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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. It's been done I think you just have to WAIT for it to come out on the release calendar. (secretly laughs about release calendar) (continues to cry deeply about release calendar)
  2. Well I recently bought a Pokemon 3DS XL thing just to get New Leaf and Pokemon X, so I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of other people do, especially with the good bundle deal they had at Walmart.
  3. I.. might commit to something special sooner than later. What is the timetable for the project, though? Would I be able to claim something but then make it much later? I think Poop was better for having been made later, and my ear for production is always improving. :3
  4. I've been playing Skyrim a lot, and I don't think I'd want to live the Skyrim story over and over. Be the Dragonborn, do what everyone tells me, constantly fetching things for people. Fighting Alduin. Always fighting dragons. Being forced to either walk hundreds of miles or use the fast travel system constantly, depending on how your personal canon goes. I like to believe he just clicks his shoes together a few times and appears wherever he's going. Anyway, I think the idea is nice but you'd have to do all those quests, all those sidequests... all that stuff. If you could just settle down in a home with a family, maybe that would be nice, but that ain't quite the story of the game, is it? And then once you've done all those quests, and walked all those miles... you gotta do it again! It's the same reason I wouldn't want to live in a Sonic world. Way too much running. I'd be running myself ragged and have to do it over and over. Would you wanna be Mario? Jumping on all those goombas, eating mushrooms, and looking for your princess FOREVER and never finding her? Then when you do, you lose her again, and have to start from the beginning.
  5. The Wii U has a pleasing shape. Nice and round. Seems like the other consoles for next-gen went all sharp and pointy.
  6. If you lived in a game world, but you were forced to live through the events of that game, over and over (sorta like Wreck it Ralph), which game would you choose to live in? I can think of a lot that you wouldn't want to live through repeatedly. Dead Space, anyone?
  7. y u call me ??? from the Cage my name is Brandon
  8. Yurp, there's a week left. That's plenty of time to make a really awesome song, you guys! You know, I have some cool remixing memories that I never really have the opportunity to share. In particular, I'm referring to ones where remixes were made somewhat quickly. I can remember this one situation where Benjamin Briggs was set to remix Church for the FF1 album but decided to drop it and remix Town instead. I actually still have his awesome WIP that he never finished: http://www.bstrader.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/waking-from-zero.mp3 Anyway, when he dropped it, I was so inspired by his WIP that I started on my own remix of Church, which ended up being Earthrise on that album (and posted to OCR later). From start to finish, it took 5 hours. He was still online when I finished it. While I would have loved to hear him finish his, in hindsight I am thankful that things happened that way because Earthrise is one of my favorites. Maybe this isn't an interesting story, maybe it is! But the moral is that a week is plenty of time, and I wish you guys tons of luck.
  9. If I lived in Japan I would buy TWO Ps4s!!!!! You know it's sad China banned consoles, I bet companies would be able to sell SO many PS4s and other things there, with their population, and the natural appeal of PS4 and other consoles. > There'd be mad cash to be made, for sure. I hope Knack goes on sale before release. I know that makes NO sense, but Beyond: Two Souls went on sale briefly for $35 a couple months before it came out. Anything can happen. Just gotta be vigilant and find the deal.
  10. Wow I think I heard the thunder of a thousand neckbeard feet on the way to yonder Walmart. It might have just been thunder.
  11. Hrm Fridays are tough for me, I gotta be at work by 10pm, but talkback is something I would love to be involved in.
  12. I'm 8 hours away from Nashville, so the whole convention would probably be a no from me. DC is closer than that.
  13. 2 successful albums and this gets relegated to being unofficial recruitment project? I refuse to believe it
  14. If you're going to say that critiques of production quality are unbiased and need to be taken as gospel, you better be dayum sure your opinions are the production messiah. And making the drums more "tight" is about as vague as you can get, especially when they're already to the grid. I think the snappiness of the snare and making the drums 'tighter' falls squarely into personal nitpick territory.
  15. How is it racist? Jahan is white. Besides I merely mistook the population amount, there's nothing racial about that. I thought there were more people there than there is
  16. I had been planning on remixing Eternal Sonata someday but a couple years ago I decided the soundtrack was probably better than what I could do so I shied away from it. But if you think you can do it then more power to ya.
  17. Well it stinks for you, but it's Japan's own fault! They need to support Playstation bettah. They've got like a billion people there but somehow the US buys more Playstations than they do. Here's a list of games launching on PS4: http://www.ign.com/wikis/playstation-4/PlayStation_4_Launch_Titles So yeah it probably will be Knack. I know Killzone has always been a PS exclusive so there's no chance to get it on PC... it looks good. I might get it but not early. :]
  18. Mannnn just over a month until this is out... I've got to start saving money now so I can get a launch game. Probably Knack.
  19. This is great. Tweak the snare/clap if you want, doesn't seem too necessary. The only thing that really bothered me was how piercing the music box is at the beginning. I don't think that is a dealbreaker though, I say sub it.
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