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Everything posted by swansdown

  1. O_O This... IS AWESOME. Scary, creepy, freaky fun! It'd make some serious endgame music, that's for sure! ^__^
  2. I enjoyed it. It is difficult for me to say what I like or don't like, because it's so long. I want to break it up into smaller pieces to listen to each a few times over. The other medley's on ocremix tend to be shorter, not spending as much time on each section. Gabe Terracciano & Shnabubula Metroid - Suite for Violin and Piano Scaredsim Illusion of Gaia - Will is the Lord Russel Cox E.V.O. - Evolutionary Means What you may want to do if the medley cover isn't accepted, is break things up into elements of 2-4 minutes long and make separate submissions. Tweex did an entire album of orchestral mixes for FF XI, choosing to submit only 2 to ocremix (A Descent Challenge and Battling Despair at Dawn). I could imagine you doing the same, really. Good luck I'm glad you like Paladine's Quest enough to remix it.
  3. Definitely like this thread. Came in with an old game bias. Came out with none. :3 So a larger proportion of newer games have ambient music whereas a larger proportion of older games have melodic music? Is that the main change? Music in the back vs music in the fore, so to speak?... *-)
  4. Agreed on the memorable part And on the other things you said... I'm learning Gradual improvement - hurray! XD
  5. What makes this track so good? So many great elements. The twang at 0:40... The harder drive at 2:00... Sort of a funk rock deal. ^__^
  6. Epic atmosphere. I almost can't believe the source it came from. Grandiose throughout and changes from exploration to inspiring to dangerous. Very cool.
  7. It's great to hear musicians' takes on this! Particularly Neblix, but everyone really. Interesting thread! It probably doesn't help that videogame music hasn't really been broken down into different styles like band music has? Difficult to talk without terms and groups sometimes... I think there's been an overall shift in genre caused by things many people have mentioned. - new instruments to use / more memory - more control over mood through graphics (I hadn't considered this before) - shift to ambient or low-key atmospheric music - sheer designer or musician preference to do something different Developers can make music with modern instruments that is both similar to older style music and distinct. (See the numerous examples people have posted. Also see Ys vs vs ) It is, as I believe has been said repeatedly, that music is now a bit more in the background for some games due to changes in how atmosphere is created. A move to the ambient, even.Ah, a gripe of mine: don't conflate ambient with classical. Simply because orchestral music is used, does not mean the music has to be low-key atmospheric generic-y. A game could easily have kick ass orchestral tracks like the and the . Or something whimsical like . Also notice I've pointed to the best of the best of classical music. If you complain that there are few examples of great music of today's games, then you haven't acknowledged that most creative works aren't amazing -- they're 'merely' good. The genre or set of instruments examined isn't going to change this fact. Consider how many 8-16 bit games there are (or that you've played) compared to how many of their soundtracks you listen to.On a related note, I have wondered if the more realistic the graphics are, the less likely they are to have older style VG music? Would it feel wierd to have a highly realistic game with older style music? Quake 4 would play well with Quake 2 music, so this is not the best generalisation, I know... One of the HyperDuck guys said in an interview that Microsoft (? or someone else) had asked them to change up their Ys (8-16 bit era) to something for Dust. Listening to their full soundtrack including (the older tracks they had made before switching styles), I think either style could have worked for the game, but maybe that's not always true.
  8. This is a wonderful homage to E.V.O. I especially love the remix of the ocean theme. <3
  9. Just amazing. It is like an Ecco track. The sound effects easily pass for a cavern or water (or cavern water!) stage music. c:
  10. ^__^ It's just so happy. Peppy! Starts out nice and slow then kicks up for the rest. A groove that's uplifting in a way I can't describe. One of my favourite vocals.
  11. Yeh! This could easily have gone in a BadAss album. >Very cool. Especially love the last minute from 2:00. The whole track is just awesome.
  12. What a beautiful melody~ Very chill and peaceful. Thank you for making this. The moment at 0:51 and 2:05 make me think of little deformed animal people running through fields. aw
  13. Nice sharp edges. I especially like the bit that goes from 1:30-2:15, but the atmosphere is great throughout the piece. Pretty damn cool ^__^
  14. Oooh! Has a Vince Guaraldi feel to it. Just lovely! And it's pretty chill for a character with a crotch-punching temper
  15. It could fit in my playlist right now. The S.S.H. influence comes through nicely too. Favourite bits 0:32 - 0:42 1:04 - 1:50 2:38 - 2:53 - favourite bit!
  16. Yeh! *fist pump* ^-^

  17. Oh no! I'm stuck listening to Bad Octopus over and over again -- AGAIN. XD There isn't any section that stands out as better than the rest. It's. All. Excellent. o_o Everything works so damn well and it all comes together as pure concentrated fun! :3 Just ohmygosh fun! mm I do get pretty pumped at 2:57-3:20, while 0:30-0:50 gives me a big stupid grin. XD Proud! ^__^ And I love how the end isn't a simple fadeout, instead honouring another piece. A fadeout would've been okay, but I think the change-up works even better. The transition to it, too, just rocks! Smoooth Awesome! ^__^ Awesome, everywhere!
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