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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I contribute more than most, and I don't ask for a dime

  2. Just to get clarification on that, can I make a thread basically called "Give Me Money" and have a donation link? I know you said it's fine for remixers to make a thread for an album, but that's not what this was. His album was already funded, and overfunded. This was a thread made to ask for free money that had nothing to do with the album, possibly masked as a product reveal thread for a product that had already surpassed its funding goal. There was no need to issue a warning, I just wasn't aware that this was ok. I can start preparing fundraisers for myself in the community forums from now until long after I've left OCR.

  3. Hey, where did you have the CD printed!? I got mine today and it's BEAUTIFUL!! And it even has a booklet! WANT!

  4. Sup wit ff9? and ff3? ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

  5. You could possibly do a compo for a different series or something? :3 Darkesword's got Mega man, SuperiorX has Sonic, I got FF... it's be weird if someone else made a mega man compo instead of DarkeSword, yah? :-o maybe do, like..... zelda?!

  6. Here's the info for the FF compo I want to do: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=44146

    Just waiting for an opening between WCRG and Sonic Zone which was supposed to start soon... probably won't even have an opening to host it until next year. :/

  7. Hi... I was gonna make you a video to show how I do stuff cause it'd be too hard to do with images. I've been up for 40 hours though so I'm going to bed, but please be patient! I'll do it as soon as I can and post it in the remix stem thread.

    As for what I did, pretty much highpassed everything hah. Individually, of course, to an extent that cut down on the un-needed bass frequencies while still maintaining the important part of each sound. Then other boosts or cuts higher up to shape the sounds, but from memory it wasn't too harsh on the EQs there.

    When I make sends I just hit "Add FX Channel", then I add that as a send to the channels that need it, I don't really make buses, everything routes to the master

    From what I can tell your biggest issue is recording mono things (like live guitar) as stereo

    that's a huge no no

  8. LIES!!!!! LIES AND SLANDER!!!!!!!!

    I merely tapped a key a few times! Garpocalypspe did all the hard work, then you did some hard work! Mine took time but it wasn't hard, nor did it contribute to the arrangement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Yo take my name off Gar's yo. I didn't contribute to it, just mixed it.

  10. Man why did you hint that BadAss 2 might be coming out?! Now people are going to be expecting it REALLY soon z_z

  11. what's your upright bass sample in moshka win :o

  12. i have no idea what that even is.... i haven't been able to keep up with wcrg :-(

  13. YAR. They were in kontakt. SSD is also kontakt, yeah? You have to set up your outputs in kontakt, you probably have that done... then you just set each difference kit piece to a different "stereo" out. like st. 1, st. 2, etc.

  14. Hey, what's the absolute latest you need the VV2 tracks? It'll help me prioritize it. (Hint: don't give me the ABSOLUTE LATEST in case we need wiggle room)

    Deadlines help a lot, but beyond that, it would help to fit stuff into my schedule, as hectic as it is later in the year (with work and everything)

    I just want to make sure I get them done and you are not uncomfortable

    Also make ff3 dungeon wip ;p

  15. I'll send you the stems for "I Survive!" as soon as I finish re-recording the lead vocals. I have been planning to sub it but time has got in the way and I hadn't been able to redo the lead vocals yet. :-D

  16. happy birthday gimme ff3 wips :-D


    i just didn't remember what it was from

  18. is "congratulations you won" from mahjong or something

  19. oh lawd why multiple names it's hard enough to build any kind of following with 1 name

  20. Have you been feeling any better? :cry:

  21. Did you end up putting the Zoltan on CDBaby? I thought you did that stuff a long time ago, it's weird it hasn't shown up on itunes yet.... o-o

  22. Hey! You say it's my project, blaaaah... but of course I need to run the song past you to make sure you approve, I don't want anything going out with your name on it that you're unsatisfied with! :-o

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