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Everything posted by XZero

  1. I loved how overpowered Mewtwo was (well, any psychic-type Pokemon really), so between my Red and Blue games, I ended up with a legitimately caught and trained army of 6 L100 Mewtwos on my copy of Blue. I never played any tournaments or anything, but my friends always had funny reactions to finally beating one Mewtwo just to see another pop out, then another, another, and so forth. Ahh sixth grade. When Pikablu was *real* and I had the time to beat the same RPG 6 separate times.
  2. I work for Gamestop. My store was one of the top stores in Pokemon DS sales when those games came out, actually. We usually have copies of the GBA ones in stock, but $30 for a used one is a bit high, even with the employee discount and whatnot. Maybe it they had the box and instructions.
  3. Just out of curiosity, does anyone know of a store that might still have new copies of Fire Red/Leaf Green? I'm trying to get a new copy of one of them without going the online route.
  4. I agree about Fire Red/Leaf Green. If you can find one for a reasonable price ($20 or so) pick it up. The remakes are probably the most accessible. My Gold and Silver batteries died a while ago as well, so you should probably wait to see if a DS version of that series ever releases. Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald aren't bad (I got Emerald for free and kind of liked it). Diamond and Sapphire are good, but I think they're a bit over-complicated. Personally, I had so much fun playing the original Blue and Red back in 1998. I know I got all 150 Pokemon legitimately (no action replay or whatever cheat device was out back then) in Blue after playing it and most of Red for a cumulative total of more than 100 hours. Enough of my reminiscing. Pick up Fire Red or Leaf Green. Great experience, definitely worthwhile, and still a lot of fun whether you're twelve or twenty.
  5. Excellent job! I'd say that your music is as good as (and in some cases better than) the Black Mages. Magnificent work. I look forward to future releases from you guys!
  6. I picked this one up last week. Great graphics, epic music, 8-bit gameplay. I should mention that I really bought it because I wanted to play Guardia Quest, which turned out to be pretty boring and all together too hard, actually. I spend a lot of time dying. As far as the other games go, the second space shooter is lots of fun, the racing games are neat once you figure out how to play, and the third Haggleman Ninja game is really cool. The best part about the game in my opinion is the general presentation style and in-jokes for 80s kids. The people who are really going to get this stuff are the ones from the 20-30 age range (give or take). It's really nostalgic to be playing a game at a friend's house and have him say that he picked up the latest issue of [well, back in the day it was Nintendo Power] and that there was a *secret code!!!* in the magazine for the very game we were playing. Ahh... good times. BEWARE, however, that if you just want to play an RPG, get Dragon Quest V on Wednesday. Retro Game Challenge is worth the price for all of the content, but the exceedingly slow gameplay and rather short quest of Guardia Quest kind of disappoint if that's all you want, and this is coming from a HUGE childhood fan of Dragon Que.. WARRIOR 1-4.
  7. While there are certainly some songs which would be awesome to play on a Guitar Hero title (Terra in Black comes to mind), I think there might be some large legal hurdles to clear regarding rights.
  8. Music is huge, as a lot of others have indicated. Also, storyline, not just in terms of some originality, but in terms of good, interesting characters who you can really connect with. I know it wasn't an old-school 2D RPG, but I really got into Persona 4 about a month ago because the characters, storyline, and music were so good. Battles obviously play a part as well, though for me, I tend to prefer a quick battle system like the Tales games. Plus with RPG maker, your options are a bit more limited.
  9. So good! I remember in the days before I had internet access putting a tape recorder up to the speaker on my TV to record the game soundtrack. These arrangements bring me back to the good old days! Thanks!
