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Everything posted by BrothaDom

  1. That was my whole goal, and I've definitely achieved that. Will it be good though!? That's the question
  2. I am also on the struggle bus. These two sources are not playing nice
  3. So. Much. Want. Must. Do. But vocal mixes = Evil...can't ever do.
  4. Thanks everyone. I'll have to run it by a pal or two. I'm imagining the bass kick in club music...but really low quality haha
  5. Quick question: Are we able to ask advice when composing the remix? I haven't showed mine to anyone, but I feel like some stuff is sitting funny.
  6. I want to do either rap or some kind of spoken word. Maybe for Giovanni or Lt. Surge? However, is there a restriction on who can do each leader's theme? Like, is it fine to have a male voice on say, Sabrina's track?
  7. Brb, gonna go make that.
  8. Ehh, yinz homies are alright.
  9. Trying to find interest for an album for it, if you know anyone who might be into it: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=45754 That's a bit far haha...but I do want to see some Advance Wars cosplay one day
  10. That's always comforting to hear What's a good level of interest before starting the recruitment phase?
  11. Yeah, sorry about that...stuff got crossed, etc. Next time I'll be sure to start earlier Pallet Town - http://youtu.be/cOWRNLaCMJg And a small line from Route 1 - http://youtu.be/u0G12EBW4KY Intro from Pokemon Red/Blue - http://youtu.be/C19O5xm51dk Does this help?
  12. I sent it to you over Soundcloud...like right under the deadline I think you should be able to get it
  13. I'll have something done by 10pm PST (1am, my time) It might get some points for creativity?
  14. I made some stuff...it's not amazing. I contacted Argle kind of late..so we haven't talked too much. But, there will be an entry
  15. I wasn't able to access the file...you may need to change the permissions.
  16. Actually yeah, that's my new goal. Or at worst, just completely sad and horrible puns. Yeah, I've been liking them too.
  17. Hey I'm totally on board for whatever you'd like. I can go as big as a full, original verse, to a hip-hop rendition of the source lyrics, to just small backup vocals, or even nothing at all - which ever works best for you and your mix
  18. Aw man, shame about the band...but let's hope you can do some awesome Advance Wars stuff! Any cool ideas with that?
  19. I feel like the concept has been tossed around. There's been talk of incorporating more hip-hop, and that typically calls for a large set of vocals. But as far as this idea, I think it's a really interesting one. Would the start be the first 8 leaders, and first Elite Four? Or is there some other theme cooking up?
  20. Jeez, decent bit of interest shown for Lost World. I haven't even played that game or heard that music Hope I don't run into one of those haha
  21. Aw yeah, let's get down to business! 1. Cyber Track Zone (Sonic Advance 3) 2. Pumpkin Hill (Sonic Adventure 2) 3. Casino Park (Sonic Heroes) 4. Cool Edge/Holoska (Sonic Unleashed) 5. Hydrocity Zone (Sonic 3) Let's see how that goes
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