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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Nice. I actually learned stuff looking at these!
  2. Well, there's nothing really "OCR" about it. In fact, now that I think about it, it'd actually be a little ironic for a project remixing virt's music to be hosted here...
  3. A port of what? FF IV DS is a 3D remake in the same style as FF III DS.
  4. I tried re-installing both again, and it seemed to work this time. Weird. Oh well, thanks for the help, guys.
  5. At least I would get to release my 2-year-old tracks?
  6. This is pretty much the type of thing I'd expect from Harmony, but I just had to come in and say that turning your voice into the car sound was a stroke of genius. It took me completely by surprise, and was amazingly effective. djp mentioned the Barenaked Ladies, but what this really reminded me of was StarBlast's work. And if you're not sure whether that's a compliment or not, it most definitely is.
  7. Yeah, if you guys could actually post footage of a Rick Astley cover, that would pretty much make my month. I forgot who did Chocolate Rain (I think bustatunez was involved) but it was epic.
  8. No worky. Edit: Re-installing Firefox also had no effect.
  9. I'm not sure when this started happening, but I think it was roughly a month or so ago. But basically, I can't watch any Flash videos for more than 2 seconds, and none of them have sound. For something like YouTube, it'll load the rest of the movie and bar will be red and everything, but it always stops after it's played for 2 seconds, no matter where I skip in the movie. And this only happens in Firefox...they play fine in IE. I've tried re-installing the plug-in but it didn't seem to have any effect. Suggestions?
  10. CUMSHOT SIGHTED Kudos to the pianist responsible for such subtle execution of said musical ejaculation. You know who you are. Freaking WIN.
  11. I believe the word you're looking for there is "enhanced."
  12. The vocals in "Thieves of Fate" are amazing. That is all.
  13. Awesome, thanks much. Also, I just felt the urge to randomly mention that OCR trivia + Mustin + Devon = best ever.
  14. I'll never forgive you for stealing CHz from our epic 4-player Planet Puzzle League match. CURSE YOU MARIO PARTY.
  15. She does have a bit of bootay. I would know because I kicked it thoroughly in Planet Puzzle League!
  16. Waiting to hear mosh stories from Bahamut and OA.
  17. Dang. Definitely post your DJ set when you get back! Aerofunknamics + Chocolate Rain = priceless.
  18. I'm not in it either. I LOL'd I ROFL'd
  19. I think some sites with hosting are starting to pop up, such as www.DTMer.com
  20. I remember being amazed that SSBM's soundtrack wasn't live. I was also fooled by "Another Arni Village" in Chrono Cross, because of the clever use of fret sounds.
  21. Just wanted to drop in and say this is some hot stuff, Dain. I actually thought it felt a bit short, but good nonetheless. Always awesome to see more GG representation (and more Beatdrop in general)!
  22. Really glad a couple "Walking in the Air" arrangements made it on the album (even if one's a repeat). Such a good song. I was really surprised by "O Come, O Come Emanuel"...it started out pretty vanilla but then branched out into some great partwriting. Had almost an Imogen Heap vibe in a couple places (or maybe it was my speakers ). "Winter's Town" made me smile. Nice medley. Grats to everyone for a rock awesome album! Wish I had a piano so I could've participated myself.
  23. Shun the nonbeliever! Shunnnn...
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