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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. If you like the FFTA universe, you might like FF XII: Revenant Wings. Supposedly Blue Dragon Plus and Heroes of Mana are pretty similar too.
  2. There's a difference between using very short excerpts for educational purposes, and just uploading entire works.
  3. The cool thing about the way YouTube handles copyrighted content is that it sticks ads for the original content onto the video. That's why a lot of copyright holders are actually okay with leaving it up: free exposure and revenue without having to go through the trouble of uploading hundreds of videos themselves. Anyway, there's always Grooveshark.
  4. All of Grandia II's battle themes are fantastic. The thing I find awesome about Ver. 3 in particular is the random breakbeat after the intro. It's a totally different drumkit too, like they just copied and pasted 2 seconds of a Casio demo into the track. And I love it.
  5. Yeah, the fact that people have to arrange Touhou to actually make it sound good doesn't help your case much.
  6. It's because the only sample ZUN has is "GM Grand Piano 01."
  7. HAHAHA I didn't even see that. So good.
  8. I <3 this album so much. There's not a single track I don't love to pieces. Here, have $10 for being so awesome.
  9. I had such respect for you too, Kikuta. DON'T ENCOURAGE THOSE MASOCHISTIC LOLI PERVERTS.
  10. Apparently Valve got bought by a Korean MMORPG company.
  11. If you buy it in Japan. I think Nintendo usually price consoles and games slightly lower when they come out in the US, so it'll most likely be $250, which is what the PSP cost at launch.
  12. The current "10 Latest OverClocked ReMixes" feed is pretty spartan. I'm not looking for the full text of the detail page for each mix, but an excerpt of the blurb and the YouTube preview embedded in the entry would be ace, IMO.
  13. Dunno if anybody already mentioned this at The Escapist, but Gregson-Williams actually didn't compose the MGS theme. Tappy composed the track for the first MGS (and even he might not be the original composer).
  14. This track came up on NGI 125 and reminded me of the debates I had with GrayLightning during the lockdown. OA's review basically echoes the sentiment we had about this arrangement, and honestly I'm not sure how it survived the purge. That said, OCR is certainly not any worse off for having this in its in catalog. The fact that it almost didn't make it actually kind of makes me appreciate that it did. There's little, if any, else like it.
  15. Haaa...no. I wish.

  16. I think there's some Rapidshares in the Neoseeker thread that RouWa linked. There's always a CD release for these concerts though.
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