (aside from Generations). So, any remix in a similar style would count? But it sounds good...obviously some level working would be nice and tweaks; but I think it's a great start. My advice would be to really analyze what made the original good, and make sure to keep/recreate that. Sonic Team had the Planet Wisp music which seemed to be very reliant on the bass guitar, but then they took it out. So, uhh, don't do that.
  22. How do you mean? Do you mean the Stardust mix? This is the rough cut: http://soundcloud.com/brotha-dom/stardust-speedway-jp-badass It's still a work in progress, just some ideas and what not.
  23. It's a decent way to communicate haha. But I'd like to get people back on board with the idea. I've been playing with a Stardust Speedway idea (very rough), if no one else was interested
  24. Hey no worries man, we'll figure it out in due time.

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