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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Wait how is this done. Because the only game I have managed to do this with is Phantom Dust.
  2. Well, for an especially hot item (such as a Wii), just *getting* it is more important than the price you paid for it.
  3. I knew it, Bahamut is a Ferengi. And I knew I should have waited to buy TOB.
  4. It's going for about $50-100 above retail on eBay, but I actually just wanted the bundle for myself. I was going to get a DS Lite at some point anyway, and the price (not to mention color) was right. So, is that a "no" on selling me a Wii?
  5. Does this mean you wouldn't be willing to sell one to a brotha at regular price? Edit: Here's my haul, in chronological order. I didn't necessarily get awesome prices, but I got what I wanted. Old Navy Sweater (x2) - $30 Wal-Mart Gold DS Lite + Zelda:TPH Holiday Bundle - $150 (there were like 3 of them left for some reason) Fry's 320GB PATA HD (for PS2) - $50 Hori screen protectors - $7 Phoenix Wright: Justice For All - $15 Using my new hard drive to torrent DS ROMs to use on my new CycloDS so I can give my old DS and games to my sister for Christmas + birthday - Priceless
  6. i have tried to find reasoning why this post could possibly be a good idea and have come up with nothing
  7. I'm not very good at Smash, but just from general experience, if someone starts shielding while you have the fan, you need to punish him for his insolence.
  8. Believe it or not, but Mario64 and Zelda64's graphics still hold up for me. Every time I go back to those games I'm actually MORE impressed by how good they looked for their time. The fact that they couldn't (or at least didn't) use fancy textures (going back to my "pure" comment) means they had to actually put effort into making amazing *models*, and it totally works. All too often I would see PSX games that would use textures as a crutch, as a replacement for detail instead of a complement, and N64 games were a refreshing change of aesthetics.
  9. Not to mention it would be really awkward to have a piano solo in your next album full of electronica. A collab might not be out of the question though.
  10. Zelda64 is...pure. I can't think of any better way to describe it. Everything fits together so perfectly. Nostalgia plays a part in this feeling, of course. So I guess I could forgive you if you don't think it's the greatest thing ever. Even though it is.
  11. Let me know when you wanna do a piano remix album.
  12. Heh, when I play 2v2, teamwork comes by complete accident.
  13. It's happened before I think. Generally when that happens, the judges pat themselves on the back, then get lazy and let the queue pile up again.
  14. Don't let AD fool you. He's actually a Libertarian. *snicker*
  15. Dude, they don't even have 10 song packs yet. Also the wonder of removable media is that you can buy more. Stop being such a Mr. Smartypants.
  16. I would, but then there's work the next day and all that stuff. Maybe next year. Again, thanks for your offer. Looking forward to seeing you guys!
  17. TG-16 Emulator?!? All joking aside, emulators are not illegal, so it's okay to post links to them. MagicEngine is probably your best bet. Sadly you have to pay for it.
  18. Sweet. On a related note: are you also willing to do drop-offs on Sunday, and if so, what will your schedule be like?
  19. Hey do you know how many songs a 1GB SD card can hold. It's kind of a lot. I really doubt space is the issue.
  20. You can get Pocky at Wal-Mart. It's in the "ethnic" food aisle. Also, every time you download from Galbadia Hotel, God supports a pedophile.
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