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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. I think that's what he's saying: the 2 essential parts of the conversion have already been done because of the Mac version, so there are no barriers left to a Linux version aside from demand.
  2. Need to get some oldschool G.rev up in this hizzy.
  3. Man, this just makes the thread title even more appropriate.
  4. Haha, awesome Billy B sample in World Tree.
  5. Really liked "Forever," major props to you and Emilie for an excellent Earthbound remix.
  6. http://store.steampowered.com/genre/Strategy/ There's no Puzzle section for some reason, but I'd also go with stuff like World of Goo, Eets, and Crayon Physics.
  7. It's one of those things where you only hear if you want to hear it, but still pretty funny.
  8. Hm, I guess this is why they pulled their games off GameTap.
  9. I have to say that the server lag as of late has been ridiculous.
  10. I went to Kaijin's reception (missed the actual wedding...long story) so I'm pretty sure he's married.
  11. I really feel it's about time we get characters from Clan OCR games. Team Fortress 2: More here. Heroes of Newerth: More here.
  12. Actually he wouldn't even have to do that, because right before that, SS had Posthasted up to our mid creep spawn at full life, and there's nothing Magebane would've been able to do about that. Although it didn't help that he wasted time retreating to the fountain even though he had the token. The moral is don't try to race Scout and Madman in the first place. TP, gank, and then push while it's 5v3.
  13. Guys...I might have to quit HoN forever. 1. Download match 1526269. 2. Skip to 55 minutes. 3. Witness the biggest fail in HoN history, courtesy of yours truly. FML
  14. Haha, is there a hero you don't get Puzzlebox on? The more I think about it, the less synergy I see it having with Balphagore. The haste seems unnecessary since you already have two slows. The mana burn is almost counterproductive since you *want* people to use mana to build charges on your ult. Nome's is actually pretty great for STR heroes now since the +1 hard regen is going to at least match or if not surpass 100% of their normal regen. But yes, the price is a bit steeper than other support items now. Abyssal is a rockin' suggestion that I never would've thought of, and I could see Astrolabe complementing it quite well. Definitely trying these out next game.
  15. Man they're going crazy with these vector abilities. Gauntlet seems like a pretty cool guy (eh masturbates all day and doesn't afraid of anything), but I haven't really played enough games with him in it figure out how to actually use him. He seems pretty similar to Devourer, but he doesn't build like Devourer since he doesn't get hurt by his slow, so Headdress is no longer a core item. I also played Balphagore for the first time today (zomg so fun) and had a similar problem figuring out a build for him. Definitely a super-pusher, so I figured aura items would be good on him. Nome's seems like a no-brainer -- improves the longevity of his minions, and the INT and mana regen really help with his weak mana pool. Puzzlebox also helps in that regard and gives you a nice haste aura, but I'm just too much of a noob to actually micro the critters. But yeah, after that, I have no idea. I guess you could stack armor so you can stick around as long as possible and get the 80+ charges before ulting. I could also see Portal Key to get you in silence/vomiting range. What say you guys?
  16. Awesome, post your handle in this thread.
  17. Yeah, the production values in Legacy are ridiculously higher than BE's. Just the attention to detail in the costumes and fights is on an entirely different level.
  18. The repetitive left hand is going to be a big minus on the panel. I'd suggest varying it up a lot more before submitting. I wouldn't recommend doing a live recording. Your piano needs tuning, which alone will probably cost close to $100. It also makes a weird rattling noise, which recording equipment will not fix. If you don't have the funds for a MIDI controller, you could collaborate with another pianist on the forums with proper equipment. Welcome to OCR, and good luck with your arrangement!
  19. This gives me much more of a StarBlast vibe than a DJ Crono one. Comparisons to either artist though are definitely a good thing.
  20. No idea who the guy is but that is awesome.
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