  10. Dire Dire Docks is one of my personal favorite tracks from the outstanding Super Mario 64 soundtrack, so let me give you my feedback as a fan of the original with no musical/remixing skills to call my own. 0:00-0:51 - This is obviously the song itself using different instrumentation. I think this style of arrangement is fine for a start, though you might benefit from not playing through the whole song right from the start; in other words, use the intro as more of an intro than a quick play-through 0:52-2:08 - Where the trance beat kicks in is great, but I personally feel it goes on for far too long without any melody. Perhaps you could shorten this section up 2:08-4:15 - I feel like this part is kind of subdued. It's the same melody as the original, and again, it uses different instrumentation. I think this is where you can really afford to deviate from the original. Use some different/additional sounds here, play something that sounds like it is part of the track without being the melody itself again 4:15-4:54 - The outtro isn't bad for the trance part, perhaps a bit long, though I don't think it's really an issue like the intro section was 4:55-5:34 - Again, this isn't bad, but instead of playing through part of the song here, you could get to a point and deviate from it somewhat, as if to say (through music) "this is the end." You kind of do it during the last three seconds, but that could probably afford to be extended. My general feelings on this are that you are off to a good start. I think if you shortened the introductory stuff you could get some really good variation in the middle, which is where you really need it. But yeah, for lack of a better term, you need to "freestyle" or something in the middle of the mix to separate it from the original on a level beyond instrumentation and beat. All the same, keep working at it. I look forward to hearing an updated version at some point!
  11. Finishing The Immortal on the NES at about 8 years old. Not impressed yet? How about this: without a Game Genie. It is a strong memory because of how damn hard that stupid game was. Another memory would be more recently. After my freshman year of college a few years ago, I had nothing to do in late-May for a few days because I wasn't scheduled to work and many of my local friends were Seniors in high school who had exams and whatnot. As a result of my boredom, I broke out Banjo-Kazooie and played through it over a couple of days (probably about 9 hours total of gameplay). I had such a good time with that that every year since then (except when I was studying to take the LSATs -law school entrance exams-) I have played Banjo-Kazooie again, and I hope to do so this May. It feels kind of like I'm getting the summer off to a good start now.
  12. Overall, I liked it, but I can see a few problems/issues. First, I think the intro is a bit too long. It works, but could probably afford to be shorter. I totally agree with Soul Splint on the comments about 1:01, 2:40, and (it was implied) 4:14. Those sections are the basis of the song, and I felt like I was waiting for them to come in. Also, the 3:10-3:45 - I'm going to say that it could definitely work, but it seemed like it came out of nowhere. Perhaps you could integrate that sound elsewhere in the song and see if the package as a whole feels more complete and less disjointed. That having been said, I do like what you have thus far. BlackBurn was one of my personal favorites on the ZX soundtrack, and it's nice to see some ZX love on the site. Keep working at it. I look forward to hearing future revisions!
  13. Here's one of my personal favorites as an example of being able to buy ANYTHING on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Large-Bag-Bones-Pounds-BONES1/dp/B0009VKYBA/ref=pd_sbs_k_3 This 'Large Bag of Bones' has two particularly funny aspects - 1: Gift wrapping is available, and 2: the following review:
  14. As a person who was very disappointed with the oveall quality of the arrangements found in the official Mega Man 9 Arranged album, I cannot wait to hear what the *real* pros can conjure up.
  15. I first discovered 2K3 back in, conveniently enough, 2003. I spent a ton of time that summer making a game with that program. I had a storyline, characters that fit in and sprites to work with the story, integrated music from outside the program (lots of music by David Arkenstone for general town and field BGM), and other stuff. In terms of the overall total amount of content I envisioned, I probably included about 25% of it before I stopped working on it due to a lack of time. Recently, I played through what I had and discovered that I actually created a fun 4 or 5 hour experience. I tried using XP, but felt that despite some improvements, there were too many restrictions (though this might have been due to my lack of familiarity with the intricacies of the interface). Bottom line, if you have the time and a good idea, making an RPG on these things can be a lot of fun and really rewarding, especially if you lack coding abilities. From what others have indicated, it seems that coding the stuff on your own is a lot better, though I personally could never do it. Although I would actually recommend 2K3 over XP, give it a shot. As long as you can get over the tedium (for example, getting an item in a barrel: make an event of getting the item, add a condition or something, and create a follow-up event activated by getting the item that results in something different), it really is a fun and worthwhile experience. One day, perhaps when I retire in 40 years, I will go back and finish my little RPG.
  16. To echo a few that have already been mentioned, Zack and Wiki was really good, Wario was excellent (though the shaking thing was pretty gimicky), and Super Paper Mario was also really good. If you're into RPGs, I'd recommend picking up Tales of Symphonia for GCN (for about $15-20) and if you like it, try its Wii-exclusive sequel ToS: Dawn of the New World. That was one of two games I really got into over my Christmas break (the other being Persona 4). Personally, besides the lack of a traditional overworld and the game being a bit "talky," I really loved it. A few other games to try include Mega Man 9 (definitely worth a download), one of the Trauma Center games if you want some good challenge, and Mario Kart Wii, which is a fantastic entry in the series, albeit not a "sleeper hit." You may also want to check out Okami, though personally I prefer the PS2 version because I don't care for the waggle controls much. Lastly, though it isn't out yet, this May you should really invest in The Conduit, which looks like it's going to rock.
