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Everything posted by BrothaDom

  1. Seems like a pretty interesting idea. I like it
  2. Hey, there's some pretty cool stuff here! Nice job!
  3. I'm posted...but it's only vocal credit. I don't have any arranging posted. Can I still qualify as a novice?
  4. Hey yeah, count me in too. Probably will get eliminated in the first round, but that's no reason not to try
  5. I'd like to sign up as a Novice. I've got a lot to learn, so I figure this is a good time to try. I use FL Studio 9. Here's some samples: https://soundcloud.com/brotha-dom/stardust-speedway-jp-badass https://soundcloud.com/brotha-dom/knuckles-reggaeton-idea https://soundcloud.com/brotha-dom/track4-chocolatebar Hopefully this goes really well
  6. That does make a lot of sense. I have no problem with a shorter list, to be honest. Because really, it would just be nice to have some music from the series in general. I wouldn't mind trying to direct the project...I still feel kind of noob-level, so any help would be greatly appreciated! I agree completely though, I really want to see this project go somewhere.
  7. Pretty cool. Seems to be some interest so far, hopefully we can find some more!
  8. Ooooooh cancel sauce!
  9. Excellent! If we can get enough interest, that would be great! But I think we do need a sizable team, a group willing to do many tracks. Cool! If you've heard the soundtrack, it could definitely be complimented with vocals. Also, there's sometimes soundclips, so it would be great to have you on board.
  10. Hey no problem, just trying to see who'd be up for it! Also, most of the characters in Dual Strike are in the first one! I thought it was you...I hope that's going well and can't wait to hear it. Of course, this project would be a good bit away from now, so I'll make sure to keep you updated!
  11. Hi everyone! So I want to see what kind of interest there might be in doing a ReMix album for the Advance Wars series, specifically Duel Strike for the Nintendo DS. The games have very interesting and diverse soundtracks in my opinion, and have a lot of room for remix possibilities. Additionally, I haven’t seen any remixes on the site (except for a coming track on the Badass Vol 3, I believe.) This would be a great chance to fix that for such an excellent source! I figure Advance Wars: Duel Strike is a smart choice for the series, as it incorporates all but one of the major themes from 1 and 2. However, this raises a huge concern: Including only the character themes, there is a whopping set of 28 tracks…plus some more “important” tracks that would be really great to include. As I said, this is only to see who’s interested, but here is a quick outline of how I see it possibly playing out: Each section would start with the respective nation’s theme, and then have a remix for each character. Rinse, repeat. This would be the format for all five groups, with the other relevant songs mixed in. Additionally, upon re-listening to the soundtrack, I noticed that each nation seems to have a musical theme…maybe we could match that? But that wouldn’t be a rigid constraint. Again, this is all based on interest. Here’s just the nation themes to get started and a link to the full list: Tracklist - http://www.advancewarsnet.com/?g=awds&m=aud Orange Star Theme – Blue Moon Theme – Yellow Comet Theme– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnB30IPINTk Green Earth Theme – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4KMwOl_pFY Black Hole Theme – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuYEU1QdHmo So yeah, just wanting to gauge how people might feel!
  12. I have interest. I'd like to try my hand at a non-vocal mix haha. But the interest is there from me!
  13. That's fine haha. (I'm also willing to try things that aren't necessarily hip-hop...But I can't promise them beforehand haha)
  14. Oh wow, just saw this somehow. As always, if anyone needs rapping vocals / backup vocals, I'd love to help
  15. Use this! http://bit.ly/1fk0Elv It's a time zone converter for the event! Also, Matt, you said this was a good time to answer questions about the album? Where will that be taking place?
  16. I think it's a cool idea! (I don't have any other input right now except for saying that)
  17. Hey, would it be possible to throw me on the possible vocalists list? Just in case anyone needs it or whatevs
  18. Hey no rush at all, just throwing my hat in the ring if you'd like
  19. Somehow missed this. Weird. Uhm, anyway...same as always; if anyone needs some hip-hop style vocals, let me know. I'm great at back up haha. Additionally, I'm not the best singer, but I think with some "interesting" editing, my voice could be lent well to an EDM track. Amphibious, did you have anything in mind for the Reactive Factory track?
  20. Heh, only time will tell then.
  21. Sounds more like an honor than being screwed over haha
  22. Yeah, even in my short time here, I've noticed (and contributed heh) to the fever surrounding Sonic music. However, iirc, the Chaotix music has a completely different feel? Anyway, I love the collaboration idea. Actually, every track I've worked on has been a collab, so of course I love the idea. Also, if people are going to collab, and this is just a general request across the board, can someone mash up country and electronic? Seems fun
  23. Haven't read through the entire thread but, if anyone needs backup vocals, or rap vocals as an accent...I can definitely help ya'll out. Or concepts and stuff, decent dude to bounce ideas off of.
  24. Thanks everyone. I'm going to try thinking through these tips and see where they take me
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