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  • Real Name
    Josh Barron
  • Occupation
    Composer/ Cook (have a degree in Culinary Arts)

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  • Collaboration Status
    3. Very Interested
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)

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  1. Was looking for feedback on this arrangement I did of The Last Soul from Streets of Rage. Before this arrangement, I had never done jazz/hip-hop fusion before. It was a very interesting and awesome experience :). I want to do more with SoR with live band and such. Any suggestions for this? As always thank you for taking the time to listen!
  2. So I am really stepping out of my orchestral/classical background with this game. The game is a challenging space racer title and the director of it really loves synthwave so I made sure the synthetic sound was in every track. However, I wanted to use acoustic sounding elements mixed in. My influences for this are Masashi Hamauzu and 65daysofstatic (No Man's Sky). These tracks are in their very VERY early stages so I plan to make changes. I hope those that listen really enjoy the music and maybe leave a comment to critique.
  3. The original song released today on Spotify, so I decided to do a quick remix of it. I am very new to this kind of music so feel free to critique me on it. I am more of a live instrumentation kind of guy so electronica music is quite the challenge to create.
  4. So there needs to be another jazz album like this :).
  5. This is a small collection that I am hoping to make larger so that I might get involved with Skyrim mod projects. What do you all think of the music? Does it fit the Elder Scrolls universe? I really would love feedback :). Thank you for listening!
  6. A couple of piece I arranged for piano and voice (lyrics written by Ashley Lynn Watts). This is my first time arranging for piano and voice in this manner. I am curious to what all of you think?
  7. Please cover more Sawano ;). And thank you for your work!
  8. The music part is pretty solid! The vocals need more umph. Perhaps consider a female vocalist or perhaps make the vocal part higher? I'm not trying to dog anything, I just am not feeling the vocals as they are (the later half they improve from 3:25 on). The acoustic take on this is very good! The lyrics are good and the arrangement structure is very good. Kudos to bringing a Sawano piece to OCR :D! I hope you do more music of his!
  9. Here is a track that I orchestrated and had recorded live. I really love some of the tracks from FFX-2 and this theme is actually one of the most emotional FF themes out there, imo. What do you all think?
  10. Thank you very much for your detailed and helpful feedback! Yeah, there will be improvised solos from both the lead guitar and tin whistle. I like my musicians to have some creative wiggle room when doing music like this because 1) they LOVE to just do their thing and 2) it sounds more natural and organic.The ending will sound better through live performance as we will be able to make that transition more natural and it will also have some improvised effects too :). I am glad you like the arrangement as a whole and I might still tinker with the end to see what I can do. Thank you again for your feedback and taking the time to listen!
  11. Here is something I put together in about 20 minutes while I was trying to finish another piece. I imagine this to be played in a tavern :). Will have this recorded with real instruments soon, but for now this is just the VST mockup. Hope you all enjoy!
  12. Thank you Greymanz! I am really glad you enjoyed it! To answer your question... this arrangement contains mostly live recordings. The ocarina and accordion are both VST but everything else you hear is played live by a member of my band The Travelers. We are doing a full album that will be released this Winter just before Christmas. As for ReMixes, I always will do live or non at all. I'm old fashioned that way and besides I am a quality over quantity guy ;). And I find people enjoy the live stuff more so I have to give the people what they love! This is the site where you can get all the info about the album and updates :)! https://www.facebook.com/thetravelersalbum/
  13. Ok so this is the official debut of my group The Travelers, a supergroup of some amazing musicians and arrangers (including the likes of Doug Perry, Mklachu, Jordan Chin, Ian Martyn, just to name a few) who play Euro-folk arrangements of game music. I had the pleasure of being able to arrange Kokiri Forest into an Irish Jig style and to feature my awesome group The Travelers. I combine Traditional Irish music with what most would call modern, contemporary Irish styles (kind of like you hear from Mumford and Sons). Anyway, I really would love feedback on the piece from all of your great remixers out there ;).
  14. I am getting this performed live when I am done, but here is the VST sample. I did this all by ear and wanted to make this very catchy with its moving viola lines. Feedback is very welcome!
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