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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. The original is one of my favorite tracks on the OST, and this arrangement definitely does it justice. Great stuff from Zeratul.
  2. Also I had no idea Bummerdude was a fancy-pants artiste! Nice work there.
  3. So I just checked out these iZ3D drivers and it turns out they have a free anaglyph option. This means that for the price of a pair of red/cyan glasses, you can play any Direct3D game in stereoscopic 3D. I've tried it with a couple games (Portal and DMC4) and it's pretty awesome, although I still need to tweak the settings some more to get the colors un-wonkified. So in other words, the topic title should be changed to "3d gaming is officially here for under $20." Heck it could even be free if you've got a pair lying around from your Spy Kids DVD or something.
  4. Haha, I was kinda more wondering how you'd get around the "no nudity" rule.
  5. Always been a favorite of mine, just a great feel and chord progression. If I had to be picky though, I'd say that the repeating piano chords towards the end were a little cheesy, along with the fadeout ending. I definitely agree that it could've used some extra length/development. Still, what's there is excellent.
  6. If only Wolt had drawn a fully bloomed Alura Une, he would've won first place.
  7. Pleasantly surprised by this one. Not only a good game arrangement, but a nice jazz piece by itself. Hmm, Seung Mina butt dance indeed...
  8. C'mon, Karl, you know no one (male or female) could resist a stud-muffin like yourself. Many congrats!
  9. I'd like the start doing these but my friends have a weekly get together on Thursday nights. :[
  10. Reminds me a lot of Einhander.
  11. Although as other people have brought up, there will probably need to be some way to keep people from making inaccurate and/or useless tags. Maybe restrict it to a new "reviewer" forum group or something.
  12. Also I thought I'd mention that I just noticed your sig Gollgagh. :3
  13. The FAQ might need a little updating. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=448265&postcount=12 http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=456334&postcount=579
  14. I hope you die you dirty greasebucket.
  15. I think that if (hopefully when) he delegates the write-ups to other people, he could still maintain a connection to the community by having a site/development blog that he can just update at his leisure. It'd let him keep everyone apprised of any progress (in as much detail as he wants) without the additional pressure of meeting a weekly posting quota.
  16. As long as it doesn't involve more than 4 octaves at a time! (I'm using a Keystudio 49. ) And if anyone wants to "steal" my WIP, they're more than welcome to it. I'll even send you the MIDI. Or if you wanna just give me ideas that's cool too.
  17. It's still a choice because there are still several viable configurations that will allow you to progress in the game. Intentionally being a weakling just doesn't happen to be one of them.
  18. I don't really plan on fleshing this out (not sure how I would, honestly), but I got some inspiration tonight and just wanted to share: http://dhsu.vgpiano.com/arranged/mabewip.mp3
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