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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. It seems like that project has gone on hiatus, and I haven't even talked to Emunator for like 3 months. It seems like he has left the community as far as I can tell. It kinda sucks because Emu, halc, and Willrock were OCR's answer to inactive judges and now they're all more or less inactive, haha.

  2. I dunno yet hehehe ^_^ Been a bit busy, just worked a double I get off at 2:30pm x_x I have SO MUCH stuff to catch up on

  3. Unfortunately I haven't opted out of anything :cry:

  4. Yes ! ! ! ! ! ! Thank you :-D

    Something pleasant, very un-metal! Very folky, very earthy and organic! :-D

  5. But wait, what did you sample the bacon in? >:P

  6. OH LAWWWD Willy Wonka intro is SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD

  7. dOOd didn't I see you at MAGFest? Are you on uhhh... Facebook!? Man I owe you a remix from like a year and a half or more ago :-o

  8. Daamn... I accidentally left my single coil burner on for over 24 hours. Please tell me you've done this before. I am so messed up. -_-

  9. Jeez man. I think you should write about some of these people in the ocr community thread. I am stunned by this. If nothing else it'd boost the thread for visibility. That's our #1 goal. ;-)

    And GOOD NEWS! Zircon stayed up pretty late and finished FF07_v10 and it's perfect. I dunno if he's going to send it to you or what but I'll wait and see. :-) Yeah he seems to be disappointed with how long it took. I'll try to be more clear and to the point with directions in the future, I don't know if there was some kind of clash of ideas or creative difference or something, being why it was so confusing to get the echo, but I dunno, I'll try harder to be clear and my apologies.


  10. YARR! You didn't list a drummer, is he a secret? ;-)

  11. ZOLTAN!!! I hope you don't mind, but I took the initiative to make a thread in the community forum for the Kickstarter.

    What I meant by tagging was, you already tagged me on Strahl as "Brandon Strader". So then when people click on my name, it shows tags of me. I honestly don't know how you did it, but it'd be super awesome if you could do it for other stuff I was on! :-D

    Can I has free copy of The Gathering? :cry:

  12. nyeehhhhh squidward

  13. GG But ______ Solos aka BACONIUM Win

  14. Hey hey, thanks for the update. :-)

    Do you record with the jam group or just figure out arrangements that way? Seems like recording live like that could potentially get sloppy unless you are all really super professionals (which is totally possible, I don't know!) :-D :-D :-D

  15. Hey! It's ok. I don't know what ALL I can do, but I'll try stuff. And if you could tag me as "Brandon Strader" like you did on the Strahl song that would be AWESOME!! Right now the only things tagged for me are Strahl and some creppy mixtape someone made. :-) I was never particularly big on using soundcloud because they don't let you upload very much. :/

  16. Hey, Zircon just sent version 7 of the WAV -- have you been keeping up with these? I'm about to download it, check it out, and give him a thumbs up or thumbs down for it before I go to bed. Been up for 23 hours.

    Also I reposted your kickstarter video on my channel in hopes that my bunch of subscribers would see it... well, it only has 30 views so far and 5 likes, so that seems to have flopped hard unless people get home from work/school/bed or whatever and look at it. Wanted to help but auuughh.. I hope there's a rush later today. It's still early.

    I hope I wasn't too picky about the echo but I really wanted it to be perfect :-D


  18. That's what I was asking you for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Hah silly goose I meant something from Sonic CD :-P Something that would be very melodic and help with some of the part writing, final boss is kinda repetitive and doesn't have a whole bunch to it :-o

  20. Just so I know dis 100% is there any song I can mix with my Sonic CD remix? Another source I mean?

  21. Who's running the Vroom album? :-o

  22. Oh ok. I thought when they changed the standards, I had to have trailer done in time for evaluation... hmmm... no problem then! :-D

    Also if you're worried about cutting the T-shirt I was wearing out for the ff6 thing (if you even got any of it), don't worry... It was specially made for me and the guy who made it passed away.. so there probably won't be any complaints about its usage. Very very sad. :cry:

  23. This sounds exciting :-D YOU SAMPLED MY BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    FF3 Bacon Win

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