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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. If you're actually willing to wait that long for the next torrent (1601-1700 won't be out for a few more months at least), then you can use uTorrent or Azureus to download it, and then set the priority to "Delete" for the songs you don't like. Otherwise, downloading each track as it comes out is fine. Using the Last.fm link might help, but I don't know if you can actually download from it.
  2. You can pick just the file(s) you want with uTorrent or Azureus.
  3. Interesting that they called Gerstman the "face of Gamespot." I always associated that title with Kasavin...
  4. Dude, Wind Waker Ganondorf will freakin' cut off your thumbs. And then slice off your head with his samurai swords. Twice.
  5. Sounds like maybe someone sucks at fur modeling!
  6. Yeah, download in my country is empty too.
  7. That doesn't really contradict his statement. I'm afraid I'll have to penalize you, Phoenix.
  8. Yeah, the 8500GT is kinda bottom of the current-gen barrel. Although, you could probably get like 4 of them for the price of an 8800GT. So if there's a way to SLI 4 8500GTs, you might be in business.
  9. Haha, nice, OA. But that disqualifies 90% of Bahamut's playlist! In all seriousness though, I recommend Tokyo Jihen. They're not strictly rock (and most definitely not metal), but I think you'd like them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipgDis2SBC8 I have to warn you though, this video is in no way representative of the band's style (trust me when I say it would be impossible to narrow them down to one or two genres). So if you liked it, check out their other stuff. If you didn't like it...check out their other stuff. If after that you're feeling especially adventurous, you might consider looking at Shiina Ringo's solo work. It could be well worth it.
  10. I made you a queue... ...but I eated it. ;__;
  11. Ah. Well, I don't see any particular reason to make this an OCR-branded effort...we're not doing this for publicity or anything. But I guess if it makes things easier, that'd be a reasonable way to do it.
  12. Exactly. Although I'm not sure who's in this "East Coast OCR clique," or why you specifically suggested they handle this.
  13. Wait, how did LoI come into this?? Which is a fine game, btw, thank you very much.
  14. Actually, I was thinking along very similar lines as well. I also thought comments like zyko's might pop up, so that's the reason I suggested multiple forms of tribute/remembrance. Like I said, whatever people end up doing, it will surely be appreciated.
  15. Majora's Mask is an incredible game, no doubt. The concept of NPCs with their own lives combined with the time travel element was perfect, the difficulty was ramped up, the story and imagery were the darkest the series had ever seen until that point. I hate to actually compare it to OoT...I see it as more of a complement than a competitor.
  16. I'm really not sure how you can get more personalized than handwritten cards from dozens of board members. I think it gives it a more individual touch than just a single video would. Cards are common, but it's whom they come from that makes them significant. His family might expect cards, but not from people from the other side of the world. Yes, mine. I never said anything otherwise. Did I say we were trying to impress anyone? I was just offering an alternative I felt was more meaningful. That's fine. There's no reason we can't do both.
  17. Starting up a little "contest" of your own and asking companies to donate software to use as "prizes"? I kid, zircon, I kid.
  18. Maybe so, but then it is not the same thing you are accusing SSBB of not having, namely custom soundtracks, which is something that is in fact not implemented in many games at all. Although, if you are actually trying to complain that the Wii does not have an MP3 player in the background (and for some reason implying that it is SSBB's fault), then the same effect can be achieved by a pair of headphones.
  19. Wow, are these guys actually sponsoring your contest?
  20. I hate to be the naysayer here considering the sensitive context, but I always felt tribute videos were slightly cheesy and more than a little awkward. I think sending cards and traditional gifts such as flowers would be more tasteful and meaningful to his family, as well as less time-consuming to coordinate. Whatever you guys decide on doing though, I'm sure it will be appreciated. Also, it might be helpful to first do some research on how death is traditional handled in Singapore.
  21. Seriously? And it changes with each area/stage and stuff? That's pretty cool. I'd never use it, but it's cool.
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