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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. I think you just link to the video. Normal link, no tags. That's what I did in one thread and it worked. :) If you're really unsure quote someone's post that has and see what they put down.

    Yeah I tried that, but it doesn't work now because of the vBulletin upgrade.

  2. <td style="text-align:center; vertical-align:middle">buffering...</td>

    works for me.

    <div style="display:table-cell; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle">buffering...</div>

    is equivalent.

    Edit: Correction, display:table-cell is not equivalent; there needs to be at least another populated table-cell div in the same row in order for it to work correctly.

  3. Edit: I could try and put something together though I was never really good at animating.

    I think it would be cool to just have a 3D version of the logo and have the controller in the middle spin around, turning into an "OCR." Add lightning and that metal-pounding sound for an extra 80s flair!

  4. these things never grow into something bigger. they are kids entertaining fantasies. even doujinshi in japan is FAR from mainstream. quite in contrast to music.

    If you think anybody ever said remixing was anywhere close to mainstream, you are sorely sorely mistaken.

    And whether remakes hold up to the original is very subjective, and either way does not make the example invalid.

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