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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Agreed, these tracks hold up amazingly well. If you guys are interested in reliving elementary school, you can pick up all 3 games on GOG.com. I find it incredible that they actually managed to make not just one but TWO sequels.
  2. If you're looking for a soundtrack with incredible vocal themes, definitely check out . I put off listening to it (mainly because of how much Wingless was jizzing all over it), but it really is beautiful. It's also impressive how most of the songs are sung in imaginary languages invented by the vocalist and still end up sounding convincingly natural.
  3. They also refer to djp as "Daniel Lloyd" on page 3.
  4. I carefully analyzed the game market and with complicated algorithms predicted which games would increase in value. With this in mind I invested thousands of dollars in gaming commodities, keeping each in their own individual vacuum-sealed bullet-proof displays in a room with infrared tripwires and security cameras, in anticipation of selling them all later at a giant profit and retiring when I was 30. And here you've ruined it all. That, or I got it at Circuit City during during one of their clearance sales for $5 and never touched it and probably never would have because I have way too many RPGs.
  5. I'm sorry I haven't mailed your stuff out yet, CHIPP (I had a huuuge test this week), I promise I'll get it done next week.
  6. Finally a review from someone who's actually tried them. Thank you.
  7. I think Reggie's description of Wii as a Blue Ocean Strategy is apt...it's only profitable if it's considered new and innovative. MS and Sony are eager for a piece of the pie, but at this point the fad is dying down and they've missed their opportunity; in other words, competition has already turned the ocean red.
  8. Non-Euclidean Geometry: How to Destroy Angles
  9. But think of all the bandwidth you would save without everybody using the direct download.
  10. HB, guy. What are you now, like 12?
  11. Sooo, has anyone encountered this in actual play yet? http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2010/11/02/genetic-algorithms-find-build-order-from-hell/
  12. Back to playing Port Royal over and over in Kingdom Hearts II.
  13. But you aren't likely to see many completed listings for more than $40-50, which is pretty much what it's worth. Sealed will get you more, but...apparently Chipp has decided to part with $100 worth of games here, so I think my gift has paid for itself.
  14. I don't have a PS3, but I have a sealed copy of BoF III. Pay shipping and it's yours.
  15. Dang it, I was hoping to get a PS3 from you this year.
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