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Everything posted by swansdown

  1. I understand what people are saying about the transitions not being perfect. But to me the whole mix comes off as a credits medley. I especially feel the 'credits medley' at 2:40 when the music picks up in a sort of victory dance then it starts to cool down around 3:20 until The End scrolls across the screen. For credits, I think it works. It's also lovely everywhere. Memories. c: My favourite section is the village from ~1:35-2:35.
  2. Gentle yet tense. Beautiful Each 'lull' feels less like relaxing and more like brief respites in the middle of a battle. I keep listening again and again. I definitely get a flying vibe here, especially around 3:00. c:
  3. Excellent race music! Gets you pumped From ~2:40-3:00 feels like going under a tunnel, and 4:45-5:20 gives the song plenty kick too. Just awesome.
  4. Always a pleasure to listen to. I love this mix. *fist pumps* YEH
  5. Hate? So Easy made me laugh XD It's awesome! Nice to have the dirty version of Ska Buffet too The whole album is great. Love the chipiness. Love the drive. Love that so many decided to stick with it for so long. Thank you. c:
  6. O_O KICK ASS! So many favourite tracks and just... just... just... ^__^ So much power and so seamless and just... wow. c: ... And The Duke (THE Duke! n__n) totally pronounced Ryu right! ;3
  7. Love the heavier take on the source track. Would be more effective for some of the slower boss fights, that's for sure! I always come back to this one. The unique intro just sucks you in, and there's lots of hard layers to keep you there. Yes, many layers of hardness and kick ass-ness. c:
  8. What a grand, impressive feeling! And how you made Tetris music sound grand, I'll never know. Simply marvelous! :3
  9. This is... substantial? I'm not sure how, but it's a lovely 8 minutes for me. Before coming here, the only piano solo I enjoyed was Moonlight Sonata - and everything else unaccompanied-piano just grated on me. But this is a pleasure to listen to. I only wish it were longer!
  10. Yes, what a light, airy song for "Declaration of War" Fantastic sense of action and flight. There's a definite sense of panic there too, but mostly victory and triumph. A wonderful listen!
  11. oh wow, this is really something! I love waltzes and the waltz style adds a certain playfulness here. Or not, if that wasn't what was intended. Either way I love this mix. So fun and quirky! :3
  12. Oh, wow, this is a nice surprise Much different than Neo Fire Cross, but just as cool. Yeh... pleasant and cool. ... I thought them's were bagpipes too at first XD I should know better. Congrats on the awesome uni offer regardless ;3 You rock!
  13. So happy to see you top 100k -- now let's see if it goes to 150k! It's going to be close!! ^___^ Upped my donation, yeh. Up yours! :3 erm, wait XD
  14. This has to be one of my favourite SoM mixes. It's so merry and bright and cute and just so completely emphasises everything fantastic about the original. Brilliant! I'd hug it if I could. :3 And considering how much it comes up in my playlist, I think that thought a lot. Watch out for hugs. X3
  15. eeeee!! omgosh you guys rock! ^___^ ^w^ this is cool! this is so cool! Re-donating :3 You can bet we'll show you our support again... especially after all the hardship you went through. I'm so happy you and Square were able to work everything out all nice and friendly-like. Thank you guys for doing what you love and sharing it with others.
  16. eeee!! Amazing yeah! ^__^ This really made my day. Now don't feel pressured into doing the entire SF cast, kay? You've made a lovely pair of songs here. Just WOW
  17. I love the build up in this track, especially at 2:48 and the riffs at 3:20! While both versions give off a sense of danger, Mak's remix feels a lot more urgent and powerful whereas the original stays more or less at the same strength throughout the entire track and there's no real climax. (Almost like being trapped in the same stage and over and over and over again failing to get passed the monotony...) Mak also seemed to emphasis the little contemplative section (1:00 - 1:10), which is one of the best, stand-out parts of the original. And you want to make more Ecco mixes?! YEH just awesome! ^__^
  18. I'm so glad you were able to amiably work things through with Square! Really, that's impressive negotiating. I hope more people donate now, knowing what you've gotten through.
  19. It's mixes like these that make me wish karaoke versions were released. I'd love to do an awful cover of this! XD A perfect evolution from the already jazzy source track. Definitely made for a marvelous surprise in the awesome Maverick Rising album. Unique -- and squishable! :3
  20. hee this is so cool! Mute Radiology could totally be used as a remix for a new F-Zero game - and I'm not just blowing air up anyone's skirt. Somehow it also sounds really complex... layered?... I'm not sure how to place the way the sounds seem to interact. I just like it.
  21. I almost can't believe how good this is! ^__^ Even coming from a great source track, this is amazing. And from a 40 sec track, no less. XD It's not just the awesome solo at the third minute mark that keeps this going, that's for sure. :3
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