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Everything posted by WiFiSunset

  1. Oh No You Didn't. Sonic can run rings around Turbo Man any day, anytime; "because there is no circumstance that he can't handle~." xD
  2. I have a copyright related question. If I title a ReMix, and then want to use the title in something original later; would I be able to do so? Or, would it be "copyright" considering that I gave a ReMix that title.
  3. Yes ! That is exactly what I mean. I love scientific things like that, they really are cool and amazing. I'm glad that you looked it up and found it interesting ! Edit: Imagine playing Tetrisphere on that .
  4. Props to those who get the scientific reference of my title, or to those who look it up .
  5. . I meant how you see a lightning flash, and then hear an approaching sound wave, and then the gigantic boom of the thunder. As if you were right near the strike. P.S. I could sample a Tesla Coil .
  6. You Better !!! I Do not, want to win by default xD. Bring it on! (I'm actually analyzing your source right now).
  7. Looking forward to mixing Mega Water S.....what are the odds that our water sources getting matched up xD. I'm giving this my all Mindwanderer ! Go Blue Blurs!! "We've got a need for Speed!"
  8. You're welcome . Glad to be of assistance with this bio . K.K. is awesome! Keep it up !
  9. Does anybody have a thunder soundfont, and then a lightning soundfont? Thanks.
  10. You could try wording it like this, "So no matter how many times he's told to play "Free Bird" those requests will be in vain, just like a real live musician" This almost gives K.K. some humanization, and kind of makes him sound like an easy going person. I'm not sure how it would be worded, but I mean for it to sound like this, "just like a real live musician ;-)". Edit: It also explains that it's a joke without going into it that much by comparing him to a real live musician. I just want to clarify, that by "humanization", I mean that it compares his skills to that of a real live musician. So it's kind of doing two things at once. @Polo: It's the background song that he does not know. K.K. has around 50 or so songs that he can play, and if you request something random like "Duel of the Fates" or "Battle of the Heroes", then he'll just play an "untitled" song. I put untitled in quotations, because every "untitled" song that plays (3), becomes a new song that you can request in the next Animal Crossing game. (Yes, I put a Star Wars reference in there xD).
  11. Does anyone know where I can find some Luma giggles from Super Mario Galaxy?
  12. I finished it last Wednesday, just waiting to see if there's anything additional that I can touch-up or add after I get some advice from pu_freak . I'll still turn it in next Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on when I get some more feedback.
  13. Aquatic base is one of my favorites as well :), but then again I like nearly all Sonic music xD. Thanks for the complement! I actually can’t wait to hear your mixes as well, because I really liked Blizzard, and Snowman Sonata :).

  14. I would just like to jump in here for a sec and mention that I'm a Sonic Fan . I like OCR and Sonic. I like Sonic remixes, and All of the Sonic games . They all have great music. With that said, just know that you have one Sonic fan who Fully supports this project, and Can, Not, Wait, to see....or rather hear what you guys come up with . I guess I'm the friendly Sonic fan xD.
  15. I'm nervous as well, believe me. I haven't heard the other first choice Mega Man songs. I'll listen to them later...ish. It has a melody xD, and I do have some ideas for it. The song works with the way I write. Aquatic Base level 2.......I didn't think that it was allowed to use (considering that I chose zone 1). Now that you mention it, I am curious to see if I can use it. This might even open it up for me to use in conjunction with Aquatic Base 1. It's a good thing that I've been listening to both levels, and all of my other choices, for years now . My expression, *after realizing that today is Saturday, meaning that compo. starts tomorrow*.......*thinks about it some more*...... It is On! Edit: Just listened to them. My goodness xD, this competition will produce some very interesting music .
  16. Timaeus222? What do you mean by "panned wider"?? Nice song by the way, nOkbient. Edit: I know that you can pan to the left and right, but do you mean something else by "wider"?
  17. . Are the badges going to be prepared soon ? Mr. L, I like your tails avatar , reminds me of Sonic 3 . (Welcome to the Blue Blurs). I, am, so, hyped xD.
  18. It's Fine . That was a number of things. 1. I associated "my music wants to be Free", with free bird, 2a. Have you ever had that experience to where about a possible secret in the game, and search high and low for it?.....Yeah, I think that's what happened , and 2b. I think my memory's messing with me xD. I looked it up, and it's not in the game. I have more recent memory of K.K. from City Folk, and Wild World, but the main difference is that in those 2 games K.K. is in "The Roost". While on the original he's sitting on a box in front of the Train Station. There are also a few "unlockable" songs in the game as well, in the sense that you learn about them as you progress through the game. So it was probably a combination of all those things. Sorry about the confusion .
  19. I think that "but" would work, because K.K. gives you the choice of either selecting a song, or letting him play a random one. Yeah , I remember that from the first game. I first played it in 06', and remembering that brings back some nostalgia. I believe he says that when you first meet him.
  20. Thanks Argle, I'll try that . Also, is there any difference in (Best, Better, and etc.) when Rendering a Wav? I never understood what the difference was, or how it affects the sound (if it does at all). Edit: Considering that I don't have a MIDI keyboard does it matter if all of my tracks are all on midi all? Like if I have 5 tracks, and they're all set to midi all. Will this bring down or affect my sound?
  21. Animal Crossing is a Super fun game (I've played all of them so far), and I remember that free bird joke X). Love the bio, keep it up !
  22. I do have a few questions about Reaper myself. Can a track be "stretched" in Reaper? As in stretching the sound? Does Reaper have Automation? Or is it only able to arm the volume on each track?
  23. Try setting up a folder labeled VSTs. It should have REAPER automatically scan it upon opening. If not, then download the PDF that's on the site. It'll tell you what to do (It's what I used to get started). As for the 60 day trial thing, mine just passed and everything's working fine. So don't worry about that . Hope this helps .
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