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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Hey! If you want me to use your drum sounds, I'd need them in separate wavs so I could mix them, but I haven't even listened to them yet... just got up, face caked with tears and sand, and I gotta go to work in less than an hour -_- Life man... sometimes it really sucks. But like I said, I'll be OFF!!!!!!!! 15th to the 18th, might be able to start on this as soon as tonight after work, and get something presentable, toss it back and forth and see what you like. Might just use my own drums, cause I have a pretty diverse set of samples and I know how to control them decently, and that just ain't the case with pre-recorded sampled drums. So yaaahhh maybe hold off on sending them, unless I misunderstood and they are live drums or something. :-)

  2. Hey! It's ok. I don't know what ALL I can do, but I'll try stuff. And if you could tag me as "Brandon Strader" like you did on the Strahl song that would be AWESOME!! Right now the only things tagged for me are Strahl and some creppy mixtape someone made. :-) I was never particularly big on using soundcloud because they don't let you upload very much. :/

  3. HEY! New trailer is awesome. Was that your final version or did you have more to do?

    If you had more to do on it... I had a couple more critiques... I don't guess they're a big deal but eh. :-o

    Like... If you could have listed the director as "OC ReMix Community Members"

    And why use both Gario and Ben Briggs Albatross mixes? Branch out a little! XD Maybe instead use Avaris and Sir_NutS. Silly goose you don't gotta use the biggest name peoples for the trailer :-P Though I do revel in the fact that you didn't put willrock on there... oh yes.... oh yes... *revels* xD

    I don't guess either of these things are huge deals, eh.

  4. Hey! Please don't cut me from Vroom. When is the deadline? Now that I am out of the immediate deadlines I should have more wiggle room to finish stuff but I need to finish FF2 ASAP, you understand. One of my Vroom tracks is done, just needs a final tweak and wav export. 2014 is the year of rock and metal for me, we got this

  5. Hey! When you lost 50 pounds did you do that by running on the exercise bike everyday or was there more to it than that? Just curious :o

  6. Hey! You are in the FFCC Ghost Bracket with KentaKurodani, you two shall be mixing together each other's themes just like in the compo, post your finished songs in the thread, and anywhere else you want, the workshop, even sub them to the panel. Being the Ghost Bracket, it won't actually be "competing" with the other entries, but we will get to hear your songs and that's just as good if not better. :-)

  7. Hey! You didn't pm a link to that wav or anything. Sorry I was at work before. If you don't want the wav to be public for the other project members to see (a surprise for everyone) then feel free to just pm it here, I won't share it. :-)

  8. Hey! You say it's my project, blaaaah... but of course I need to run the song past you to make sure you approve, I don't want anything going out with your name on it that you're unsatisfied with! :-o

  9. Hey! Your 2 FF3 mixes are great! Have you subbed them or what?

    1. Rockos


      I got the first one rejected a while ago. I want to perfect those track. Also I'm not sure about the 4th one. I'm still brainstorming and life got over music. I'm trying to reverse the vapor. So I'll clear up those 2 tracks that got flaws. Thanks Brandon for caring.

    2. Brandon Strader

      Brandon Strader

      Sorry for not caring more :-) It was great to hear from you!

  10. Hey. Please let me know what's up with mm9. If you need a quick track made I'm your guy.

  11. Hey... I stayed up for a while, you never got home. :3

    Wimped out and heading to bed...

    Anyway it'd mean a lot if you could do this, can understand if not since it's so complicated, but peep 0:44 - there's some good melodic parts that aren't too crazy.


  12. Hey... sorry to bother you.. what was the source for the Smurfs mix? Like, could you link to it on Youtube? Thank you :3

  13. Hey... what's up with FF5 Water?

  14. Hey.... I was recommended for the job but the "higher ups" overrode the decision after putting a freeze on jobs and all I was told was that someone else had "more experience"... I can't help but think there is something else they might have found, like my growling or something. Naturally I've been pretty down in the dumps about that.

    Anyway, I want to try to get all of the vocals done this weekend. Wish me luck. It's hard to get the motivation to get into it but I need to get it all done for you, I appreciate your patience and your compassion.

  15. Hi there OCRE. Just telling everyone (even though you already know) I'd prefer to have final WAVs before the 15th but if you need until the 15th to get it done, I guess that's ok. ;)

  16. Hi, can you please add TeraCMusic to FF3 subforum? There's probably more people to add but I forget who is on and who isn't

    1. Brandon Strader

      Brandon Strader

      Jorito and Zyko too!

  17. Hi! I'm still very passionate about those 2 claims. I'd like to keep them. The schedule doesn't look too bad, tbh. We'll have to see how that goes, in regards to Jan 31st :-P but I definitely don't see why I couldn't have them done by April check in.

    Will do final tweak on One Way. Modernize it (agaiin)!

  18. Hi! Just thought I'd let you know there's a Final Fantasy IX album project going on! http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=27108

  19. Hi! Please tell me we can collab on a song sometime. I'm not so good with the electronica but maybe I could sing. x_x

  20. Hi! Please turn in your final WAVs for your Teen Agent remixes BY the 15th, preferably not on the 15th, but if you need that extra time it's ok. Thanks again for your help, and for claiming 2 tracks... that was huge help as you see now the deadline is coming up... :)

  21. Hi. I just sent out a mass-message to all Teen Agent project members with a link to mp3s of the whole album.. I included you and Liontamer for ease of access to all the music. Hope you enjoy :-P

  22. Hi. I sent you a forum pm a couple days ago but the page failed and I didn't know if it had sent. I'm guessing it didn't.. I don't think I'll have a WIP by the 20th but you can totally count on me for the song. I can be trusted. And when I turn it in, it'll probably be mostly done. :)

  23. hi. I've got some projects that are demanding my attention at the moment, but I will give the Wild Arms soundtrack a listen and get back to you... unless you had a different suggestion. Take care =]

  24. Hi. What's the policy for E3 2015 this year? Was wondering if you guys would switch things up a bit and make a stickied E3 2015 Megathread, at least while the event is going on, then unsticky it, or if the policy this year is to make many separate game-specific threads?

    1. DarkeSword


      Game specific threads, as always.

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