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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. You might be thinking of mithius, the guy who did Sentient Machines for FF1. He was supposed to be making a return for ff2, but he disappears for 6 months at a time every other time I'm able to talk to him. So sadly it may not happen, unless he manages to arrive with an arrangement the day before I'm about to submit and have time to finish it (like he did last time ) he's good men, just not around Got a substantial wip from Tubesock McGurk! Need moar wips!
  2. It's hard to reply on a phone. D: Just wanted to say, the ukulele remains throughout, just in terms of chips and dubstep being very strong & solid waveforms, and not wanting to over compress the ukulele and make it a solid brick, that's how it worked out. Definitely less prominent as a result, but still present and hearable if you listen closely. The decision to mix such a tiny instrument with such huge sounds was maybe unwise, but I feel it represents mog well Thanks for your kind reviews
  3. For every minute this is not released, I'm going to verbally abuse an inanimate object in my house. Think of the inanimate objects, you heartless bastards.
  4. I KNOW how the work shift thing is. Worked 2 doubles this weekend, and I work midnight tonight. Gee whiz. Well thanks for letting me know, I PROBABLY won't put anyone's tracks up for grabs who say they are going to do it and just need more time. But it doesn't hurt to put a little fear into some peeps. >:]

  5. For the 87th time, I claim Together Forever in addition to Calling from Heaven. > My only condition is that you, Chernabogue, send me mp3s of both sources STAT!
  6. Mutual ballsack vs. ballsack violence, I can dig it. I'm really looking forward to your songs, I don't think a ton of people here at OCR have heard you yet since your songs ain't been posted yet, but the quality is totally pro.
  7. Just got home, found the link... I don't really do IRC anymore. :-)


  8. Yah no kidding. My song makes extensive use of the Kazakhstan Philharmonic Orchestra. It may not be the London Philharmonic but they did a pretty good job, and it's about all the Kickstarter budget could afford after all the printing and stuff! I tell you, there's a Vuvuzela solo in there that is to die for!
  9. it really is the best death metal version of the song I've ever heard. And so brave.
  10. That'd be good, if nobody swoops in and takes your claim for the Prelude when it goes up for grabs mid-July Yes! People are getting a 2 week grace period for audio wips! On July 15th, claims without wips may go up for grabs! And then the NEXT wip date for a substantial wip will be September 1st!
  11. I didn't think to respond to this at the time, but I just thought of this comment while looking at some ps4 stuff on amazon... Basicaly.... how can you possibly say that? Knack doesn't look generic to me at all, and I can't even think of another game that has the specific mechanic that Knack has, where you absorb different materials to change the entire build and skills of your character. Not to mention they said the game basically contains an entire "Pixar quality" animated movie for the cutscenes. It's like Ni No Kuni, but for people who are into family-fun adventure games. I'm not saying Ni No Kuni isn't family-fun, but it's less approachable than an adventure game simply due to being a somewhat complex RPG. I'm not starting a debate on the complexity of Ni No Kuni's systems, but for a non-RPG gamer, it can be a lot to take in. And on a larger point, the PS4 launch titles (and those coming shortly later) as a whole, including third-party games that will also be on Xbone... are really, really strong. Between Knack and Destiny (June 30 2014?) alone I'm going to be satisfied, and that's just the tip of the hamburger. But the games coming to those systems have something Nintendo doesn't, diversity. You have your family games like Knack, and your more hardcore-oriented games like the period/anachronistic The Order 1886. The point of this post isn't to onanize the PS4 but to point to the difference between approach between PS4 and Wii U. I've been somewhat unfair to Wii U. Super Mario 3D World looks like a shitload of fun even if it's not to the scope that I had expected, and avoided features like online multiplayer. I will probably obtain it someday, but I don't see myself going out of my way to get it. (Or paying $59.99) In conclusion, my one wish is that Nintendo tries to be more modern with their games, opting to consider all gamers. I know it's a family console. They've obviously tried to tap into the hardcore market with the marvelous ZombiU, and from the start -- with the revelation of this game -- they stated some interest in appealing to hardcore gamers. I just want them to continue that... They haven't announced any games for teens or higher. Maybe third-party titles I'm not currently familiar with, but they definitely need to have some exclusively made for the Wii U, if not developed by Nintendo (which would be amazing), then an exclusive deal with developers who can do it. After writing this I remember they do have stuff like Xenoblade 2 coming (if that's what it ends up being). And that's a great step. Monster Hunter 3 looks great but I haven't been able to get my hands on it yet. They need more of this.
  12. What can OCR community do to help raise jooj morale Apart from making depressing doom metal
  13. My mommy helped me get through a dungeon in Eternal Sonata because I couldn't find a rope in the level to slide down, it was too hard to see. She looked it up on GameFAQs.
  14. My enjoyment of a game to some extent hinges on the quality of the soundtrack, I think gaming and making music goes hand in hand, especially where remixing is concerned... gotta make room for both if you can.
  15. I'm excited about what PS4 and Xbone means for PC gaming Console-wise, ps4 at launch.
  16. The flood for an album this size will maybe be 10 songs. Any other song will need to be submitted. A portion of those 10 songs have already been submitted. djp does have total final say on everything, but it's more likely that something nominated for the flood will be critiqued (to some extent) by the judges and if it is deemed not passable, or in some way unfitting for the flood, then it'll be out. So submit your remix to the panel and things should work out either way, the same When I was a noob I used to think I could send djp a song and he could dp it and I'd bypass the judges and the world would be a beautiful place
  17. Is there any easy way to do this? I don't know what choices the other several people have made Heck, I barely even remember my own. I know what my #1 was.
  18. I think zirc said everything but "What?!" was covered, and specifically I vaguely remember Mr. Stephen Bortowski, Ph.D covering that particular source
  19. Yes (to your first question) So you're safe! Thanks for showing you intend to move forward and make a great remix.
  20. I'm trying to get those assets my own self, I'll hook ya up if it happens... trying to wrangle 'em from halc. :-(

    Your previous visitor message from me totally reminded me of that idea I had for your song, haha. It's a good thing it's there!

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