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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Borderlands is actually a prequel to "Legendary." So here's what I got (including gifts for other people): Rocket Knight Full Pipe Gravitron 2 MDK Combo Safecracker 2 Ghost Master Dark Void Zero Super Laser Racer Borderlands Beat Hazard Bionic Commando + Rearmed Borderlands DLC: The Secret Armory of General Knoxx Borderlands DLC: Mad Moxxi Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Borderlands DLC: Dr. Ned Winterbottom Shatter Flotilla Supreme Commander 2 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Introversion Complete Pack - Summer 2010 Bioshock 2 Dragon Age: Origins RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Platinum Plants vs. Zombies Total: $150.28 Curse you, Steam...CURSE YOUUUU! (Seriously though, that comes to $5 a game if you count DLC.)
  2. Well played, pretz...well played.
  3. That was my experience as well.
  4. Alright, about the pull the trigger on Borderlands, Beat Hazard, Bionic Commando, and Empire at War. Just torn on whether to add any Borderlands DLC...quick, someone decide for me!
  5. Wow, PCGamer...didn't know HoN was that mainstream already.
  6. I tried to buy a month, but the shopping cart said I had to take it off because I already had it. :[
  7. NS2 is being built from scratch, engine and all, and will be sold as a standalone game.
  8. AHHHHH MOTHERLAND!!! Already got Bioshock 2 and the Introversion pack, on the fence about the Telltale pack. Also just in case you don't remember their Year End Sale shenanigans, remember to wait until the end before buying anything that's not a daily deal, as it's liable to drop even lower than it already is.
  9. It should probably be noted that the source is actually originally from Link's Awakening. That said, an excellent arrangement, though it leaves one wishing for more. Great work, ProtoDome, always good to see you on the front page!
  10. Here's his Black Box album. Good luck with the others.
  11. I am a giant whore for immersive gimmicks (3D, surround sound, force feedback, headtracking, etc.) so that's definitely the main draw for me.
  12. Maybe it's kinda like Remix: ThaSauce for games?
  13. Not really impressed with the selection or prices so far. How is this different from Steam, D2D, GOG, etc.?
  14. More than a little, if his Vision Quest track is any indication.
  15. All these FF7 mods will be irrelevant when they remake it for PS3.
  16. I guess you could technically use emulators to play homebrew games. Then again reverse-engineering commercial software to make homebrew games in the first place is probably illegal.
  17. 1. Zephyr (Heroes of Newerth) 2. Heavy (Team Fortress 2) 3. Makoto (Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike)
  18. When Aeris died at the end of disc 1 I JIZZED IN MY PANTS.
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