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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Download Xcode for free and compile the binaries? I could see this working very well with Foo Fighters btw.
  2. If Iwadon tweeted about it, I'd say you're off to a good start.
  3. SNESmusic.org says it was Noboru Yamane.
  4. "The game’s premise appears to be about a man who wakes up every night from his dreams." I dunno, that seems like a pretty common occurrence for most people.
  5. GT 240 512MB GDDR3 for $20 after rebate Picking one of these up so I can finally get some hybrid PhysX action going.
  6. Good to hear. I imagine it's getting harder for computer builders to make a profit nowadays, with prefabs getting so cheap. I've been seeing deals where the computer is practically worth buying for the RAM alone.
  7. I think that may depend on the game...I started out with an E6300 (1.86GHz stock) with an 8500GT, and upgrading to a HD4850 did a lot more for my framerates than overclocking my CPU to 3.15GHz ever did. I have an E7300 now and I've left it running at its stock 2.66GHz because I've never felt it's been the bottleneck.
  8. Yeah, my point is, if you have $200, it makes more sense to spend $70 on a slightly weaker card and spend the rest on a monitor that will actually let you appreciate the higher settings than blow it all on an awesome graphics card if your monitor only supports 800x600.
  9. Because not everyone has $200. Better to put that money towards a better monitor IMO. Otherwise a lot of the "max settings" are totally wasted because you can't even tell the difference on smaller monitors.
  10. A 260 is probably overkill for 1440x900 honestly. A GTS 250 or HD 4850 (ATI equivalent) will pretty much handle anything under 1920x1080 for half the price. I'm running at 1920x1200 and my HD 4850 has taken more or less everything I've thrown at it. I do have to kill V-sync and turn down anti-aliasing sometimes but I've never really noticed any difference in graphical quality.
  11. I was thinking about arranging it, but the ending theme was pretty much what I had in mind.
  12. You can get one that's good enough for $50 (or less). They do tend to be a hassle to install, since you pretty much have to dismantle your entire computer to replace the motherboard, then put it all back together again.
  13. Haha, wow, a PCI graphics card. Man, didn't know they still made those. Get this. You might also need a new power supply if you've got less than 350 watts.
  14. Soon we'll have him as part of HoN crew too.
  15. I could see this making a good remix actually.
  16. Indeed. I have to admit I was completely fooled by Hyadain's Peach impression when I first heard this...even with pitch-shifting, it's no small feat to emulate the inflection of the female voice if you weren't born with it. Also I'm with djp on the disco interlude -- great stuff. Woefully short, but I'm glad it made it. +1 for pro musicians on OCR!
  17. Some good ideas in this week's ep, although I kinda raised an eyebrow when you explained the reason for keeping indie branches on a tight budget. I essentially heard, "Be sure to pay them peanuts, keeps 'em motivated." Which sounds slightly evil, but it does kinda makes sense on paper (a big bonus would be their "tip" for a job well done). In practice, though, .
  18. Cool, thanks for the heads-up (aha...ha).
  19. Wow, never thought I'd here a ReMix with Mandarin vocals, and yet here it is. One might ask why a Donkey Kong arrangement is in Chinese, but I ask...why not? Nobody seems to care when people add English lyrics to Japanese video game music. Awesome stuff. Kudos to Flickerfall, and high fives to diomom!
  20. Awesome. Not the most complicated arrangement, but it's perfect for the concept, which I think is brilliant. Good luck, hope this passes.
  21. I was gonna say that you could get a government job without going into the military, but you gave some pretty solid reasons for going that route in your blog post. Almost made me want to enlist too, haha. Good luck man, and be careful out there. Hope everything works out for you in the long term.
  22. I have to admit this is quite good, to the point where I'm not sure if it's legit. Keep posting good music though.
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