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I never noticed that. The Kakariko Village theme from Twilight Princess was one of my favorite songs from the game, but I'm pretty surprised to hear the connection between it and the Dark World. Very interesting.
Super Metroid: Reserve Tank ~VARIAtions~ Released
XZero replied to DarkeSword's topic in General Discussion
This album is amazing. Showcasing the efforts of a community like this is really a tribute to the strength of OCR and the unbelievable talents of its various artists. Well done! As an aside, congratulations to bLiNd and Jade! -
When I used to listen to the radio while driving to college every day (about three years ago now), the rock station I had on frequently played "Limelight" and "Freewill." As I was driving, I would often think about how cool those songs were, but by the time I got home, I didn't remember to look any of them up. One day, I was at home and heard one of them on the radio when my alarm went off. I immediately turned on my computer, and several hours later, walked out of Best Buy with two of their CDs. Another one I recently discovered is Bon Jovi. I had a mock trial in high school where the defendant stole a Bon Jovi tape. At the time, I never heard of them (and mispronounced it while doing my cross-examination of one of the defense witnesses). As it turned out, I had heard of several of their songs ("You Give Love a Bad Name," "Livin' on a Prayer," etc.) and never knew who sang them. Several years later, I own a handful of their CDs. Great stuff.
ScrewAttack accepts Soulja Boy's challenge on Xbox Live.
XZero replied to Chris8282's topic in General Discussion
Now that I do agree with. James knows that his videos are intended to be funny, so people are laughing with him. Soulja Boy is freaking hilarious because everyone is laughing at him. I think if I had a functional Death Note, I'd write his name in it as punishment for (as someone already pointed out) his butchering of the English language and professionalism in general. -
ScrewAttack accepts Soulja Boy's challenge on Xbox Live.
XZero replied to Chris8282's topic in General Discussion
I'm from the country of Pennsylvania. I don't listen to the radio, and spend most of my time reading and studying because I am a tremendously busy law student who doesn't get out much as a result of doing 10+ hours of work each day (with some OCR playing in the background). Your comment sparked my curiosity, though, so I looked his song up on YouTube. It was unbearable after a few seconds. I guess, based on your remarks, that I should feel bad for you for having to endure that travesty. And for the record, I know who the fuck Elvis is. I think he married a couple of my friends in Vegas once -
ScrewAttack accepts Soulja Boy's challenge on Xbox Live.
XZero replied to Chris8282's topic in General Discussion
Screwattack's video making fun of him was really funny, but I don't understand why anyone is validating him by responding to his video. Before today I never even heard of him, and while I concede openly that I loathe rap, hip-hop, and any variations thereof as a matter of personal choice, this individual strikes me as more offensive than most others. I won't say that I hope the screwattack folks beat him because I don't think anyone should play with him. How vain and self-absorbed does a person have to be to hold up the 50¢ game and say that one day he will star in his own game? Then again, who would aspire to be in a "game" like that one in the first place? -
ScrewAttack accepts Soulja Boy's challenge on Xbox Live.
XZero replied to Chris8282's topic in General Discussion
I've never heard of him before, but after watching about 25 seconds of that video, I have to say that his existence is an affront to my sensibilities. -
I enjoyed 3, but didn't get past June or July (those who played it should know what I mean by this). I really found the blandness of the dungeons to be boring. Does 4 have more creativity to its dungeons, or are they another randomly-generated mess? I plan on getting it anyway, but I'm just sort of curious.
Actually, the "out sometime in 2010" thing is already the case. IGN had another article today talking about what they wanted to see in the new Dragon Quest. Personally, I could go for a Dragon Quest VIII-style game with a new and interesting story, a traditional control scheme (sideways Wii-mote, classic/GCN controller support, etc.), and maybe some more sidequests during the game (ala Chrono Trigger). I could go either way with random battles. I usually hate them, but Dragon Quest is the only franchise where I will tolerate them.
http://wii.ign.com/articles/937/937167p1.html I honestly can say that I sort of saw this coming. Dragon Quest has always been the series that jumps on the 'most popular console' bandwagon. Four installments on the NES, 2 on the SNES, 1 on the PSX, 1 on the PS2, one on the DS, and now one on the Wii. It simply makes sense that SquareEnix would want to get this game into the hands of the most gamers possible, especially in Japan. The resolution of this issue is to put it out on the system that likely wouldn't require someone to buy a new system. Now I know Wii haters will say that this is one game out of the ton of shitty ones out there, but, especially for the Japanese market, this is huge.
I just read the post. The logical flow of the argument she(?) poses is second to none, and her point is expressed with such clarity and precision that one can only feel compelled to adopt this perspective on the game. ...okay, nevermind... For the record, I doubt that that person is actually a mom, and I further doubt that it is a female. I suspect it's some 13-16 year old boy screwing around. For that reason, I would not validate the stupidity with an email response.
Beautiful work. Best of luck cutting down the filesize for OCR.
I'll own up to calling it this the first time I read the text in the game. I'd never heard of the sword before, and I just figured that the characters who made it were indeed called "Masa" and "Mune [mewn]." I think I heard the correct pronunciation on an anime a few years later.
Hi everyone. I have a Kensington sd100s laptop docking station. I have been suffering from static coming through my speakers and other sound-related problems with this thing ever since I began using it in August (clicks, static, etc). I am positive my speakers work fine (tested them through a different medium), and I know it isn't my computer doing it (plugging in headphones directly to the computer yields perfect sound). So my question is thus: Does anyone know a way to disable the sound aspect of this docking station so I can plug my speakers directly into my computer? I want to continue to use the docking station for everything else; this is the only problem I've encountered with it. Thanks in advance to anyone who can save me a call to tech support in India.
