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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Man, those fast parallel 3rds always blow me away. Such a BEAST!
  2. Check out hero guides on Honwiki.net and the official forums. They'll help you with item and skill builds and how to use them properly. I generally read guides for heroes I recently used or will use soon, since I find the information sticks better that way. After that, it's just practice, bro. If you get frustrated you can always vent by playing some TF2.
  3. With regard to "just playing the game," I've never really bought that, since the game changes constantly. One minute you're attacking/defending, the next minute you're in an arena, and later you're trying to be king of the hill. I just see stuff like melee-only and spy-and-seek and prop-hunt mods as other game modes, voted on by the majority of players like any RTV. And if you don't want to play by the rules, you don't need to play on the server. So yeah, I'm just of the opinion that democracy rules, and if the /votekick passes, it doesn't matter if you were "just playing the game" or not.
  4. Not kicking someone because it causes drama is like not banning someone because they have a grief-join script. Giving someone license to annoy people just because they become even more annoying when they're disciplined just proves that such behavior is acceptable and effective and encourages more of the same. That said, I'm honestly not on the server often enough to warrant admin in the first place, so it won't bother me in the slightest if I'm taken off. Just remember to think twice before catering to atmuh's whims.
  5. I don't remember threatening bans, although I was tempted to start votes a few times. I did kick once (and only once as far as I remember) mostly because I was operating under the assumption that the purpose of the server was to have fun, and if one person was making everyone else miserable and was not even having fun in the first place, the way to remedy the situation for all parties involved was to just remove said person. But since atmuh's whining obviously takes precedence over other people's enjoyment, I'll just use /votekick from now on.
  6. But isn't this what jungles are for? Nobody else was neutraling that game. That said, if you see a guy heading towards "your" creeps, just say "dude, I need this wave" and anyone in our group will gladly back off. Don't expect a newbie to understand automatically why you're completely going guano because he's doing something he's been doing for 95% of the game so far.
  7. A while? This thread was started less than 3 weeks ago! Will check these out later.
  8. Conversely, this is the first time anyone has been angry at me for farming lane creeps. But that's okay, it's not like I needed anything beyond Marchers anyway.
  9. By the way, since you only need one hand (or one finger for that matter) to play this game, it leaves your other hand free for other tasks. Like, um...eating Doritos. Yes. Edit: 6299m, booyeah!
  10. Haha, brilliant mod. Props, sir! Submit it to a couple gaming blogs and you'll be set.
  11. Feel free to make fun of me for being loln00b (because I am) but getting Doombringer without a BKB just seems like a recipe for disaster. D:
  12. Sorry to everyone I left hanging last night! Something urgent came up while I was dead...I'm sure it wasn't too big a loss though, I'm a terrible Jeraziah.
  13. Still interested in Doom 3 and RoE, but I'll probably just eBay it eventually if you wanna take the listing off. I don't even remember asking for the phone, haha. I'll probably eBay that one too though, unless anyone has a Samsung Mantra they want to part with.
  14. Maybe shorten the submission period by a couple days to give some time for feedback? I think that with everyone submitting at the last minute anyway, it wouldn't affect too many people.
  15. Rather, replacing map textures with character faces should be an option.
  16. Vig mentioned in the review thread he has a 74MB lossless version, so you can just ask him. But yeah, sweet cuppin' cakes on the higher limit!
  17. Oh yeah, if you guys missed any of the previous weeks, a lot of the games they've offered so far are still available at $5. Check it out!
  18. Last week, guys! Some sweet RTSes on sale this time.
  19. This needs to be the new IRC topic.
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