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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. After listening I don't think the song really needs anything else. I love the atmosphere, and adding too much at the beginning would offset the big crescendo later. So it'd probably be solid to just finish up the mixing/mastering, you can get Larry's opinion or whoever commented on your previous remix though... if you're prepared for what they have to say XD

  2. It's one of those oppressive female power fantasies that malenists are always complaining about.
  3. Wassat? Wait, this is a real thing? Remixers who were on it get a copy of the album? Are you also doing a similar thing, bundling together say.... Eevee EP, and MM25, or would those need to be purchased/donated for?
  4. The voice acting was good. You guys just want some Calculon-level overly dramatic bullshet. Also I doubt they adjusted the lip sync but if they did that's cool. They certainly had enough damn time to do it over the last couple years.
  5. Alright everybody, I'm setting a strict deadline, if all songs aren't turned in by January 30th, they're getting cut! Then the album should be on track to release by say... early March! IT HAS BEEN SPOKEN!! I have no power here, of course, but I have spoken it nevertheless!
  6. Sweet! No problem man, that sounds great! Send the WIP whenever you are ready and hopefully nobody else claims it before you do, since you didn't want to make a formal claim on it.... I've heard your music... you brought the goods to Bionic Commando, I trust you. Sounds like your mom would like to hear a remix as much as I would. No problemo, good luck!
  7. That's ok! You seem very interested and passionate about your work, and nobody can ever say no to some live accordion! I'm still super excited to hear your final song
  8. You can trust me when I say that we will have some amazing musicians to fill those roles.
  9. I left him a message on the 17th a few hours before the Final Fantasy Crystal Clash deadline, which he signed on to, with this picture. It was a reminder that he had an obligation to that, and an opponent who was waiting to see his entry. It wasn't an accusation, as at the time I did expect him to send something. He did not and nobody heard from him for a few days, no explanation or apology to his opponent / other participants in the compo thread about his absence. Now a few days later, I woke up to a message from Willrock saying I needed to beg sixto to keep his songs on the album or they'd be gone. Got on the computer and sixto said he wanted them removed, so I re-opened them. You'll probably be hearing them sooner than later if he chooses to release them soon. I have no interest in participating in OCR Drama or stroking anyone's ego, so I'm telling it to you straight, as it happened, and we can leave it at that.
  10. Happy birthday cake with a cake on it
  11. Worst news of the year. RIP Winamp, I'll still be using it though. As for Chipamp... it should either stay as-is with current Winamp or become its own plugin for some other program. Maybe a VLC plugin.
  12. FF3 still has no forums too, and it predates this by a year. Then people wonder why I'm so bitter
  13. A few tracks opened up. I'm courting someone for Eternal Wind, someone who I really wanted from the beginning and it would be difficult to not get, but the others are free game. ALSO! A few days until the deadline! The next deadline was sent out in the mass message, but the topic will be adjusted to reflect that date once we pass the current one. Ok, no problem! Ectogemia had to drop Shrine of Nept so it's open, good luck with your personal endeavors and work opportunities!
  14. Cover is pretty, but they manage to make Tidus look even more womanly: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/81kTwJKrrQL.jpg Back in 2001 or so my dad commented that Tidus looked Japanese, and I didn't notice it at first but the features are there, albeit Westernized somewhat. But those features seem to be "airbrushed" out for this cover. There was also a trailer: 2014 SHOULD be a good year with Lightning Returns and FFX HD... I hope they continue on with FF15 soon enough that it doesn't become ridiculous waiting again.
  15. I had the funnest theory teacher in college, he was a warlock cause his last name rhymed with that and he was in a band. But at the end of the day, the thing about theory is that you have to keep with it or you won't retain it. I couldn't tell you a single thing about the circle of fifths today, but I had it memorized, and other circles, back in the day.
  16. I guess I should post a serious list since nobody's gonna be buying me a house (even though they're only like 9k in the area and I really need one) ok ok, enough of that Steam Wishlist: http://steamcommunity.com/id/brandons/wishlist/ Amazon wishlist: http://amzn.com/w/1IT1A3H2XXDE8 As we get closer to Christmas I'll be updating these lists because my family will also use them probably... I've already told my family that the overly expensive stuff isn't there for people to buy, it's there for me to keep an eye on, without putting it in the cart. Apart from that, I like surprises and I won't be disappointed with anything. Some socks would be nice, not the overly long ones. I like egg nog. Please don't send me something I can kill, such as a salamander. edit: no clothes. oh except socks edit 2: Jazz brushes for acoustic drumkit? Gibralter Grabber (for splash cymbal, etc)
  17. Dude no way! Why are you quitting? SOMEONE will take over and get this out... it's gotta happen...
  18. Like that was in the trailer but not the game.^ I posted that cause I don't think it's applicable but the conversation was leading in a way where I thought we'd get an answer on stuff like that A second thing, I submitted Liquid Metal 2: Even Wetter on September 14th and I said if you couldn't put the colon in the name, to put a dash instead... well I came up with a better idea earlier in the shower, so I'd like to (please) formally change the name of that sub to "Liquid Metal 2 Colon Even Wetter"
  19. Any chance of getting Doulifee, the Competitions Moderator, to be a commentator for the Compo show? *raises bat signal*
  20. Anyone playing DAT RESOGUN? So beautiful. I played a little veteran difficulty with the Nemesis ship. Lots of colors and homing missiles, quite nice. Ferox seems like a bit more standard of a ship. Haven't tried the other ship yet.
  21. You butt, it should have been out today, now it's pushed back a week.
  22. Maybe you should put it to a public poll and see what the audience would want. That's more effective than asking for ideas and shooting them all down. Heck, maybe they'll even vote for ideas you shot down. Just be cautious not to dissipate what OCR is known for and what people care about.
  23. The only real ideas I can think of would partially rely on the site functioning at a reasonable pace. If you had a monthly "ReMix Request" show, it could be based on the most popular comments from the previous video once it gets rolling. If the concern is the panel being so far behind, it's possible that you could find a remixer who could produce a direct post-quality mix in a month's time, then feature that. Maybe even make a competition out of it and have a lot of remixers enter. Everyone loves making remix requests. Hey, that reminds me, whatever happened to the FF6 kickstarter remix requests? I do think the content should focus on remixes, remixers, composers, and conventions where OCR is participating. I think "source breakdown" would not be entertaining.. it would be useful information for people trying to become an OC Remixer who need to know exactly what part of the melody they need to use to make a remix, but that could be worked into the tutorial videos. My brain turns off when people start talking music theory because it's some of the most boring stuff in the history of the multiverse, this is coming from someone who aced their theory courses. Might as well host a video series about teaching Calculus cause it'd probably be watched by as many people! I disagree that remixer interviews should be live and worked into OCR Backsass. Owning a decent camcorder does not mean you have a decent webcam or a decent internet connection *cough* Only hardcore fans are watching that for an hour, hour and a half, and it often goes far outside of the OCR umbrella. By that I mean, OCR has a specific branding of what people expect and want from OC ReMix and maybe half of the show targets that demographic, but it's too much like freeform jazz. It needs structure, and to stay on course with relevant topics. ReMixer interviews on the other hand, would probably be limited to 10-20 minutes and be focused on the remixer, and their answers to a series of questions about remixing and VGM. It could open and close with a clip of their music and possibly have their music in the background during the questions. It would be short enough that people would check it out especially if they were interested in said remixer. It would also be a good move towards informing people that remixers exist and the remixer is not "OC ReMix".
  24. Would anyone with a webcam or camcorder want to try to make a proof of concept for the remixer spotlight thingy?
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