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Everything posted by jnWake

  1. Hope my track does decent... People who know what instruments I don't play should be able to guess which one it is haha.
  2. I'm just before the Fire trial. Trying to decide who to use as my Fire Pokémon. Most of my options have a typing clash with another member of my team so I'm unsure. I'd pick Magby but I'm not sure if I can get Magmortar before the E4.
  3. I'm still looking for someone to play acoustic guitar... Come on people it's your chance to become famous! I guess.
  4. Thanks for the code! Didn't get a chance to draw my Magnezone vs Carnivine battle though .
  5. Dang I was ready to write my epic story of when I beat Fire Red using a team of Clefable / Togetic that only used Metronome. So, uh... I guess I'll try with djp's team. 1. Exploud. Based on an amplifier, makes perfect sense for a musician! 2. Porygon Z. Somewhere on the internet there's an interview (yes, I did my research) where djp mentions he likes/liked 3D design and Porygon is practically the Pokémon embodiment of that. Chose the Z version since it's stronger. 3. Luvdisc. It kinda looks like a pretzel? Also, the W. in djp's name clearly stands for Water Pokémon. Also, I'll guess 13 for your number. It's a damned number after all
  6. I'll let you know but I've had no luck yet. The Ac. Guitar in my arrangement is at least somewhat challenging I think too...
  7. Wow, love the samples used here. The buildup in the first 40 seconds or so was amazing. The soothing rhytm with the soft synths is a great combination. Awesome remix! What is this genre of music called?
  8. Anybody here plays acoustic guitar and is willing to record some stuff for my Overworld remix? Ac. Guitar is like the most important instrument in my arrangement so I need someone to play it live!
  9. Awesome! Looking forward to the end result. Hope you guys like my Chemical Plant Zone remix. Sadly, I couldn't make a Metal Sonic one though
  10. This is pretty good! Love "Warrior of Light" and "Rhinestones". Love the production too, those synth leads are so good.
  11. Once again I'm here in case anyone has a spare Genesect code for my poor latin american soul...
  12. Not sure. I love the source but time's been lacking (and I'm on vacation now!).
  13. I fear I won't be able to do much for this project. No promotions for me but several new projects have started in my life so my remixing time is barely nonexistent...
  14. Love the rhytm going on here. It's hard to follow at first but when things kick in at 0:48 it becomes really damn good. Also really like the chippy instrumentation.
  15. I've been working on mine. Didn't send anything because I was on holiday last week. I'll try to send something soon.
  16. I'm not big on technomanga but everyone in a while there comes an electronic remix that I can't help but love. I love the armonies and chords used in this one. So energetic too! Bass samples are awesome.
  17. I love these competitions and Shovel Knight + Mega Man is damn good but, "sadly", I'll be on vacation for most of the duration of competition. Oh well, hope it turns out great though!
  18. Wow this is great. I love when chiptunes are mixed with traditional instruments. Also love the mood, perfectly kept from the original source. Awesome!
  19. Instruments! I already asked someone for acoustic guitars and bass but I may ask for even more depending on how the arrangement progresses.
  20. I'm working on my Overworld remix and it's turning out interesting, to say the least. I think I'll need a few collaborators for it haha.
  21. Listening to the album now. Nice arrangements and playing in all the tracks, definitely a nice tribute! My favourites on first listen: - Time's Seal. Cool rendition of the original. - Dream of Green. Forest theme lends itself well to jazz with the cool chord progressions and ambient mood. I love the strong accentuated chords in the "chorus". My favourite of the album. Also really like the bass and synth lead. - Fight or Flight. Love the change at 1:10. Like that this one is more upbeat. And it has a drum solo! - Driftwood. Another source very suited for jazz! Really nice! All tracks were cool but the 4 above were my favourite.
  22. Ok. I'll do my best. Forgot to comment earlier, but it's a shame how things ended with Brandon. Oh well, as zyko said, I'm here for da muzak.
  23. I was kinda doubtful on my participation thanks to last week's drama but I'll continue as long as the project is alive. However, I'm not sure I can make the deadline lol.
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