Let me get the negatives out of the way. As you already know, there's no way this gets on OCR at the current file size. The other problem that would possibly keep this off of OCR, even with a smaller file size, is that there isn't much in the way of getting away from the source material. Lastly, as someone already noted, the 'medley-itis' thing works against you. Now the positives. This track is basically a compressed version of what I wanted out of the Mega Man 9 Arranged CD (and got screwed on). Seriously, this is amazing stuff. In 7:29, you brought back very fond memories of swearing like a sailor at the TV. I don't know what your time constraints are like, but you should seriously consider doing a separate track-by-track album of Mega Man 9 arrangements. Your talent is amazing for this. Hopefully the others here can give you some constructive advice for getting this on OCR, but if that doesn't work out, awesome job.
Castlevania "Clockwork" instrumental
XZero replied to CrackMasterK's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
I think it feels a bit hollow. One way I'd suggest to fill it out would be to add some lower strings. I also didn't hear much variety throughout. To get a track on OCR, you need to deviate somewhat from the source material, which means some experimentation with the track to find a unique take on it. I like the dark, edgy feel thus far (reminds me of Castlevania 64), so my two pieces of advice would be to add some deeper sounds, probably strings, to fill the track out, and to put some more variety into the song. Clockwork is a difficult song to tackle, but I think you've got something here. Keep working at it. -
It's a form Rush takes in the game. I think what friendlyHunter was saying is that Rush's normal form is a regular robot dog in all of the Mega Man games from 3 on up. So I guess this means that you're both right. And, like many others, I, too, thought that Roll was a dude at first.
I preordered this back in August. This was the first game I played via a rom; I had heard about it, but didn't know (a) where to find a copy (2001-02) and ( if it was as good as people said. I absolutely love Chrono Trigger. I have since bought the cartridge and the PS1 remake (which sucked hardcore due to the load times). I am looking forward to some portable Chrono Trigger action. Maybe triumphant sales of this re-make will get us Chrono Cross on DS or *gasp* Chrono Break?!?!? Yeah... I guess not.
I had the hardest time with Gate in Mega Man X6. I think it's my impatience, but I just kept getting frustrated with him because it took so damn long to kill him. Another difficult boss I can recall was Mizar from Jet Force Gemini. I remember getting all but one of the parts for the ship in that game, but giving up when I didn't realize you had to save all of the teddy-bear things throughout the game. A year or so later, I picked it up again and saved all of those things, getting to the Asteroid and to Mizar. A year after that, I finally beat him. That fight gave me a variety of problems.
Kirby's Eating Disorder (Gourmet Race Remix)
XZero replied to Taeaekkae's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Great intro. Remember to not stick too close to the source material, but I really like what you have. I think the next section (0:29-??) needs to be a repeat of the theme from 0:19-0:28 (just in terms of sticking with the progression of the song), but it really needs to kick up the power and the energy of the tune, as that seems to be the next logical step in this mix. I'm looking forward to seeing where you go with this one! -
This was pretty interesting to read. It made me think of a story I read in a Property Law textbook: A lawyer in New Orleans searched title in land back to 1803 for a federal agency. The agency then asked the lawyer who owned the land prior to 1803, and he, in reply, said that in 1803, the U.S. bought Louisiana from France, which got it from Spain by conquest. Spain had Louisiana by discovery of Columbus on authorization of Queen Isabella. Isabella had obtained the sanction of the Pope before granting the authorization. The Pope is the Vicar on earth of Jesus Christ, the only son and heir apparent of God. God made Louisiana. I would assume here that applying the same logic to the origin of music, one would, as has already been indicated, get back to the cavemen. Since God created the cavemen, God created their music. I supplement this by noting that because I think that I'm God, I created music. See? It's pretty simple.
I would recommend the "Sinking Old Sanctuary" as used in the Art Gallery in Castlevania 64: Legacy of Darkness. Stylistically, it's a dark, classical piece, using [synthesized] strings for the main melody. It conveys a sense of darkness while retaining a strangely foreboding elegance. Alternatively, "Stairway to the Clouds," found in both versions of CV64 is a nice dark choral theme.
***Warning: Lots of Spoilers; go to www.southparkstudios.com to watch before reading*** So last night's episode was really impressive on a couple of levels. The episode itself was ultimately a movie parody (more precisely a style parody) of things like Oceans 11, but it was pulled off pretty well. I have to assume that they figured Obama would win, though I don't doubt that they've been working on this episode long enough that a McCain victory would have resulted in basically the same episode with some things reversed. I look forward to the Season 12 DVD set to see if in fact there was an alternate episode largely ready to air last night. The big thing about the episode for me was that it felt *right*. I was a McCain supporter, and several of my friends were Obama supporters. It was interesting to see how they really showed the two extremes: the excessive and largely groundless fear that Obama's victory means the end of the world on one side, and the excessive stupidity in partying about an inarticulable "change" that is coming on the other. I give Matt and Trey a lot of credit for this one. South Park last night was really a nice episode because it pulled the sides together after the divisiveness of the campaign. While this episode didn't feature the boys very prominently (though Cartman having stolen all of the televisions from the people partying in the streets was golden), I think it worked pretty well. It probably won't be one of those timeless episodes (the closest we've gotten to that recently was probably the Breast Cancer show), but its effectiveness as a timely commentary was really strong in my opinion. What did you guys think?
I bought a Greatest Hits copy of Chrono Cross due in large part to the remixes. Also, hearing the Xenogears ReMixes before playing the game really made me appreciate the music itself more.
OCR01773 - Banjo-Kazooie "Malevolent Mansion"
XZero replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
I think I remember being very excited about this one as a WIP, so it's great to see this mix getting posted. Excellent work.