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Everything posted by BrothaDom

  1. Hm, that's very true. My apologies. My main thought (although unrefined) is that I have the song recreated now. What would the next step be? I'm building a hip-hop type remix, so I've changed the beat. I've also changed some of the "flow" of the notes. So far it sounds VERY similar to the original, I'm not sure what to do to "spice it up". I'm not sure if this helps any
  2. So this is my situation: I can't exactly play music by ear, so I've been trying to build remixes starting with midis. Problem is, I'm not really sure how to ornament the track in such a way to make it a full on remix as opposed to just a recreation. I have the same problem with my own compositions, but that's not my current problem. Does anyone have any suggestions/tips?
  3. I picked what jumped out at me...I'm into FL Studio and I've been doing some rap for collabs on here. I'd be interested in learning how to collabing on FL, I'm fairly decent with it. Any of that stand out to you?
  4. Would the Deadpool theme from Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 count as an original song? I'm just curious.
  5. Well, I'm still relatively new here...but what do you have in mind?
  6. I like the stuff you added in! Also, I'm still really pleased with how the source material came together.
  7. Good to hear! Keep me in mind for backing ya up
  8. Eh, only one Sonic game? I can live with that. (That series has a lot of presence around here anyway lol) So, if someone wants some minor vocals in their mix (I can do a verse, or just common shouts/hype vocals), I'm definitely your guy. Plus, I would LOVE to be exposed to some new Saturn music. I never really got a chance to play it much, so it'd be nice to learn! (For some reason I thought Jet Set Radio was on the Saturn for a second, then I remembered it was Dreamcast...I want to remix something from that...just a side note )
  9. There's what, like 8 songs on that whole soundtrack I think, right?
  10. That sounds awesome! Keep me in the loop when you start figuring stuff out
  11. AH! G-Mixer! I was gonna fan-boy over the Sonic games haha! If anyone is willing to collab on one of them, I like to contribute. I didn't think Sonic R's music was as horrible as everyone else did for some reason... The only other Saturn games I played were Virtua Cop and...some...racing game? With hovercars or something? Anyone know that?
  12. Thanks a ton! I'll try that.
  13. I don't see the need in making another topic with the same title, so is it alright if I ask another instrument here? If so, what instrument/synth is used starting at 1:54? http://youtu.be/dZdQtc45pVM The high pitched one. Thanks in advance
  14. Stardust Speedway? I'm on it for the Sonic CD collab. If you want to do the track for this project, you're welcome to! Also, XPRTNovice, that beat boxing is great! Anything specific you're interested in?
  15. I like Across Time & Space!
  16. Uhm, possibly? It's been a while since we started working on everything lol. There were a lot of ideas floating around. The Sonic CD collab? Yeah, I'm involved with the Stardust Speedway...currently I'm getting some samples together so people can be sure if they want me on the tracks!
  17. Cool that you wrote two verses. I like the lyrics, keeping it fun and lighthearted was the goal with a good part of the project.
  18. I agree with most of your points except: That was the biggest obstacle in the game, right? I'm not saying it's a great idea, just a possible jump-off point.
  19. "Crossing Time Zones" just an idea. Like, play on words of time zones, because Sonic levels are usually called zones. Then, there's the time thing. I don't know, just throwing an idea out.
  20. I can help as well if necessary
  21. I always thought it was Little Planet. Also, really looking forward to this Stardust Speedway JP collab if it's settled.
  22. PM'd you SuperiorX. I'm down to collab, as I'm not the most experienced yet, but I want to get there. Also, I'm able to contribute Hip-Hop type lyrics if necessary, or just general voice (not singing, but the shouts and other words used in the tracks)
  23. That Sonic CD collab did look pretty attractive. I had a thought: Maybe we don't have to make this project an album, but possibly an ongoing idea? Like many said, there isn't a huge amount of Hip-Hop on this site, and this is a great way to keep it up.
  24. Yeah, I'm so sorry about that. School really caught up with me in a bad way and I've been really weak on here. That's no excuse though. How does everyone want to proceed? Also, that Meteor Herd remix sounds cool, let me know when you hear about that, please.
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