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Everything posted by Necrox

  1. Really nice. I'm not just saying that; this is quite tranquil. The imagery is very easy to see.
  2. All I have is Iphone speakers, but this still sounds nice. It makes me imagine a prince sneaking out of his castle at night to abandon a life of seclusion and corruption.
  3. Vocal mixes are iffy for me but this is so good. I really like how it has a fantasy feel (both lyrics and music) while still being a clear love song. Great work!
  4. Does anyone ever get a great idea only to realize it's from a song?
  5. Voted. I'm going to try to contribute more often, even if it's small.
  6. Maybe lucid dreaming would interest you.
  7. Have you ever had dreams at all related to music making? I just had a funny one where too much compression could cause physical harm to listeners.
  8. Gonna sit out. I was intending on contributing more consistently, but life is kicking my butt.
  9. Time to vote after a long day running in a gym. "voting ends in: 2 minutes".... nope. I've already listened to 3 but I can't make a vote.
  10. You and me both man. It gets better just spending time writing stuff, though.
  11. Don't know if I'll make it. School + drumline + composition
  12. I'm looking to make a MMZ album and I would appreciate some feedback to help make it the best it can be. https://soundcloud.com/twilight-stream/stop-the-hacking-and-protect-the-factory/s-kePEo - fixed audio spike at beginning
  13. Thanks for responding! I guess I was dramatizing it, yeah.
  14. I just finished a song I've been working on pretty much all day with a few 1-2 hour breaks and now I feel depressed for some reason. Does this happen to anyone who works for hours at a time? Is this unhealthy?
  15. It has an upbeat feel, which is weird because the original is a bit downtrodden. If that's your intention, fine, but if not, then that's the main thing that stood out. It feels a bit bare bones as well, maybe add some more subtle parts that change often?
  16. Unbelievable... Thanks for posting this! Edit: Is this legit?
  17. Concerning RWTS, what is the expectation of proficiency for the non-star? I know the last round was open for anyone, but what is the usual expectation?

  18. Is there some expectation of skill for Remixng with the Stars? I'm looking to do it when season 3 starts, but I don't know if I'm up to par.

  19. The atmosphere is so cinematic and sad, and the sound choices fit well. Good mix!
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