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Everything posted by BrothaDom

  1. Sounds like potential collaboration! Plus northern PA and Philly? Awesome
  2. No one in Pennsylvania...it's so cold and lonely :'( At least Brandon is close by
  3. I watched my roommates play different areas of it. So I'm just waiting to get some cash for it...but it looks really fun and cool
  4. I'd like to sign up as a novice again. Still got a lot of skills to develop
  5. *raises hand* Same here. Those sources are lovely. (As always, just reminding that I'm available. Not being pushy)
  6. Still wanna put my hat in the ring for doing some kind of collab with someone. I do rap vocals, but that certainly wouldn't have to be all (or even most) of the vocal stuff. That's great...I was going for the laughs heh. Have you started contacting people/gotten responses back?
  7. I'd try that
  8. I've heard vocals before...so we have hands. In all seriousness, if there's anything I can do to help this album get somewhere, let me know. This series deserves the love
  9. If we didn't vote last round, are we able to continue voting?
  10. This honestly is a really difficult round to vote on. Each match up seems to be of similar quality and tone (in my opinion) so it's hard to even use personal taste as a tie-breaker.
  11. Well, I'm pretty sure this...uh...event?...has caused at least three possible collabs. So, I mean, silver lining and all
  12. Yeah. I've submitted my fair share of bad music/weak attempts and it's much more useful to hear how to fix it rather than "it's awful" because either that's just an, or there's no actual way to improve on it.
  13. I just want to say thanks for all the advice everyone's given me! Next step is to really throw in the effort when doing vocals and try to make mixes that don't clash. Easier said than done...but it's the advice I needed. In my book, that's a success.
  14. Seems like there's been a lot of hip-hop flowing around here lately...seems like someone should be able to pick up on this! I don't feel like my style would fit this song, personally.
  15. I wrote a song comparing Sonic characters to the Ninja Turtles...I don't think there's such thing as too stupid
  16. Thanks DiGi, it's good to hear such encouragement. (And I'm glad the Ninja Turtles stuff came through, heh) Definitely going to keep working hard and trying to make something refined that pops! That's some stuff I was really concerned about. I didn't want to crowd the space too much and have it sound muddy, so I'll keep looking out for ways to do that. As far as the note clashes...that was my biggest challenge, I'm glad I even got it to where it's currently at. Thanks
  17. Uploading now...dear goodness, I have no idea what I just did haha Uhh, so this is totally beginner status for me...but I'm really looking for some constructive criticism haha. Love when weird creativity hits late. But, wow, haha
  18. Talked to a few people and gathered a bit of interest. The idea is still rolling around, everyone! Remixing isn't starting too soon, so we gotta find some more people to join in:sleepdepriv:
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