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Everything posted by WiFiSunset

  1. That would be great actually. I thought about what mainly confused me; the video only showed 2 tracks while giving an example, but most of the time I have 6 or more. Does it make a difference? Like 3 tracks sidechained to 1 or something. Is that necessary? Thanks
  2. Hey Argle, I was wondering how to do Sidechaining in Reaper. I found like one explanable youtube video, and it still was a bit confusing. I get setting ReaComp in the Master Folder. The confusion comes in which tracks do I sidechain to which, and how is it done.
  3. This contest was great, even though I wasn’t able to do much as the rounds progressed. Still, this was fun!!! I’m definitely taking a break for a while (after I finish some commitments ).
  4. I love that song from Metroid Prime! :) Thanks for the comment :D!

  5. Thanks! I'm actually not able to do much at the moment (life), basically just the framework, and what general instruments are used. A lot off the credit goes to Timaeus!
  6. Does anyone know how to delete a account on sf2midi.com? I want to delete mine, but don't see a way to delete it.
  7. Happy B-day , for the creator of this awesome site, and an awesome composer! Congratulations on the news of your baby! The whole community now needs to do a super-collab of every vg lullaby for her birth .
  8. I'm really liking what I'm hearing from Round 1 . There are so many songs that It'll take a while for me to decide who to vote for. Edit (Noticed the MIDI Topic): I choose not to use MIDI's that other people make, at all . I tend to listen to the source, memorize it, notate it, alter it to make it new, and then export it as a MIDI. or Listen to the source, notate it while listening, alter it to make it new, and then export it as a MIDI. This process does take a while, and may possibly result in a too liberal mix .
  9. Um, yeah. I think I should warn you, that statement in no way applies to my Round 6 song . Aside from that this compo has some great songs .
  10. Just saw the first post xD. I absolutely love this twist . This compo will be interesting. It's great to try something new. Go Rush Riders!!
  11. Yeah, same here. I don't have tinypic, which is why that happened. Edit: The issue will be fixed soon .
  12. Does anyone know of a free (and light on the CPU) VST that takes samples (Wav items)?
  13. I'll expand on the opening harmonics, and fix the cellos fall behind sound (with some automation). Not sure what Vst could help with the flutes legato sound, maybe I could add some wetness to it? Or overlay some of the notes, so that it sounds more fliud. Yes, after the Flute stops only the harp comes in, because it is playing the main progression from the Kirby Source. Maybe I could alter the EQ so that it keeps its sound when it's alone, and then adjust the EQ it to where it takes up less space when other instruments enter. I hear the dryness that your mentioning. I'll add some reverb to it. Thanks for the comments! Edit: After fixing a lot of issues I can hear how hollow it sounds, but it also allows me to add some more things. Although, I want to refine what I have first.
  14. Heck Yeah! We're the Rush Riders! Our team name set .
  15. Well, I've begun to revisit this mix by fixing some issues with velocities, panning, and a few other things. Any comments are apreciated, I want to get some comments on the mix so far before adding some things to it. I've updated the link in the first post, but I'll also put it in this post as well. Dream Bubble: http://soundcloud.com/cosmic-sounds-1/dream-bubble I had used different soundfonts throughout the song to give it a instrumental progressive change feeling, like going deeper into a dream. The issue that I'm thinking about now is: Will it sound good if I have one uniform sounding string soundfont backing the other instruments.
  16. I've changed my top pick, by editing my first post, to Crystal Man. Considering that I really like it xD, and considering that no one has it as their top pick.
  17. Posting here to state that Timaeus222 and I are on the same team. (Gathering our third member). I am super excited for this competition.
  18. This sounds great! I can't want to hear it with the finished vocals and a live violin . Your vocals actually fit your song and the style as well . You should do a mix with your vocals in it one day . The lyrics sound fine to me, and I can't really think of adding anything to it.
  19. Finished with this entry. I really stepped outside of my usual genre with this one. Xarnax, how are you coming along with your entry . (I don't want to pass by default ). Edit: I didn't get to touch it up and finish as well as I would've liked; but I think it's fine ,considering that it's the first time that I created my own synths in the song (Synth 1).
  20. This is a really great piece, and an amazing take on the "boss defeated" theme . I really like the transition at 2:03, and I hope that it passes the Mod Review, and the judges when you submit it .
  21. These are great! Thanks for the soundfonts timaeus222!
  22. Does anyone have an Acoustic Guitar Soundfont, and a Harp Soundfont that they would be willing to post/share?
  23. The official site for the Nintendo Wii (http://www.nintendo.com/wii) says this: "Wii is more than a game machine. Wii is social and active entertainment that brings the whole family together. Power-up your family game night with the Wii™ system." Brandon, you made it sound as if the Wii was only successful because it sold in nursing homes. It sounded this way because it followed your sentence (which sounded negative) about "gimmicks" being the reason as to why it sold. I was simply stating that Nintendo aims to be family oriented , and is where most of their sales come from. The goal of selling to families is even stated by Shigeru Miyamoto here, for the Wii U: http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/43651/wii-u-can-unite-families-miyamoto/.
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