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Everything posted by Necrox

  1. Source: Can somebody do a black metal remix of this fine tune? The lead melody just begs for tremolo picking. The idea is something like 0:51 of this song.
  2. I'm putting this in community because it's just a theoretical idea that's probably too liberal to be a legitimate competition here. What if there was a competition where instead of the previous round's winner or the compo host just picking a song, they also include a video of the scene/dungeon/wherever from the game that the song is used in? The idea would be not to remix the song, but to write a new song that would connect to the scene and use a small portion of the original tune in it.
  3. Do any VGM you want in the style of Autechre. On the obscure side, but if you want a challenge, you might enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uDy9IqScmU&list=PLLTeRHdm3hrkLKVi7Gj_OOak3UN3QG6eR&index=4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8GG1Lia5-U&list=PLLTeRHdm3hrkLKVi7Gj_OOak3UN3QG6eR&index=3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abf9y249C0M&list=PLZtC0l-oGCju52I2ojcUmE56LEdoxRsQE&index=6
  4. Epic Win, lackluster? Whatever, this track is not of this Earth and reminds me that "joke" stuff can actually be really good and musical and stuff
  5. Best track on the album! 3:28 section is a beautiful break and 4:49 OH MY GOD
  6. Lately, I've been working hard at drumming as well as learning piano and composing, and I'm starting to feel a bit overwhelmed doing it all in a day. For people who have learned multiple skills, how do you go about it? Do you divide it up into blocks of time in a current day or do you immerse yourself in one thing for a day, another the next, etc? Are there any other strategies?
  7. Thanks; it's pretty much a giant pot of random songs I know. I thought it was so out-there that I might as well title this thread the way I did.
  8. The latter. It's all original work (well, original in that I did the arrangement of course)
  9. That drop at 2:00 0.0 Great mix, loved the FF1 work and this is killer too. For some reason, I'm having problems keeping my headphones on.
  10. https://soundcloud.com/twilight-stream/masterpeace Any tips to make it crazier?
  11. When that 2nd tune hit I got full body chills. I've been waiting since 2012 and this sounds great. That overworld remix at the end killed me. This is gonna be awesome.
  12. Does anyone here like to make stupid/ridiculous music for a laugh? I mean, everyone fools around sometimes, but I feel like I've spent more time doing stupid stuff than actually learning stuff.
  13. Happy Birthday! Hopefully, FF2 gets out sometime soon.

    1. BONKERS


      Never saw this! Thanks! :D

  14. I think it might be a better if it was a little less similar to a certain famous battle theme (especially if you want to use it as an original in a game).
  15. In that case, is Kontakt worth it if you don't have a high end computer? I have a decent laptop that's from 2013, but it always takes a while to load projects, especially if I have 10+ instances of Nexus. Skyline Drop, thanks for that library. It sounds awesome for being free.
  16. Until someone compared this track to it, I've never heard the old Viridian Forest theme from the first Pokemon release. Feedback is welcome as I would like to put this in a game if it fits. https://soundcloud.com/twilight-stream/dont-enter-the-forest-8-bit
  17. I like the background synth used throughout and the solos were cool. I'm not by any means a trustworthy source of criticism, but I applaud you for remixing this game (I'm considering flooding the site with Battle Network remixes some day).
  18. Lately, I've been wanting all manners of percussion instruments in my library, but Rhapsody (A great-sounding pack developed by Impact Soundworks) is $200 and I don't even have Kontakt. Is there any way I can get some decent orchestral percussion for anywhere under $100?
  19. Cool stuff, I finally got some talking synths.
  20. I'm trying to write a song using a soundfont, but my go-to player (Sforzando) only seems to work if I have 1 track of a given soundfont going. It says error loading sfz if I try to use two tracks of the same collection at once, and although Fruity Soundfont Player seems to work, that is a demo and I don't want to put out cash if I don't have to. I've heard that Sforzando is the best free soundfont player, so surely there is something that can be done.
  21. Looks like it's externally ok. Same issues for both cords and I've only used one before. Maybe I'll just get a cheap one-octave controller if nothing can be done.
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