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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Can someone save both remixes just in case? I'm at work and they might be gone before I get a chance to hear them.
  2. Haha, his username makes me lol every time. But the 360 controller is actually pretty sweet.
  3. There's another issue I need to get sorted out before I choose an airport...I might be arriving pretty late on Thursday. How late are you willing to do pickups, NC_Dave? And to anyone who knows, how late will the DCA shuttles be running?
  4. Would it be difficult/impractical/dumb to give decisions their own tab?
  5. I'd be interested, sure, but whether I could actually hold up to that level of responsibility might be a different matter. I haven't even updated the unofficial archive for several months now. But who knows, something like this might be just the kind of motivation I need. Another question would be whether you want to have a site formatting standard for the sheet music. It might make quality control easier if people have guidelines to follow.
  6. Argh, decisions! But since you put it that way, Dulles is starting to look like a better choice. You get another person to keep you company, I get a free ride...everyone wins! I'll keep you updated on my situation.
  7. The second option seems to make more sense, if I understood your post correctly. A general sheet music archive would be useful, but slightly out of the site's scope I would think. It'd also probably involve another level of quality control, which I think would just about put poor Larry in a straightjacket.
  8. Which is quite appreciated, obviously. I just brought the dictatorship thing up since that seems to be the official staff statement on this issue.
  9. Well, I didn't know where the airports are actually located, but I checked Google Maps and I guess you're talking about Reagan. Sounds good, I'll probably do that and take the shuttle (unless someone is willing to pick me up from there).
  10. Technically, it's actually a dictatorship, and the staff have stated as much. The judges can provide their input on site decisions, but djp is the one who ultimately calls the shots.
  11. That would be much appreciated. The price isn't really an issue since I'm using a voucher, so the main factor is which airport is more convenient in terms of location and arrival times.
  12. This one is about $270. You can put your model number into Google or eBay for a more accurate estimate.
  13. Well, it looks like my holiday schedule/travel plans are starting to come together. Hopefully this will include Magfest from Thursday evening to Sunday whenever. Since I'm sure a lot of other people are arriving that night, it'd be cool if I could get in on the carpool, but otherwise I'm fine with taking the shuttle. Similar situation for Sunday. So my questions are where should I arrive (Dulles or Reagan) and when (afternoon or evening) to get rides to/from the airport? Then there's the matter of rooms. So far, it looks like people who are offering are Hale-Bopp, djp, and Bahamut, in order of crampedness. Are Overcoat and Moguta? Maybe we can work something out. Also AnSo, if your Magfest reg is still available, I'll be glad to take it off your hands. If I'm lucky I'll be able to make this a $300 trip. Which is not bad, but it's like giving up a Wii for you guys, so you'd better not disappoint!
  14. A surprise *ROFL* in every box!
  15. I know people have already mentioned Snake's taunt, but... Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. That pretty much made my entire day.
  16. I say maybe you've been eating too many ganja-Os.
  17. Not so much a fan of unintelligible choir samples (perhaps the piece would have been better served by as an instrumental?), but I can definitely appreciate the complexity of the partwriting (gotta love that buzzword). After 4:36 = wow. Didn't really get the random key change at the end though.
  18. That's what she said OSNAP
  19. The 8800GT isn't on the chart (you might be looking at the 8800GTS 320MB and 640MB), but is definitely the card to get these days. That said I actually have an 8500GT ($50 after rebate), but even being a bottom-end card it runs everything I need it to (emulators and HL2) quite well.
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