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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. 50% heal speed. It also seems the Blutsauger and Ubersaw will be nerfed a bit; the Blutsauger description said it would drain 2 health every second it's worn (basically negating the natural Medic regen), and the Ubersaw will drain 30 HP on hit (I'm assuming you can't kill yourself with it though). Edit: Looks like I got post-jacked but I'm leaving this up because SCREWWWW YOUUUUU SENSAIIIII.
  2. Makes the "kill the guy carrying the intel" achievements a whole lot harder though. :[
  3. Wow, someone just sent me a message on YouTube telling me they transcribed the entire thing into Mario Paint Composer by ear. Impressive! Most impressive!
  4. Why were you posting here instead of being at the concert??
  5. I think he actually wants people to argue with him though.
  6. Hahaha, best ReMix title ever ("Moontang" comes close in dirtiness but loses points for cheesiness). The actual track is tite too, of course. Always been a fan of halc's chippy style. Sounds like something you might hear in the next Kirby game.
  7. Had a pretty good session last night, went up 400 points. At this rate I'll be top 50 in no time!
  8. Hey, this isn't Rick Astley at all! Wait, did I just get...reverse Rickrolled?? CURSES. Oh well, still good stuff.
  9. I don't care what anyone says, they did an awesome job with Sonic Rush.
  10. Pre-paid phones in general seem to be a pretty underrated alternative. I've been using Virgin Mobile for more than 5 years now, but I'm tempted to switch to Net10 just because of their brilliant ad campaign.
  11. That's not what you said. Your argument was that melee-only is griefing so it should be against the rules. It's not, so it's not.
  12. Rambo, Bonzai, Garian, and Edgecrusher weren't babies about it either. Are you saying if something is not specifically mentioned in the rules it should be against the rules? Because if you are that's pretty dumb.
  13. I think my question is more important. If NOBODY considers something griefing EXCEPT YOU it is NOT GRIEFING. If EVERYBODY on your server micspams EXCEPT SOME TARD WHO DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO GO TO ANOTHER SERVER it is NOT GRIEFING.
  14. How about you go to a different server instead of being a gaytard and staying somewhere where everyone is making you mad.
  15. Everyone who's never played Panzer Dragoon needs to sign up for a month of GameTap for $5 just to play the first two.
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