  17. Here's what you should probably do. First, contact the hospital financial office (or whoever you are supposed to pay the bill to) and explain what happened. See if they are willing to take care of the problem. If that doesn't work, you should hire a lawyer (or, since the amount is only $1200, you can take it to a small claims court). By the way, what precisely are they trying to charge you for? In other words, what service does the bill allege that you received? Because if you spent time with a doctor who did some procedures on you before it was discovered that you were in the wrong place, though you may get the bill reduced, you're probably going to have to pay for the doctor's time. Actually, small claims court is probably a good idea here if it comes to litigation. All you have to show is that, by a preponderance of the evidence (50.00001%+ of the evidence is on your side)you were the innocent party and got screwed in this instance by the hospital. Well anyway, I'm interested to see how this turns out. If you're willing to, keep us updated.
  18. Next year you turn 21, which is about the time that you start to forget how old you are when asked. I turn 23 in March, and for the last year or so, whenever people ask how old I am, they get some response ranging from 21-23. I assume this problem will only intensify over the next several years. Anyway, happy birthday!
  19. Based on the timer, at this point, we should be hearing something in about 8 days if this is real (assuming, of course, that my math is right, which is a dangerous assumption). I think someone on the gametrailers boards was talking about a rumor about an announcement for the next Zelda game or something, but I don't usually take those boards too seriously.
  20. Here's what I can tell you. These are approximate GameStop trade-in values. I haven't looked any of it up, so you are free to verify the resale prices at the website, but a reasonable price is probably somewhere between the trade value and the resale. Xbox 360 (of course) - about $120 2 20G hard drives - $20/each 2 headsets - $5 5 controllers (1 wired) - $15/each for wireless, $10 for wired 4 faceplates - n/a, normal value about $5-10 depending on rarity Games: Medal of Honor - unsure CoD 2, 3, 4, 5 - $2 - $30 Force Unleashed - $15 Brothers in Arms - unsure PGR3 - $5 Spider man 3 - $5 King Kong - $2 Kameo - $2 Battlefield 2 - $10 Battlefield bad company - $15 Superman - $8 Farcry 2 - unsure Grid - unsure, probably about $20 Xbox Live Gold - $25 ($50 for the year, so $25 for half a year) Miscellaneous cables - $15-25 I make no representation that these prices are correct. They are based on 5.5 years with GameStop, so I am assuming many are pretty accurate (I'm usually good at guessing trade-in values when someone asks). Can't really help you with the other stuff. If you were to take everything, I'd probably recommend offering somewhere between $300-$350 assuming all of it is in good condition. To put it into perspective, a 360, even a really efficient one, often doesn't live too long, so if his is pretty old, I'd offer less and negotiate the price from there.
  21. As I recall, EGM was responsible for an argument I had with someone in eighth grade about the new character in the forthcoming N64 game Mario Tennis. I think it was EGM that incorrectly printed his name as "Waruigi" instead of the proper "Waluigi." I, with the information of the experts on my side (Nintendo Power), ended up being correct and being able to prove my point that EGM was wrong. I thought EGM was pretty good back in the day. I liked the fact that several reviewers usually discussed the bigger games. I am interested in finding out what people thought of the game, and one person's take is often insufficient. For the record, with respect to the Game Informer quote on the first page of this thread, I don't care what the gaming public at large is going to think of the game. If I did, I'd read a gamefaqs review. I want to know what they thought of the game. And I also don't agree with deducting a point (or more) because a quality game is "kiddy" in nature. If it's good, it's good. That's all there is to it.
  22. Excellent work! The preview is really cool, and the music sounds so professional. I can't wait for the release!
  23. Sounds great, but I agree that it could use some more variation. Also, though I recognize that it isn't finished, don't end the final piece as suddenly as this one does. Otherwise, I'm looking forward to see what becomes of your interpretation.
  24. Ehh... I just bought the soundtrack.
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